
zān ba
  • Tsamba;zanba, roasted qingke barley flour;zanba,an Tibetan food,roasted qingke barley flour
糌粑 [zān bā]
  • [zanba,an Tibetan food,roasted qingke barley flour] 藏族的主食。青稞麦炒熟后磨成的面。用酥油茶或青稞酒拌和,捏成小团食用,是藏族人的主食

糌粑[zān ba]
  1. 我妈妈在家炒糌粑,听到了我的歌声。

    In the house my mother was roasting barley and heard me .

  2. 糌粑的黏度和绿豆沙差不多,味道也有点像。

    It has the consistency of green bean paste .

  3. 由此配制、生产的糌粑无论是口感,还是组织状态、香气等感官品质都令人满意。

    Under this proportion , the product was satisfied with taste , histological structure , and flavor .

  4. 进食之前,每人先在嘴上沾一点糌粑面,以示自己是吃糌粑的子孙。

    Before eating , each of the first dip in the mouth that Zanba face , to show that they are children and grandchildren to eat Zanba .