
bù dá lā gōng
  • the Potala Palace
布达拉宫 [bù dá lā gōng]
  • [the Potala Palace] 位于西藏拉萨市西北角的布达拉山上,传说为吐蕃赞普松赞干布所建的宫殿,后世不断修筑,成为中国著名的古代建筑之一

布达拉宫[bù dá lā gōng]
  1. 他说:我记得纪录片里人们在布达拉宫前叩首的场景。

    I remembered watching people kowtow in front of the Potala Palace .

  2. 布达拉宫古建筑的火灾风险分析

    Fire Risk Evaluation for Historic Building of The Potala Palace

  3. 布达拉宫比过去更加壮丽地矗立在灿烂的阳光中。

    The Potala stands more superb than ever in the bright sun .

  4. 布达拉宫由白宫和红宫两种建筑。

    Budala Palace was divided in to two kind of building .

  5. 这方面的一个时代的产物,是保存在布达拉宫。

    One product of this time is kept in Potala Palace .

  6. 带我去游览雄伟壮观的布达拉宫,如何?

    Could you show me the imposing and magnificent Potala Palace ?

  7. 布达拉宫地基岩体稳定性研究

    Study on stability of foundation rock mass of Potala Palace

  8. 历史上修建布达拉宫的过程是怎样的?

    What was the course of building the Potala Palace in history ?

  9. 远远望去,布达拉宫高耸入云,金碧辉煌,巍峨壮观。

    Viewed from afar , Potala Palace looks lofty , resplendent and majestic .

  10. 布达拉宫消防安全问题及防范措施初探

    Discussion on the safety problems and fire prevention measures of the Potala Palace

  11. 布达拉宫看上去真是宏伟辉煌。

    The Potala Palace really looks resplendent and magnificent .

  12. 布达拉宫里正在举行庄严的掣签仪式。

    The divine ceremony of lots drawing is being held at the Potala palace .

  13. 我们在拉萨游览,去了布达拉宫,还游览了其他的著名景点。

    we looked around Lhasa and saw the Potala Palace and the other highlights .

  14. 1994年,著名的布达拉宫被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产名录。

    The famous Potala Palace was inscribed on the world heritage list by UNESCO in1994 .

  15. 美国驻华大使洪博培站在大昭寺前,远处可以看到美丽的布达拉宫。

    Ambassador Huntsman at Jokhang Temple ; Potala Palace can be seen in the distance .

  16. 流传千古的凝固音乐&布达拉宫

    The Potala Palace : an Immortal Music

  17. 如果你想去布达拉宫的话,你必须提前一个月预定门票。

    If you want to see Temple , you must book the ticket one month in advance .

  18. 布达拉宫建于公元7世纪,已被列入世界文化遗产名单。

    Potala Palace , built in the7th century , has already enlisted in the world cultural heritage list .

  19. 我们到了布达拉宫对面的广场的时候,离火炬过来还有一点时间。

    Once we got to the square opposite the Potala , there was a bit of time to spare .

  20. 布达拉宫还是壁画的世界,数百间殿堂、廊道,满壁生辉。

    Potala Palace is also a world of murals , which are painted in hundreds of halls and corridors .

  21. 本文以布达拉宫地区保护规划研究的例子阐述了这一观点。

    This article expounds the viewpoint by taking the study of conservation planning of the Potala Palace as the example .

  22. 布达拉宫主要有两部分:白宫和红宫。

    The whole architectural complex includes two parts : the " Red Temple " and the " White Temple " .

  23. 布达拉宫由两部分组成,中心是红宫,两边是白宫。

    Potala Palace is composed of2 parts , the Red Palace as the center and the White Palace as two wings .

  24. 吐蕃人原来住帐篷,据说为了迎接文成公主,特地修建了华丽的王宫,就是今天布达拉宫的前身。

    It is said that a gorgeous palace was built specially for her , which was the predecessor of today'sPotala Palace .

  25. 布达拉宫位于拉萨市的玛布日山上。布达拉,梵语意为“佛教圣地”。

    Potala palace , situated on the Hongshan hill in lhasa , means " the sacred palace of buddhism " in sanskrit .

  26. 可是,导游告诉我,现在,布达拉宫的门票很难买到,需要等候预约。

    But our tour guide says that admission tickets are not available at the ticket office and must be booked in advance .

  27. 这是十七世纪中叶清朝初年修建布达拉宫以来最大的一次维修工程。

    This is the biggest renovation of the Potala Palace since it was constructed early in the Qing Dynasty in the mid-17th century .

  28. 布达拉宫现在是中国的一座国家博物馆,已被联合国科教文组织列入世界遗产名单。

    The palace is now a state museum of China , and has been given a place on the Unesco World Heritage list .

  29. 相对布达拉宫和大昭寺而言,罗布林卡的人文景点和文物很少,对于普通游客来说不一定喜欢这个景点。

    Compared with the Potala palace and the Jokhang , Norbulingka has few cultural relics , thus average tourists don 't necessarily like it .

  30. 布达拉宫1961年由中国国务院颁布为第一批全国重点文物保护单位。

    The Potala Palace was announced by the Chinese State Department as the first lot of important nation-level preservation units of cultural relics in1961 .