
lì tǐ jǐ hé
  • solid geometry
立体几何 [lì tǐ jǐ hé]
  • [solid geometry] 讨论三维空间图形的几何学分支

  1. 提出基于三维、逻辑的应用技术并给出其在JAVA3D平台上的实现。这些技术将大大有助于计算机辅助立体几何教学。

    We introduced the technologies of3D based logical animation , and used them to implement a solid geometry teaching system by JAVA3D .

  2. 高中数学立体几何新旧教材比较及教学研究

    The Comparisons of High School Teaching Materials in Solid Geometry and the Study of Teaching

  3. 制作立体几何CAI课件的探索

    A Tentative way of Making Solid Geometry CAI Software

  4. CAI与立体几何教师教学能力的发展

    CAI and the Development of the Teaching Ability of the Solid Geometry Teachers

  5. 方法:应用3DMAX制作成牙齿的三维立体几何模型,通过CAE软件,生成三维实体有限元离散模型。

    Methods : On the basis of 3 D model created by 3D Max , the 3 D FEM model of teeth was generated by using of CAE software .

  6. 本文在查阅大量与蜗杆和CNC齿轮测量中心有关的国内外科技文献的基础上,利用微分几何和空间立体几何的相关知识建立了多种常用圆柱蜗杆的理论模型。

    In this paper , referring to great lot of scientific and technical literatures about worm and CNC , establish mathematical model of cylindrical worm on the basis of the differential geometry and three-dimensional geometry of space-related knowledge .

  7. 通过分析MCNP中子学模型文本描述和构造立体几何表示法的关系,指出从构造立体几何表示法到CAD模型的转换是MCNP中子学模型可视化的关键所在。

    Analysis on the relationship between the text description of MCNP neutronics model and the CSG shows that the conversion from CSG to CAD model is the key issue of the visualization .

  8. 文中基于LMT的思想方法,提出一种从表面数据模型出发,提取空间体信息、建立体几何模型的方法,并在此基础上自适应地进行计算网格的划分。

    Based on Layered Manufacturing Technology , a method to build volume model from surface model with self adaptive subdivision of computational field into discrete grids is presented .

  9. 比如,在数学方面有著名的GeometryTutor、BUGGY系统、张景中的立体几何、解析几何智能教学软件等:在化学方面则有王晓京的基于自动推理的新型ICAI化学系统等。

    For example , in mathematics there are tools such as Geometry Tutor , Buggy System , Solid Geometry by Zhang JinZhong , and Analytic Geometry Intelligent Tutoring Software , and in Chemistry there is the New ICAI Chemistry System Based on Automatic Reasoning by Wang XiaoJin , among others .

  10. 美术生立体几何学习现状及策略研究

    The Status and the Strategy of Arts Students ' Studying Geometry

  11. 立体几何解题中知识联系性的相关研究

    A Research on the Knowledge Connectedness in Solid Geometry Problem Solving

  12. 利用向量及其运算解立体几何题

    Using Vector and Its Operation to Solve the Solid Geometric Problems

  13. 重心坐标在立体几何中的应用

    Applicafion of the Coordinate of Center of Gravity in Solid Geometry

  14. 相互作用观和立体几何教学

    The view of interaction and the teaching of spatial geometry

  15. 欧几里得几何学的公设.我们刚学完立体几何就要学解析几何。

    We will learn analytic geometry after studying solid geometry .

  16. 利用简化图形提高立体几何的教学效率

    On Improving Teaching Efficiency of Solid Geometry by Using Simplified Geometry Figures

  17. 逻辑动画及其在立体几何教学中的应用

    Logical animation and its application in solid geometry teaching

  18. 向量引入立体几何后对学生空间思维的影响

    The Effects on Spatial Visualization after the Introduction of Vector into Solid Geometry

  19. 立体几何教学中运动思想的应用

    The Application to Motion Thought in Solid Geometry Teaching

  20. 立体几何开放性问题初探

    A Tentative Study on Open-type Teaching of Solid Geometry

  21. 2003年全国高考中两道立体几何试题的评析

    A discussion on two solid geometry problems of 2003 's University Entrance Examination

  22. 立体几何教学软件中的一个线消隐算法

    Hidden line removal algorithm in solid geometry teaching software

  23. 立体几何定理的计算机证明

    A Theorem of Solid Geometry Confirmed by Computer

  24. 关于新课程立体几何中图形变式教学的调查研究

    Investigation and Study on Graphic Variant Teaching in Solid Geometry of the New Curriculum

  25. 论立体几何中体积求法

    On the Calculation of Volume in Solid Geometry

  26. 立体几何的对象是比较抽象的图形与空间形式。

    The object of the three-dimensional geometry is more abstract graphics and spatial form .

  27. 抛物线求积公式在立体几何中的应用

    The Application of Parabola Integral Formula in Stereometry

  28. 立体几何造型系统图形数据库

    A graphic database for 3-D geometric moulding system

  29. 浅谈立体几何中的作图教学

    Brief Talking on Charting Teaching about Solid Geometry

  30. 新课程背景下立体几何教学研究

    The Research about the Teaching of Solid Geometry in the Background of the New Course