
lì fǎ tǐ zhì
  • legislative system
  1. 中国现行的立法体制是一元性二级立法体制。

    The prevailing legislative system in China is a unified legislative system at two levels .

  2. 二是改革现行立法体制中的批准制度。

    The second is reform the " approval " system in the current legislative system .

  3. 关于完善我国民族区域自治地方立法体制的思考

    On Perfecting Local Legislation System of Regional Autonomy of Ethnic Groups

  4. 当代中国立法体制的社会生态研究

    A Study on Social Ecology of the Present Chinese Legislation System

  5. 我国现行立法体制与南水北调有关立法形式研究

    Current Lawmaking Systems in China and Legislative Forms for the South-to-North Water Transfer

  6. 同时对中国现行的城市规划立法体制提出相关的建议。

    The artical also puts forward some suggestions on Chinese urban planning legislation system .

  7. 环境立法体制有待完善

    Environment Legislation System Needs to be Perfected

  8. 即商事司法和商事立法体制架构乃至具体发展或许会缺少明确的标准和方向。

    Commercial legislation , Judicial trial and development may lack of clear standards and directions .

  9. 我国现行税收立法体制和税收法律体系尚不健全,存在一些问题。

    There exist some problems in our present tax legislative system and tax legal system .

  10. 我国现行立法体制下优化地方经济立法权的对策及建议

    The Measures and Proposals to the Local Economy Lawmaking under the Present National Lawmaking System

  11. 立法体制不规范、主体多元;(4)立法发展不平衡;

    Thirdly , there is no standard legislative system , and the subject is plural .

  12. 我国的税收立法体制

    On China 's Taxation Legislation System

  13. 关于我国税收立法体制的探讨

    Legislative System of Taxation in China

  14. 因此,税收立法体制的理论探讨就成了理论对实践的必然回应。

    Therefore , it is necessary to research on the tax legislative theory to direct practice .

  15. 税收立法体制之完善

    Improve the Legislative System of Taxation

  16. 由于当时中国政坛掌权者频频易主,完整的立法体制并未形成。

    Since Chinese political power changed hands quickly , a complete legislative system had not formed then .

  17. 立法体制的模式问题研究

    On Models of Legislative System

  18. 这种改革目前仍面临着政治体制、立法体制、管理体制等诸多因素的制约。

    The innovation still face political system , lawmaking system , management system , many factors invites .

  19. 主要从法律理念、立法体制和执行机制三个方面着手论述非监禁刑适用存在的问题。

    Mainly from the legal concept , legal system and implementation mechanism three aspects discusses Non-Imprisoned punishment problems .

  20. 一元性立法体制和复合性立法体制各有利弊。

    As to a unified legislative system and a composite legislative system , each has advantages and disadvantages .

  21. 适当下放地方税立法权完善税收立法体制

    On Transferring Partial Legislative Power of Local Taxes to a Lower Level of Government for Improving Tax Legislation Systems

  22. 由于我国立法体制尚有不完备之处,导致正式的立法程序存在着一定的缺陷。

    As Chinese legislative system and political system are still incomplete , leading to some defects in formal legislative procedure .

  23. 第四部分,由于新的利益表达机制的出现,需要我们目前存在的立法体制进行相应的改进。

    Chapter four : We need to amend our legislation system to fit the request of the new interest expression mechanism .

  24. 在当前的立法体制之下,抽象行政行为仍被排除在行政诉讼的受案范围之外。

    Under the current legislative system , the abstract administrative action was still removed in the administrative proceedings the document scope outside .

  25. 由我国当代立法体制决定,民办教育法迄今已形成了一个按效力等级纵向分层的法律体系。

    Decided by contemporary legislation mechanism , a legal system on private education law has been formed through vertical stratification with different effectiveness .

  26. 究竟争执的本质便必须追溯到我国现行继承立法体制之结构。

    And the nature of the disputes could be retrieved back to the structure of the existing legacy heritage legislative system in China .

  27. 以上述政治制度和理论基础为背景,南京国民政府颁发了一系列宪法性法律文件,训政前期的立法体制最终得以建立。

    Based on such a political and theoretical background , the Nanjing government promulgated a series of constitutional laws to finalize the legislative system .

  28. 中国海外投资的立法体制不合理和立法原则不明确直接阻碍了海外投资实践及其立法的进一步发展。

    It is the unreasonable , vague-cut legislation system and principle of Chinese overseas investment that directly hinder the development of its legislation and practising .

  29. 税收立法体制是关于税收立法权、税收立法权运行、税收立法权载体诸方面的体系和制度,是立法体制的重要组成部分。

    Tax legislative system is a system of tax legislative rights and its application or supporters , and it is an important part of the legislative system .

  30. 其中立法体制方面存在的问题有:非监禁刑种类单调、非监禁刑刑种设置不合理及其实体法规定原则化导致适用率低。

    The legislative system problems are : non imprisonment punishment , monotonous type of non custodial penalty setting unreasonable and entity law principle leads to low application rate .