
zhònɡ fēnɡ bìnɡ
  • apoplexy
  1. 中风病先兆证涵盖了现代医学的短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA)。

    Threatened apoplexy syndrome involves TIA in modern medicine .

  2. 序贯疗法治疗中风病偏瘫及对患者血浆ET-1、NO的影响

    Sequential acupuncture method for treatment of apoplexy hemiplegia and its effects on plasma ET-1 and NO levels

  3. 中风病高敏C反应蛋白变化与中医证候的相关性研究

    Correlation between TCM syndromes and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein of stroke

  4. 中风病中医临床证型的CT研究

    Study on Apoplexy Syndromes in TCM from Cerebral CT

  5. 中风病急性期病灶CT定性定位规律研究

    Study of the rule of CT nature and orientation on the acute stage of stroke

  6. 中风病病类、证类诊断与头颅CT、MR表现的相关性探讨

    Correlation between disease diagnosis or syndrome diagnosis and head CT and / or MR manifestations of stroke

  7. 中风病各证型与脑CT表现分析

    An Analysis on the Relationship between the Type of Syndromes and the Cerebral CT Behavior of Patients with Apoplexy

  8. 目的观察中风病各证脑CT表现,分析中风病各证在脑内的病变特性。

    Objective : To observe the cerebral CT behavior of patients with apoplexy of different Type of Sydrome , and analyse the pathological changes in brain .

  9. 清开灵注射液治疗SHR(SP)出血性中风病的研究

    Effect of QKL Injection on Hemorrhagic Apoplexy of SHRsp

  10. 1663例中风病患者均经CT或MRI确诊,作者对其始发态征候的发生与组合规律进行了研究。

    The author studied the appearance of patterns and combination law of patterns in 1663 patients with early stroke , certificated by CT or MRI .

  11. 目的:通过对161例中风病患者头颅CT表现和临床辨证分型研究,探索中风病各证型头颅CT征象的规律性。

    Objective : To evaluate the laws of CT appearance from the study on CT appearance and clinical differentiation of symptoms and signs of 161 apoplectic patients .

  12. 方法对112例中风病且脑CT检查为阳性改变者,从病变的性质、部位、大小进行观察,并作统计学处理。

    Methods : To observe 112 patients who show the positive change under CT examination from pathological nature , position and size and dealt with statistics process .

  13. 采用Correspondence等统计分析方法,观察中风病急性期不同证型与颅脑影像学征象的对应性和相关性。

    Then correspondence statistic methods are used to evaluate the correspondency and relativity between different syndrome patterns of the acute Stroke disease in TCM and Brain-imaging indicators .

  14. Willis环形态对中风病的证候要素分布无明显影响。

    The morphology of the circle of Willis has no significant effect on the distribution of stroke syndrome .

  15. 目的:探讨中风病急性期阳类证与血浆脑肠肽CCK水平的相关性。

    Objective : To probe the relativity of acute apoplexy of yang syndrome and plasm cholecystokinin ( CCK ) .

  16. 3vt.恢复,康复他现已从中风病完全康复了。

    Eg. He 's now fully recovered from his stroke .

  17. 基于LVQ神经网络的NIHSS与中风病证候量表的关系研究

    Study of Relationship of NIHSS and TCM Standardized Sheet of Apoplexy Syndromes Diagnosis base on LVQ Neural Networks

  18. 方法:临床确诊中风病患者130例,在恢复期及后遗症期行CT扫描,研究其CT影像变化规律,结合其临床症状及体征,对远期康复作出评价。

    Methods : 130 cases of stroke with the clinical final diagnosis at the stages of recovery and sequelae were scanned by CT . We also study their CT images regularity and appraise their long-term rehabilitation effect with integrating their clinical symptoms and physical signs .

  19. 结论:中风病患者急性期头部CT表现可为中经络与中脏腑临床辨证提供参考,并指导临床治疗,估计预后。

    Conclusion : CT diagnosis of the apoplectic patients suggested the clinical differentiation of symptoms and signs of apoplexy involving the channels and collaterals and apoplexy involving the solid organs and the hollow organs , and it 's helpful to clinical treatment and estimation of prognosis .

  20. 目的:应用磁共振成像(MagneticResonanceimaging,MRI)弥散加权成像(diffusionweightedimaging,DWI)技术研究中风病急性期不同证型患者颅脑影像学特征,帮助中风病早期辨证论治。

    Objective : This research uses the modern medical diagnostic means of Diffusion Weighted Imaging of Magnetic Resonance to distinguish characteristics of brain-imaging of different syndrome patterns of patients of the acute Stroke disease in TCM and help syndrome differentiation and treatment of early-stage Stroke disease .

  21. 研究表明中医中风病辨证诊断标准分值在急性期与神经功能缺损程度平行,风证、火热证、痰证、气虚证与NIHSS评分有很好的相关性。

    The results indicate that several items of CDDSS including the sub-scale of heat and deficiency of qi have good linear correlation with NIHSS in acute stage of stroke .

  22. 方法:1.查阅中医历代典籍中关于中风病的记载,通过中国医学检索光盘及Medline检索近十年来关于中风病、缺血性卒中的有关文献,并进行综述;

    Metheds : 1 . Consulting TCM ancient books and records about stroke ; Using the Chinese Medical Retrieval Optical Disk and MEDLINE database search the correlated documents of the latest ten years ;

  23. 中脏腑组中风病类诊断、格拉斯哥评分、修正RANKIN评分均明显高于中经络组,提示中脏腑患者病情重、预后差。

    Of viscera group of stroke diagnosis , Glasgow score , fix RANKIN score significantly higher than that in meridian group , suggesting that the organs in patients with severe illness and poor prognosis .

  24. 方法:通过临床采集CAS患者的相关信息,运用统计学方法对患者的症状体征及相关资料进行分析,初步探讨火热病机的影响因素,CAS火热证与中风病发病的相关性。

    Methods : We made clinical acquisition of the relevant information of patients with CAS and analyze their symptoms , physical signs and related data with statistical methods to preliminarily investigate influence factors of fire-hear pathogenesis and the correlation between the fire-heat syndrome of CAS and onset of apoplexy .

  25. 方法:采用修改的Ashworth痉挛评定级、简化FIM评价法分别评定痉挛程度、运动功能水平考察针刺和低频电针结合康复训练和单纯康复训练,对中风病偏瘫患者的影响。

    Method : To adopt the Spasmus evaluation of the Ashworth , and the evaluation of the FIM to inspect the effect of the acupuncture and low frquency Electra acupuncture with rehabilitation group and the rehabilitation group .

  26. 以中风病为例,说明正确把握六气病机实质,对指导临床辨证论治,提高治疗效果的重要意义。Noonan氏综合征(附2例报告)守病机,辨病证。

    Stroke is given in the paper to prove the important meanings for guiding TCM clinic to differentiate syndrome and ascertain pathogenesis and improve the clinical effect by correctly mastering the essences of the six endopathogens .

  27. 通腑法亦即下法,为中风病急性期主要治法之一。

    Purgation is the main therapy for apoplexy at acute stage .

  28. 中风病中医研究十年述评

    Review accomplish of study on stroke with TCM for 10 years

  29. 朱琏针灸兴奋法在中风病偏瘫中的运用

    Use of ZHU Lian 's Acupuncture Exciting Method for Apoplectic Hemiplegia

  30. 中风病舌诊定量研究

    Quantitative Study on Tongue Diagnosis in Stroke Patients Legionnaires ' disease