
cū chǔ lǐ
  • bulk processing
粗处理[cū chǔ lǐ]
  1. 原始遥感影像数据一般是经过粗处理后以二进制格式提供给用户。这些影像数据同一般的图像数据相比数据量较大,通常采用专业遥感软件进行读取和处理。

    Usually roughly handled raw remote sensing data are in large quantity , and so should be read and process by special software .

  2. 通过大量实验数据选择合理的阈值,通过粗处理剔除应用环境中的大干扰、采用最大似然滤波平滑信道的小波动。

    Through experiment selecting reasonable threshold , remove large channel interference by rough handling , using the maximum likelihood filter smoothing small fluctuations in the channel .

  3. 基于等值线的GPS高程粗差处理方法研究

    Study on Dealing with GPS ' Height Gross Error

  4. 番茄幼苗经粗毒素处理后,能引起不同抗病类型品种SOD、POD同工酶及可溶性蛋白图谱变化。

    There were changes in POD isozyme and soluble protein bands after treated by toxin .

  5. 结果显示:禾谷镰刀菌粗毒素处理后,抗病和中抗品种(系)幼苗的MDA含量增率低于感病品种(系),且增加速度慢;

    It was shown after the treatment , that MDA content was higher in the seedlings of the highly resistant and moderately resistant varieties ( lines ) than in the seedlings of the susceptible varieties and increased more slowly in the former than the latter ;

  6. 不同粗化处理后瓷表面微观结构的电镜研究

    Study on surface microstructure of ceramic treated with different treatments by SEM

  7. 穿孔钢带减薄和表面粗化处理的研究

    Study on Reduced Thickness and Roughening Surface of Punched Hole Steel Strip

  8. 钛种植体不同粗化处理表面的性能研究

    The Study on Properties of Surfaces of Titanium Implants Treated by Different Roughing Methods

  9. 目的:观察不同瓷表面粗化处理方式对瓷微观结构改变的影响。

    Objective To study the effects of different surface roughing treatments on ceramic microstructure .

  10. 利用润湿性的变化可以考察其粗化处理程度。

    Changes of wetting performance can be used to check the degree of roughening .

  11. 甘蔗黑穗病菌(UstiagoScitamimeaSyd)的粗毒素处理三个甘蔗品种(新台糖10号、CP65/375和桂糖12号)的愈伤组织。

    A callus of sugar cane was inoculated with smut crude toxin ( Ustiagoscitaminea syd ) .

  12. 液体喷砂和电拉毛粗化处理对热喷涂曲轴疲劳强度影响的研究

    Study of the Influence on Fatigue Strength of Thermal Spraying Crankshaft Roughening by Wet Blasting and Arc

  13. 对铜箔表面进行粗化处理,传统的粗化工艺中要使用砷化物,不仅操作不便而且危害环境。

    Traditional copper surface roughening treatment involve the use of arsenide-containing electrolyte which is harmful to environment .

  14. 土工参数粗差处理及主要计算指标的选取方法

    The rough error treatment of the geotechnical engineering parameters and the selection method of their main calculation indexs

  15. 经粗化处理,可以提高镀层结合力,而又不影响镀层光泽。

    A new electroless silver plating process for diamond was pressented with improvements on deposit adhesion and anti-tarnishing of silver deposit .

  16. 转化之后的表面膜凸凹不平,不需粗化处理就可以为有机涂装提供良好的基底。

    The conversion film surface is rough and uneven , it provides a good base for organic coating without any crude process .

  17. 赤霉素粗毒素处理后,愈伤块受抑制、褐变增加、出苗率降低。

    Processed by scab crude toxic fluid , the callus growed inhibited , number of brown calli increase and regeneration percentage decrease .

  18. 根据稳定渗流过程中质量流量的连续性特征,对精细油藏描述数据的粗化处理方法进行了研究。

    On the basis of fluid mass rate equivalent in stead state flow , an up-scaling technique for analyzing data of fine reservoir description was proposed .

  19. 该方法解决了传统粗差处理方法中存在的粗差遮蔽、弃真、不能区分粗差和异常值等问题。

    Using this method , the problems of error hiding , normal data discarding and hard to differentiate error from abnormity existing in the traditional methods for detecting error are settled .

  20. 对目前粗差处理的理论和方法进行了系统的分类总结,对常用的几种粗差探测方法进行分析比较,得出一些有益的结论。

    Systematic categorization and summing-up was made for current theory and methods of outliers processing . Analysis and comparisons were made on some commonly used outlier detection and some beneficial conclusions were drawn .

  21. 作为植入体内的外体材料,疏松粗糙的表面可以增大了与人体组织的接触面积,提高表面生物相容性,因此,钛植入体材料的表面粗化处理成为一个重要的研究方向。

    As an implant material , a rough surface can increase the contact area with human tissue and improve the biocompatibility . Consequently , the surface treatment of titanium implant has been an important studying direction .

  22. 基于粒度计算模型,结合商空间和粗糙集理论,对缺省训练样本数据集进行投影和粗粒度处理,使得投影后的系统成为决策确定性系统。

    Based on Granular Computing model , the union theory of Quotient Space and Rough Set theory , the projection and coarse granularity processing to the default training sample data set , enables the system processed to become the policy-making definite system .

  23. 论文在对DEM作精度评价之前,先对DEM的粗差进行处理。

    Before evaluating the accuracy of DEM , this paper disposes the blunder of DEM .

  24. 用毒素粗提液处理寄主愈伤组织2d后,可于光学显微镜下观察到严重的细胞原生质泡囊化现象,这是寄主受到毒素作用后于细胞水平所表现出的伤害症状。

    After the host callus cells were inoculated with the toxin , the many bubbles in cell plasma were observed in 2 days .

  25. Zernike矩与粗集预处理的神经网络在数字识别中的应用

    An Application of Neutral Network Based on Zernike Moments and Rough Sets for Number Recognition

  26. 该毒素诱导烟草微过敏反应及对TMV抗性的研究结果表明,用不同浓度的毒素粗提液处理烟草,可诱导烟草对TMV的抗性,抗性诱导效果为83.3%-94.4%;

    The results of the test on tobacco resistance to Tobacco Mosaic Virus ( TMV ) and micro-HR induced by AT-toxin indicated that toxin could induce resistance of tobacco to TMV after treatment with different concentrations of AT-toxin , with resistance effects of about 83.3 % to 94.4 % .

  27. 而TB2粗提液处理到接种疫霉的时间为2d时,对辣椒采后果实疫霉病的诱抗效果最好,在接种疫霉后第8d,诱抗效果达到63.67%。

    In the 12d after inoculating the pathogen , the induced effect reaches 67.89 % . As for the capsicum fruit , the effect of resistance was the best when the induced time was 2d , and the induced resistant effect reached 63.67 % in 8d after inoculating the pathogen .

  28. 关于测站和后视数据出现粗差的处理方法的探讨

    Discussion on Rough Error Treatment Followed Surveying Station and Rear-view Data

  29. 超粗化前处理工艺改善沉锡板阻焊剥离

    Supper Roughening Process Improves Solder Mask Peeling of Immersion Tin

  30. 气流纺粗平布前处理加工工艺的探讨

    A Discussion on the Pretreatment Process of the Coarse Calico from OE Yarn