
  1. 目的观察各种疾病中度贫血患者平均红细胞体积(MCV)、红细胞体积分布宽度(RDW)和网织红细胞(RET)参数的指标变化。

    Objective To observe the change of mean corpuscular volume ( MCV ), red cell distribution width ( RDW ) and reticulocyte ( RET ) of moderate anemia .

  2. 结果高雪病患者具有无痛性脾肿大,伴有轻~中度贫血,光镜下见高雪细胞胞浆呈淡红色皱纹样、PAS强阳性反应染色,CD68强阳性,Lysozyme阳性。

    Results The patients presented painless splenomegalia and mild moderate anemia . Gaucher 's cells had abundant cytoplasm containing distinct striations and were strong positive for PAS and CD68 , and weak positive for lysozyme .

  3. 结果:281例患者,中年组的IDA主要表现为轻中度贫血,内镜检出其主要来源于上消化道疾病(82138):溃疡病和胃炎等;

    Result : Among 281 cases , the major symptoms of IDA in 138 cases of the middle patients were mild and moderate anemia , endoscopic examinations revealed upper gastrointestinal diseases ( 82 / 138 ): ulcer and gastritis ;

  4. 蔗糖铁对中度贫血的透析患者的治疗作用

    Effect of Intravenous Iron Sucrose Therapy in Mid-Anemic Renal Replacement Patients

  5. 轻、中度贫血不增加早产和低出生体重的风险。

    Mild and moderate anemia did not increase the risk of preterm delivery and low birth weight statistically .

  6. 结果妊娠晚期贫血患病率为48.2%,以轻度和中度贫血为主。

    Results The overall prevalence of anemia during third trimester of pregnancy was 48.2 % , mainly consisting of mild and moderate anemia .

  7. 先证者为这一缺失的纯合子,具有中度贫血症状。

    The proband is a homozygote for this deletion mutation , with milder anemia than that of typical homozygotes of β - thalassemia .

  8. 音乐渗透对学前儿童智力开发的影响婴幼儿即使患中度贫血,也会使智力和体力发展受损害。

    Musical immersion and the enlightenment of preschool children In infants and young children even mild anemia is associated with impaired intellectual as well as physical development .

  9. 结果:12000名儿童456名贫血,贫血率为3.8%,其中轻度贫血448名,占贫血人数的98.2%,中度贫血8人,占贫血人数的1.8%,未发现重度贫血儿。

    Result 3.8 percent of the 12000 Children got anemia , and in the 228 anemic children , 98.2 percent ( 448 cases ) got mild anemia , 1 . 8 percent ( 8 cases ) got moderate anemia , no one got severe anemia .

  10. 中度以上贫血11例(9.6%)。

    11 patients ( 9.6 % ) had the show of middle or severe anemia ;

  11. 结果26例铅中毒脑病患儿临床均表现为频繁的抽搐伴意识障碍,中度以上贫血。

    Results All the 26 cases had frequen convulsion , accompanied by disturbance of consciousness and above middle pitch of anemia .

  12. 轻度缺铁性贫血组与隐性缺铁组及中度缺铁性贫血组比较均无差异(P均>0.05);

    In both recessive iron deficieney gronp and moderate iron deficiency anemia group , there was no dif-ference with mild iron deficiency anemia group ( P > 0 . 05 ) .

  13. 结果:血红蛋白正常、轻度、中度、重度贫血组儿童VAD患病率分别为9.98%、20.19%、21.88%、42.86%;

    Results : Prevalence of vitamine A deficiency ( VAD ) in normal , mild moderate and severe anemia group were 9.98 % , 20.19 % , 21.88 % , 42.86 % , respectively .

  14. 对轻至中度慢性病性贫血的治疗反而增加病死率。

    Treatment of mild to moderate anemia of chronic disease appears to increase mortality .