
lì xiàn
  • constitutionalism
立宪 [lì xiàn]
  • [constitutionalism] 君主国家制定宪法、实行议会制度的政体

立宪[lì xiàn]
  1. 孙大午和他的私企立宪制

    Sun Dawu and his " Constitutionalism system of private business "

  2. 这既是预备立宪的需要,又是权利斗争使然,尤其是中央与地方督抚斗争的结果。

    It was the result of constitutionalism preparing and rights contending .

  3. 欧洲有若干个君主立宪国。

    There are several constitutional monarchies in Europe .

  4. 我们的婚姻可以帮助格鲁吉亚重建君主立宪制

    together we could help restore our constitutional monarchy to Georgia ,

  5. 中国近代两幕立宪活动的闹剧

    Two acts of farce in the constitutionality in modern China

  6. 早期维新思想家的君主立宪思潮近代温州医学代表人物和维新思潮

    On modern representatives of Wenzhou medicine and their reform thoughts

  7. 他在立宪、议会制度以及选举制度等方面都有自身的见解。

    His constitutional idea , parliament system and election system etc.

  8. 《预备立宪公会报》新论

    A New Research on Newspaper of Preparatory Council for Constitutionalism

  9. 我们要为立宪会议不能举行负责吗?

    Are we responsible not to hold the constituent election ?

  10. 立宪工党是由沃特艾列斯等人于1918年创建的。

    The constituency Labour Party was founded in1918by Walter ayles and others .

  11. 因此,本文主张采取财政立宪的制度创新思路。

    So fiscal constitution and institutional innovation should be taken .

  12. 预备立宪公会与1910年国会请愿运动。

    Preliminary constitutional consortia and the Congress Petition Movement in1910 .

  13. 不管怎样,我们现在已经建立了一个立宪党。

    Now , however , we have built up a constitutional Party .

  14. 英国是一个没有立宪君主的王国。

    It is a kingdom which does not have a constitutional monarch .

  15. 第一部分:《东方杂志》及其立宪宣传概况。

    Chapter one : the Eastern Miscellanies and its constitutional propaganda survey .

  16. 对有的人来说,君主立宪制就完全不合时宜。

    To some people the monarchy is simply an anachronism .

  17. 论法国七月王朝君主立宪制的建立

    On the Formation of Constitutional Monarchy of the July Dynasty of France

  18. 为了避免问题,立宪者们匡建构架。

    To avoid a problem , the framers built structure .

  19. 非洲西北部的一个君主立宪制的王国。

    A kingdom ( constitutional monarchy ) in northwestern Africa .

  20. 阐述杨度的君主立宪思想的具体内容及特点。

    Clarify detailed content and characteristics of Yang Du 's constitutional monarchy idea .

  21. 对杨度的君主立宪思想进行总体评价。

    Overall evaluate Yang Du 's constitutional monarchy idea .

  22. 君主立宪制是从1688年的光荣革命后开始。

    Constitutional monarchy began after the Glorious Revolution in1688 .

  23. 美国革命时期马萨诸塞立宪运动的意义和影响

    The Meaning and Significance of the Massachusetts Constitutional Movement during the Revolutionary Period

  24. 而宪政法理学为我们研究欧盟立宪问题提供了概念分析工具。

    Constitutional jurisprudence provided a concept-analyse-tool for our research .

  25. 政体理论如何支撑立宪选择&基于麦迪逊与亚里士多德的虚拟对话

    How Did the Regime Theory Support the Constitutional Choice

  26. 问题是,政体理论如何支撑立宪选择?

    The question is how did the regime theory support the constitutional choice ?

  27. 目的是为了实现君主立宪;

    The purpose is to realize the constitutional monarchy ;

  28. 1910年的革命结束了第一共和国时期的葡萄牙君主立宪制。

    In1910 a republican revolution deposed the Portuguese monarchy starting the First Republic .

  29. 论汤寿潜的立宪思想及其社会实践

    The Constitutional Ideology and Practice of Tang Shou Qian

  30. 世界上大部分国家是立宪政体。

    Most countries in the world are constitutional governments .