首页 / 词典 / good

  • Sorghum;a fine strain of millet;choice food
  • 粟的优良品种的总称:一枕黄~。

  • 〔高~〕一年生草本植物,子实红褐色,可食,亦可酿酒、制淀粉。杆可用来编席、造纸等。亦称“蜀黍”。

  • 精美的主食:膏~(泛指美味的饭菜,如“~~子弟”,旧时指达官贵人家的子弟)。~糗(粱制的干粮)。~肉。

  1. “我们试图跟死神赛跑。”粱说。

    " We are trying to be quicker than Death , " says Liang .

  2. 它是一根一端系在谷仓北门房粱上的粗壮的长绳子。

    It was a single long piece of heavy rope tied to the beam over the north doorway .

  3. 运用能量法推导并建立了一种V型悬臂粱电热微致动器的力学模型。利用该力学模型得到了致动器的力学特性,并且与相关的实验结果进行了对比。

    A novel mechanical model is described for predicting the static behaviour of the V shaped cantilever thermal actuator , in which the energy approach is employed .

  4. 本文对具有竖对称轴的单室六角箱粱横截面畸变γ(z)的四阶微分方程的建立,用较浅近的方法进行了推导。

    In this paper a less complicated method is proposed to derive a differential equation of fourth order for solving the sectional distortion γ( z ) of a single-cavity hexangular coffer beam with the vertical symmetrical axis .

  5. 进行了4组共12根粱的三分点弯曲试验,其中3组为局部碳纤维混凝土配筋梁且具有不同的碳纤维混凝土(CFRC)层厚度,一组为普通钢筋混凝土梁。

    A total of 12 , four types of beams , three with different carbon fiber reinforced concrete ( CFRC ) layer thickness , and one without CFRC layer were tested in three-point bending .

  6. 秋高粱产量达3900~5767.5kg/hm2的关键措施是:选用秋高粱种,在7月上、中旬播种和5~7叶移栽

    The key measures for yielding 3900 ~ 5767 5kg / ha of Autumn sorghum are to sow elite variety , sowing on the first or second ten days of July and transplanting at the seedling age with 5 ~ 7 leaves

  7. 本文针对实际的工程结构,完成了以下的研究工作:l、以高墩粱式桥为研究对象,讨论基子灵敏度分析进行损伤诊断方法的优缺点。

    This dissertation carries on research of real engineering structures . The main contents include : 1 Take high pile and beam bridge for example , this paper discusses the merits and defects of the damage assessment method based on sensitivity analysis .

  8. 某框架结构门厅大粱加固方案比选与设计

    Frame structure of a fover beam reinforcement scheme selection and design

  9. 粱振动方程的多辛格式及其守恒律

    Multi-symplectic schemes and conservation laws for the vibration equation of beams

  10. 决定小粱主持会议。

    It 's decided that Xiao Liang should take the chair .

  11. 粱江乃迅即陪同他的妻子回到山上。

    Liang Jan hastily accompanied his wife back to the mountain .

  12. 而吕粱变形旋回只有一个脆-弱塑性变形幕,四个变形幕的依次形成反映变形作用呈现由深部层次向中浅部层次转变的一种演化序列。

    And Luliang deformational cycle has only a brittle-weak plastic deformationalepisode .

  13. 冷焊修复剪板机机架横粱

    The rack beam of plate shears restored by cold welding

  14. 金属悬臂粱式口周肌压力传感器的研制

    Development of a Perioral Intramuscular Force Sensor based on Metal Cantilever Beam

  15. 门式起重机主粱结构计算机参数化设计关键技术

    Key technologies in parameterized design of gantry crane 's girder

  16. 钢筋混凝土梯形截面桁粱桥侧倾稳定性分析

    Lateral stability analysis of reinforced concrete truss beam bridge with trapezoid section

  17. 他是这个家的顶粱柱。

    He is a very uppermost person in our family .

  18. 好深的双眼皮好漂亮的眼睛小小的鼻粱竟然挺起来了!

    Beautiful double eyelid and eyes , his nose bridge is so straight !

  19. 粱江注意到顾刚比他拥有更多的稀罕品种。

    Liang Jan noticed that Gu Gang had more rare breeds than he had .

  20. 他打架时打断了鼻粱。

    He broke his nose in the fight .

  21. 数年后,粱江的小儿子也将要结婚了。

    Several years later , Liang Jan 's younger son was preparing to get married .

  22. 粱江耐心地跟随著这只鸟终于来到了一座森林边的空地。

    Liang Jan patiently followed the bird and finally reached a clearing by a forest .

  23. 考虑刚性主体上带有挠性粱的航天器,并假定它在一平面内作旋转运动。

    Movement of Rigid Body The spacecraft , consisting of a rigid central body and a .

  24. 会谈后,顾刚带著粱江出来走进林中。

    After this conversation , Gu Gang took Liang Jan out and walked into the woods .

  25. 指出了大型立交桥上部构造施工测量的难点之一是缓和曲线段现浇粱施工测量的坐标计算。

    The coordinate calculating of cast_in_place bridge construction survey in overpass supper structure transition curve is a problem .

  26. 分析了导风墙,钢粱及砌砖体易于损坏的原因。

    The reasons of damages of air distributing baffle walls , steel beams and brick works were studied .

  27. 又以岩粱为例指出了人为控制岩石工程系统破坏的基本思路和方法。

    It also points out the basic idea and method of artificial control of rock project system failure .

  28. 介绍现浇砼楼板及圈粱裂缝的检测方案、原因分析及建议。

    The paper introduces detecting plan , reason analysis and suggestions of cast-in-place concrete floor and ring beam cracks .

  29. 由于粱江关于鸽子的知识是如此之深入,他很快就赢得顾婉的无比尊敬。

    Since Liang Jan 's knowledge about the birds was so profound , he soon won Gu Wan 's respect .

  30. 分析了纤维的掺入对钢筋混凝土粱的抗裂性能及正截面承载力的影响机理。

    The influence mechanism of the mixed fibre on crack resistance and bearing capacity of reinforced concrete beam are analyzed .