
  1. 浙江省卫生和计划生育委员会副主任徐润龙表示,由于缺乏质量标准,在国外市场,中国的中医药产业远远落后于竞争对手日本和韩国。此外,他还补充说道,现代技术和理念一定要应用于传统中医药的发展中,

    Xu Runlong , deputy head of Zhejiang 's health and family planning commission , said due to lack of quality standards , China 's TCM industry lags far behind its counterparts in Japan and the Republic of Korea in foreign markets , adding that modern technology and ideas must be applied in developing TCM .

  2. 中医药临床指南的制定应基于循证医学系统研究所生成的证据,由有关的医务人员、管理人员和循证医学专家共同参与,以制定出符合中国国情的中医药治疗疾病的循证指南。

    Chinese medical clinical guide ought to be made altogether by medical staffs , administrators and evidence-based medical experts .

  3. 古代中国与东南亚国家的中医药交流始于秦汉时期,结束于清朝前期。

    The exchange of traditional Chinese medicine between China and Southeast Asian Nations in ancient times began from Qin-Han periods and ended in early Qing Dynasty .