
guó qíng
  • national conditions;the condition of a country;the condition(or state)of a country
国情 [guó qíng]
  • [the condition(or state)of a country;national conditions] 一个国家的社会性质、政治、经济、文化等方面的基本情况和特点

  • 现在制定的一系列政策是适合我国国情的

国情[guó qíng]
  1. 尽管各国已有相关的网络法律法规可供借鉴,但立足本国国情自主选择规制互联网的法律及政策是极为重要的,这对于我国社会主义法治的建设有着十分重要的意义。

    Although countries have relevant Internet laws and regulations were available , but based on the condition of a country to independently choose regulation Internet laws and policies , is very important .

  2. 重视从本国国情出发制定网络信息政策;

    The policy making based on the condition of a country ;

  3. 总统发表了国情咨文演讲。

    The President gave his speech on the state of the Union .

  4. 各国应该遵循共同但有区别的责任原则,根据国情和能力,最大程度强化行动。同时,发达国家要切实加大向发展中国家提供资金、技术、能力建设支持。

    Following the principle of common but differentiated . Developed countries need to scale up support for developing countries in financing , technology and capacity building .

  5. 我们希望阿富汗塔利班同阿富汗各党派、各民族团结起来,建立符合阿富汗自身国情、广泛包容的政治架构,为阿富汗实现持久和平奠定基础。

    We hope the Afghan Taliban can form solidarity groups in Afghanistan , and build a broad-based and inclusive political structure suited to the national realities , so as to lay the foundation for achieving enduring peace in the country .

  6. 中国银监会主席尚福林近期在《中国金融》杂志上发表的文章上表示,我国将推进金融市场退出机制的常态化和,规范化,建立适合我国国情的法律体系。

    China will promote normalization1 and standardization2 of the financial market exit mechanism3 and the upcoming legal system will be in line with China 's conditions , Shang Fulin , chairman of the China Banking4 Regulatory Commission , said in a recent article to the fortnightly China Finance .

  7. 在谈话节目《国情咨文》上被美国有线电视新闻网的德娜·巴许问及明年美国人是否仍需戴口罩时,福奇回答道:“我认为可能需要戴口罩,而且这取决于你对正常状态的定义。”

    Asked by CNN 's Dana Bash on " State of the Union " whether he thinks Americans will still need to wear masks next year , Fauci replied : " You know , I think it is possible that that 's the case and , again , it really depends on what you mean by normality . "

  8. 具体到我国实际来说,如何找到适合我国国情的基于Internet的远程监控系统更具有现实意义。

    As for our country , how to find the remote supervisor and control system based on Internet which is suitable to the situation of our country is more practical .

  9. 建设适合中国国情的PACS

    To Build a PACS Suitable for Chinese Hospital

  10. 利用基于地理信息系统(GIS)的图形叠置法,研究适合我国国情的铁路选线环境影响评价体系。

    A study is made on a China-catering assessment system for the environmental impact in railway route selection using the graphic overlay based on the geographic information system ( GIS ) .

  11. 实践证明它有利于提高服装纸样CAD软件的专业化水平,开创了适合于我国国情的专业化推广与应用的新途径。

    It has been proved that it is helpful to improve the special level of garment pattern CAD and it created a new way to popularize and apply , which adapts to the condition of our country .

  12. 结合我国国情,作者提出了我国航运界关于限制CFCs和HCFCs的策略。

    According to the national conditions , the countermove of restricting CFCs and HCFCs in China shipping is proposed .

  13. 结合我国国情讨论OECD范本在我国的适用,并提出今后工作的建议。

    Combine our country 's national conditions , I discussed if OECD model is suitable for our country , and proposed some suggestions of the following work in practice .

  14. 根据经验,卫生总费用占GDP的比例控制在5%左右,弹性系数保持在1.2左右,比较符合中国的基本国情。

    Based on experience , the proportion of National Health Expenditure in GDP should be controlled around 5 % and elasticity coefficient should be maintained around 1.2 , which relatively meets the essential situation of China . 2 .

