
sī yǒu cái chǎn
  • private property;holding
  1. 他们希望加强国家对私有财产的控制。

    They want more State control over private property

  2. 第一条根据《中华人民共和国宪法》规定,为保护公民的私有财产的继承权,制定本法。

    Article 1 This Law is enacted pursuant to the provisions of the Constitution of the People 's Republic of China with a view to protecting the right of citizens to inherit private property .

  3. 政府还制定了物权法,使合法的私有财产得到法律保护;修改了选举法,使城乡选民具有平等的权利;废除了收容遣送条例,使农民自由进城务工。

    The government has also formulated3 the Property Law to protect the legal property rights of the people , amended4 the Election Law to ensure equal rights of election of urban and rural residents , and abolished the regulations that restrict the freedom of mobility5 of rural residents into the cities .

  4. 在北卡罗来纳州(NorthCarolina),谁都无权使用无人机对个人或私有财产进行监视。

    In North Carolina , no one can use a drone forsurveillance of a person or private property .

  5. 然而,实际上,随着中国私有财产的迅速发展壮大,及至其私有产值占到全国GDP的2/3左右时,中国早已不在是一个社会主义国家了。

    However , de facto , China has long ceased to be a socialist country as the private sector has grown rapidly to produce about two-thirds of its GDP .

  6. 从20世纪30年代,Means和Berle在其《现代公司和私有财产》一书中,提出著名的所有权与控制权分离理论以来,公司治理一直是企业经济学关心的核心问题。

    Since Means and Berle brought forward the famous theory that the separation of the control rights and the ownership in the 《 The Modern Corporation and Private Property 》 in 20 centuries thirties , corporate governance has always been the focus of enterprise economics .

  7. 保护私有财产有利于提高社会生产力。

    The protection of private property is helpful for social productivity .

  8. 谈将保护私有财产写入宪法的理论依据

    The Theoretic Basis of Putting Private Property Protection into the Constitution

  9. 私有财产保护与非公有制经济发展

    Protection of Private Property and Development of Non - Public Economy

  10. 但是,社会公众对私有财产保护的心理认同却相对滞后。

    But the public psychology to property protection falls behind relatively .

  11. 我国私有财产权的宪法成本

    The Cost of Enshrining Private Property Rights Into China 's Constitution

  12. 私有财产的累积有任何限制吗?

    Are there any limits on the accumulation of private property ?

  13. 异化的劳动力跟私有财产有何关系?

    What does alienated labor have to do with private property ?

  14. 论我国刑法上的私有财产保护

    Study on the Protect of Private Property by Criminal Law in China

  15. 论私有财产权宪法保障体系的构建

    On Construction of the Constitutional Safeguard System for the Private Property Right

  16. 私有财产刑法保护的比较研究

    A Comparative Research on Criminal Law Protection of Private Property

  17. 债务重组浅谈论合法的私有财产

    Discussion about the reorganization of debt On " legal " Private Property

  18. 数字图书馆与信息网络传播权:知识共享扩张与私有财产保护

    Discussion about Digital Library and the Right of Information Communication on Network

  19. 改革开放以后,开始并逐步完善对私有财产的保护。

    The start of gradual perfection on the protection of private property .

  20. 必须让创业者私有财产暨利益确有保障

    TO Guarantee the Private Property Rights and Interests of Entrepreneurs

  21. 霍布斯认为,国家并非君主的私有财产。

    The state for Hobbes is not the possession of the sovereign .

  22. 我国对公民合法的私有财产的保护更具有力量性。

    On the legal protection of private property of citizens more power .

  23. 这是我的私有财产,我就逗逗你,想吃?

    This is my private property . I am just teasing you .

  24. 解决私有财产保护的社会心理滞后性非常重要。

    It is very important to solve the psychology to private possession protection .

  25. 在英国,财产法只调整和保护私有财产。

    In UK , the property law regulates and protects only private property .

  26. 或者,你们说的是现代的资产阶级的私有财产吧?

    Or do you mean modern bourgeois private property ?

  27. 试析依法保护私有财产

    On the Protection of Private Property according to Law

  28. 私有财产保护的社会心理调查及相关研究

    The Research and the Countermeasure about the Public Psychology in Protecting Private Property

  29. 论我国公民私有财产权宪法保护制度的完善

    Discussion of the Improvement of Private Property Rights Constitutional Protection System in China

  30. 徽商衰亡与私有财产权

    Decline and Fall of the Hui Merchants and the Right of Private Property