
  • 网络brazzaville;Congo
布拉柴维尔 [bù lā chái wéi ěr]
  • [Brazzaville] 刚果首都。在刚果河北岸,与扎伊尔首都金沙萨隔河相望

  1. 合作促进中部非洲和平与安全布拉柴维尔宣言

    Brazzaville Declaration on Cooperation for Peace and Security in Central Africa

  2. 分包工程场地位于刚果共和国布拉柴维尔。

    The site of the subcontracted works is in brazzaville , Republic of congo .

  3. 西非国家刚果布拉柴维尔总统选举的计票工作正在进行。

    Votes have been counted in a presidential election in the west African state of Congo-Brazzaville .

  4. 一位政府发言人称,许多人仍然困在布拉柴维尔一座教堂的瓦砾中。

    A government spokesman said many people remained trapped in the rubble of a church in Brazzaville .

  5. 已适当平整了施工现场,可更好地使用通往布拉柴维尔的主干道。

    The construction site has been properly leveled , better accessed to a main road leading to Brazzaville area .

  6. 在调查报告中,刚果共和国首都布拉柴维尔继续成为“世界上最不适合居住的城市”。

    Retaining the unwelcome distinction of the world 's worst city in which to live was Brazzaville , Congo .

  7. 刚果共和国首都布拉柴维尔市的一个军火库起火爆炸,据报道至少造成200人丧生,超过1000人受伤。

    At least 200 people are reported to have been killed and more than 1,000 injured after an arms depot caught fire in Brazzaville , capital of the Republic of Congo .

  8. 报告的几乎所有病例均发生在港口城市黑角,少数病例出现在尼阿里(5例)、布恩扎(2例)、布拉柴维尔(1例)和奎卢(2例)。

    Nearly all cases have been reported from the port city of Pointe Noire , with cases also reported from Niari ( 5 ), Bouenza ( 2 ), Brazzaville ( 1 ), and Kouilou ( 2 ) .

  9. 不足为奇的是,巴格达被视为是最不适合居住的城市。紧随其后的是刚果共和国的布拉柴维尔,由于长年内战这座城市已经伤痕累累,很多住宅成为废墟,水电供应极不稳定。

    Not surprisingly , Baghdad was deemed the worst place to live in , closely followed by Brazzaville in the Republic of the Congo , a city scarred by years of civil war where many houses are in ruins and electricity and water supplies are erratic .

  10. 麦卡锡注意到,将进口货物由刚果主要港口布拉柴维尔运抵内陆的美国大使馆需要六个月时间。苏丹政府以前拒绝发放某些进口许可证及签证,但现在情况已有所好转。

    It took six months for imported goods to get from Congo-Brazzaville 's main port to the embassy site in the interior , Mr McCarthy notes , but that was an improvement on the Sudan , where the government refused to issue certain import permits and visas at all .