  15. 该文建立了适合中国国情的电子政务业务专网系统分层设计模型,提出了电子政务业务专网基于Web服务的应用动态重组和互操作的构架方法,探讨了Web服务应用动态组合的语法兼容性准则。

    The hierarchical design model of application system of e-government is build , which is suitable for the situation of P.R. China . The method by which the applications based on Web service are dynamically combined and manipulated is presented for applying to the business special network of e-government .

  16. 但在开展PBL教学时,仍存在一些客观困难,本研究根据国情、校情、护理教育的目标和内容,提出了一些建议和意见。

    But some external difficult still exists when we adopt PBL . According to the situation of a country , the situation of a school , the goal and content of the nurse education , the research proposed some suggestion and advice .

  17. 利用国外LNG资源开拓闽东南LNG市场符合国情、省情,从用气规模、价格取向、环保要求和可持续发展等方面来看均具有开发利用价值。

    In view of the gas consumption scale , choice of price , environmental protection requirement and sustainable development , utilizing foreign LNG resources to open up the LNG market in Southeast Fujian is in conformity with state and provincial situation and is of development value .

  18. 针对中国农村劳动力严重过剩的国情,选用Bruno的生产函数,对我国的粮食产量进行了实证分析。

    In this article , Bruno production function is selected for the two step analysis of the Chinese agricultural output , which has taken the country 's surplus labour force and its transfer into full consideration .

  19. 它与频分多址(SCPC,IDR/IBS,TES,VSAT)相比,以及与中速60Mb/s、高速120Mb/sTDMA相比,有许多独特优点。比较适合我国国情。

    Compared with FDMA ( SCPC , IDR / IBS , TES , VSAT ), medium speed ( 60Mb / s ) and high speed ( 120Mb / s ) TDMA , it has many advantages .

  20. 准柔性制造系统(P-FMS)是一种适合我国国情的经济型的柔性制造系统,其主要特征是:适当降低自动化程度;

    Pseudo - Flexible manufacturing system ( P-FMS ) is a economical Flexible Manufacturing system for the situation of our country . It possesses the following main characters .

  21. 近年来我国每年小区的开发面积近4亿m2,智能小区是其中新的经济增长点,因此,针对我国的具体情况开发适合我国国情的小区智能化系统,具有广阔的发展前景。

    Recently the buildings development area of out country approximated 4 hundred millions m2 , intelligent buildings is the new economic point of growth among it . So it will have an expansive development prospect to develop a building intelligent system that adapt to our frondose national conditions .

  22. 另一创新之处在于,针对我国目前的实际情况,提出了适合我国国情的ESO关键要素设计方案,为我国上市公司实施ESO尽可能提供行之有效的指导。

    Another innovation lies in , in our country 's present actual conditions , have proposed the design plans of ESO key-element of suiting our country 's national conditions , offer effectual guidance for the listed company of our country implementing ESO as much as possible .

  23. 为提高客车速度,结合我国国情和路情,在既有繁忙干线上,实施先达速(120km/h)再增速(140km/h)的方案是经济而稳妥的;

    It is imperative to raise the speed of passenger trains . In combination with national conditions of China and the railway , it is an economic and stable measure to reach 120km / h in existing busy main lines and then increase it to 140km / h.

  24. 经临床实践证明是一种适合国情、操作简便、容易掌握、行之有效的口腔正畸技术。

    Our experiences show that the technique is simple and high cost-effective .

  25. 高等教育成本分担与中国国情的思考

    Cost Sharing of Higher Education and the Reality in China

  26. 目的:探索整体护理病区护理人力资源的配置问题,建立适合中国国情的病人分类系统,为整体护理病区的护理人员配置提供科学依据。

    Objective : To study the deployment of nurses in holistic care .

  27. 国情是制定交通运输政策的基本依据;

    Actual condition in China is the basic foundation for transport policy ;

  28. 基本国情、小康社会与和谐社会

    Basic Country Condition , Comparatively well-off Society and Harmonious Society

  29. 对构建适合我国国情的会计监管体系的思考

    Thoughts upon system of accounting supervision in harmony with our national conditions

  30. 国际经验与企业实践&制定适合国情的中国公司治理原则

    Call for Corporate Governance Principles of China Fit for Situation of Our Country