
  • 网络bush;George W Bush;George W. Bush;george bush;Jeb Bush
  1. 乔治·W.布什在该州以56%的得票率获胜。

    George W. Bush carried the state with 56 percent of the vote .

  2. 当时,美国总统是乔治·W·布什。

    At the time , the American president was George W. Bush .

  3. 布什总统定于下月访问该国。

    President Bush is due to visit the country next month .

  4. 他是布什任总统时的白宫官员。

    He was a White House official during the Bush presidency .

  5. 下月他将在百老汇上演的一出新戏中扮演布什。

    Next month he will be appearing as Bush in a new play on Broadway .

  6. 详情可咨询名誉秘书A.R.布什比。

    Details are available from the Hon . Sec . A.R. Bushby .

  7. 布什基金会已经资助了许多教员发展项目。

    The Bush Foundation has funded a variety of faculty development programs

  8. 在国外,布什先生被看作一位国际上举足轻重的政治家。

    Abroad , Mr Bush was seen as a world statesman

  9. 没有证据表明这帮人对布什先生图谋不轨。

    There was no evidence to link the brigade to any conspiracy against Mr Bush .

  10. 布什总统已结束了在削减国家预算赤字的措施上形成的僵局。

    President Bush has ended the stalemate over moves to cut the country 's budget deficit

  11. 我正要去奥尔德威治的布什大厦最顶层。

    I was to go to the very top floor of Bush House in Aldwych .

  12. 布什先生入主白宫。

    Mr. Bush has entered and hosted the White House .

  13. 布什是美国现任总统。

    Bush is the incumbent president of the United states .

  14. 布什在另外五个州又获得了胜利

    Bush has racked up victories in another five states .

  15. 布什总统发誓要帮助明尼阿波利斯重建起这座坍塌的桥梁。

    President Bush is vowing to help Minneapolis rebuild this collapse bridge .

  16. 莎拉·安德烈奥蒂博士�斯坦陵布什大学

    Dr Sara Andreotti , University of Stellenbosch

  17. 今天至少有几个小时,当全美人民把目光从巴格达转向圣地亚哥时,大家的关注度可能会暂时从小布什身上移开。

    For example : For a few hours at least today , the heat will be off George W Bush as America switches focus from Baghdad to San Diego .

  18. 克林顿和乔治·W·布什就职演讲中的隐喻修辞

    Metaphors in Inaugural Addresses : Bill Clinton and George · W · Bush

  19. 不过,奥巴马政府推进了布什时代NASA的另一个项目。

    Instead , the Obama administration built upon another Bush-era NASA initiative .

  20. 布什的两个双胞胎女儿送的是她们亲手录制的一盘CD,供他在锻炼的时候听。

    Bush 's twin daughters , gave him a CD they had made for him to listen to while exercising .

  21. 这家出版社曾要求摩尔把对“窃贼中的窃贼”乔治w布什(georgewbush)的批判改得温和一些。

    The publisher urged Moore to tone down its critique of the " thief-in-chief " , George W Bush .

  22. 但是我知道我不得不来,这是我从乔治·W·布什那里继承下来的麻烦之一。

    But I knew I had to come . That 's one more problem that I inherited from George W.Bush .

  23. 迄今为止,她已经飞过从澳大利亚到比利时等多个国家,为第一夫人劳拉•布什(LauraBush)和国会议员们提供服务。

    She has traveled to foreign destinations ranging from Australia to Belgium , serving first lady Laura Bush and members of Congress .

  24. 小泉在任首相期间访问美国田纳西州的格雷斯兰时与时任美国总统乔治?W?布什合唱猫王的热门歌曲,显示了其善于利用媒体的一面。

    While in office , Koizumi displayed his media savvy by singing Elvis hits during a visit to Graceland , Tennessee , with then US president George W.Bush .

  25. 两个都是美国前总统克林顿、乔治·W·布什访华时曾入住过的酒店。

    Both hotels , cleared by security agents , were also picked by previous visiting US presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush during their trips to China .

  26. 乔治•布什(GeorgeW.Bush)的当选,以及他对2001年9/11恐怖袭击的反应,令美国在单边化道路上走得更远。

    The election of President George W. Bush and his response to the attacks of September 11 2001 took things much further .

  27. 熟知克里姆林宫想法的人士表示,俄罗斯在外交上的转变,一定程度上是受到美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)重置美俄关系的推动。重置之说,缓和了莫斯科在布什时代的受围心态。

    People familiar with Kremlin thinking say the shift was facilitated in part by President Barack Obama 's reset of relations , which has eased Moscow 's Bush-era siege mentality .

  28. 乔治•w•布什图书馆和全国步枪团体(NRA)收到意想不到的捐款。

    It is because of the latter option that the George W.Bush library and the National Rifle Organization ( NRA ) receive unexpected donations .

  29. 可以预测,9*事件的打击使得布什政府有推迟TMD计划部署的可能,但诀不会停止。

    It 's estimated that the attack of " 9.11 " accident will probably force Bush administration to delay but nerve give up its TMD plan .

  30. 和美国总统布什,财务部长HenryPaulson会晤不到一小时之后,奥巴马表示美国经济将从目前的金融危机中恢复过来。

    Less than an hour after US president George W.Bush with Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson by his side , said the US economy would recover from the current financial crisis .