
sī rén ɡōnɡ sī
  • private company;private corporation
  1. 餐饮特许经营权已授予一家私人公司。

    Catering has been franchised to a private company .

  2. 田纳西州的技术学院和社区学院不会将其设施管理外包给一家私人公司,该决定被一份各所高校的出分析报告所支持,一位领导说道。

    Tennessee 's technical and community colleges will not outsource management of their facilities to a private company , a decision one leader said was bolstered by an analysis of spending at each campus .

  3. 该超市表示这台ATM机是由一家私人公司运营的,损失金额未予透露。

    Sainsbury 's said that ATM was run by a private company and did not disclose how much was lost .

  4. SXSW是一家私人公司,位于得克萨斯州奥斯丁市。

    SXSW is a private company based in Austin , Texas .

  5. 在医疗领域也是如此,他引入了新的市场和经济规章,也鼓励了私人公司介入NHS(英国国民健康保险制度)。

    In the National Health Service , too , he has introduced new market and financial disciplines as well as encouraging private firms to add to the NHS 's capacity .

  6. 据NPR新闻的朱莉·罗夫纳报道,这是第二家上诉法院做出这项裁决,私人公司不能用宗教信仰拒绝提供类似保险类别。

    As NPR 's Julie Rovner reports , it 's the second appeals court to rule that private firms cannot used their religious beliefs to decline to provide such insurance coverage .

  7. 根据彭博(Bloomberg)的数据,谷望江一直担任香港、中国内地和巴拿马多家私人公司与上市公司的董事,注册的个人持股总额为7900万美元。

    Gu Wangjiang has been listed as a director of private and publicly traded businesses in Hong Kong , China and Panama , and has registered personal shareholdings of $ 79m , according to Bloomberg data .

  8. 美国证交会(sec)已批准了几家证交所提出的、旨在提高私人公司借壳上市门槛的新规定,以此回应市场对于一些中国公司通过借壳上市规避会计规则的担忧。

    The securities and Exchange Commission has approved new rules proposed by stock exchanges to make it harder for private companies to go public by merging with a shell company , a response to concerns that Chinese groups were using such deals to skirt accounting rules .

  9. Nasa将放弃研发星座号,转而与私人公司合作,提供《国家太空政策》中所说的运送宇航员和物资穿梭于国际空间站的安全、可靠和经济的商用太空飞行工具及相应服务。

    Instead of developing Constellation , Nasa will collaborate with private industry to provide what the National Space Policy calls safe , reliable and cost-effective commercial space flight capabilities and services for the transport of crew and cargo to and from the International Space Station .

  10. 在以色列特拉维夫市外的一家私人公司,ETV,项中投入了1200万美元。公司说找到了让喷气机商业化的方法。

    But ETV Motors , a private company based just outside Tel Aviv that has raised some $ 12 million in investments , says it has found a way to make it commercially viable .

  11. 发言人Aggy勒罗勒只是说,麦当劳的到来与否并非由博物馆决定,因为卡鲁塞尔是由一家私人公司而非国立博物馆经营。

    Spokeswoman Aggy Lerolle said only that it is not up to the museum veto McDonald 's arrival since the Carrousel is run by a private company rather than the state-run museum .

  12. 比私人公司和卫生健康组织低23%

    That 's 23 % lower than private insurance companies and HMOs .

  13. 私人公司不会向联盟报告薪水被抢了。

    No private firm would ever report the theft of their own payroll .

  14. 你认为那比私人公司还高,对吗?

    You would think that it would be higher than the private companies , right ?

  15. 袋熊河酒厂是一家独立的私人公司以生产优质葡萄酒作为一门艺术。

    Wombat Creek Winery is an independent privately owned company producing fine wine as an art .

  16. 毫无疑问,一个公司上市后,将与私人公司过的日子产生天壤之别。

    Without doubt , life as a public company will differ greatly from private company days .

  17. 尽管这两家公司得到政府授权,但是在运作上却跟私人公司一样,既有一般持股人,也有公司董事会。

    While they are government-licensed , they operate like private companies with shareholders and corporate boards .

  18. 公营和私营部门管理组政府部门、私人公司以及个人对互联网也有很多批评。

    Public and Private Sector Management Group Governments , private groups and individuals have criticized the Internet .

  19. 新计划鼓励私人公司通过竞争来提供近地轨道的运输服务。

    The new plan encourages firms to compete to provide transport to low Earth orbit ( LEO ) .

  20. 这个想法是,在上市公司投资者的保护,在私人公司的投资者没有。

    The idea is that investors in public companies have protections that investors in private companies do not .

  21. 二战中有1200名美国战俘被日本政府和私人公司强迫劳役。

    Twelve-thousand American prisoners of war were put into forced labor by the Japanese government and private companies .

  22. 国内外私人公司在中国农业科研的投资方向和投资项目也证明了这一点。

    The investment direction and project choice of the private investors , domestic and foreign , all proved this .

  23. 在他看来,私人公司的唯一真正优势在于更低的行政以及记录开销。

    In his opinion , the only real benefit for a private company is lower administrative and record-keeping costs .

  24. 私人公司的反应则是减少资本支出(8-5%),减少研发费用(7-12%);

    Private firms reacted by reducing capital expenditure ( by8-15 % ) and research and development ( by7-12 % );

  25. 他们认为,圣詹姆斯宫有着最丰富的历史,不该成为私人公司竞价的目标。

    Officials have already begun contacting firms and charities who they think might be interested in using the Palace .

  26. 离开那里去私人公司工作吧,在那里做一些了不起的事情,然后回到这里担任主管级别的职位。

    Leave for the private sector , do some impressive things there , and then come back at director level .

  27. 我得先侵入他的私人公司账户,这需要点时间。好了,出来了。

    I have to hack into his private company account , it might take some time . There we go .

  28. 自从政府把清洁工作包给私人公司后,灰尘、垃圾有增无减。

    Ever since the government contracted out the job of cleaning to private companies , the dirt and mess has increased .

  29. 新成立的以色列“新概念”私人公司推出的这套“电子菜单”系统目前已在寿司店、酒吧和家庭餐馆中使用。

    In Israel , privately owned start-up Conceptic has already installed e-Menu technology in sushi bars , pubs and family restaurants .

  30. 结局:据《洛杉矶时报》报道,去年这家私人公司的营收达到22亿美元。

    The upshot : The privately-held company had $ 2.2 billion in revenue last year , according to the Los Angeles Times .