
sī rén cái chǎn
  • private property;goods
私人财产 [sī rén cái chǎn]
  • [paraphernalia;private estates] 个人所有物(如固定资产或服饰)

  1. CPS发布的指南规定:“未经登记的自平衡滑板车仅可在私人财产的土地上使用并需获得土地所有人许可。”

    CPS guidance states : ' You can only ride an unregistered self-balancing scooter on land which is private property and with the landowner 's permission .

  2. 英国皇家检察署(CrownProsecutionService,CPS)表示,悬浮滑板只能在私人财产的土地上使用,因为在公共场所使用太危险了。这种滑板价值400英镑,有一个平台,两侧各有一个轮子。

    The £ 400 vehicles , which feature a platform with a wheel on each side , can only be used on private property because they are too dangerous to ride in public , the Crown Prosecution Service says .

  3. 理查德能轻易毁掉她的私人财产来惩罚她对他的背叛。

    Richard could easily destroy her personal property to punish her for walking out on him

  4. n.私人财产这辆车是他私人财产,未经他的允许而使用是非法的。

    personalty That car is his personalty ; using it without his permission is illegal .

  5. 保护私人财产,建立和完善产权交易市场等。

    Protect private property , establish and improve the property market ;

  6. 他们鼓动走一种新的私人财产权之路。

    They encouraged to go on a new private property way .

  7. 他怎么能那么做?这里是私人财产

    How could he do that ? It 's private property .

  8. 合伙人需要有殷实的私人财产,这是合伙人专业胜任能力的信号,也是会计师事务所赔偿能力的源泉。

    Partner also needs considerate private belongings , which signals compensation power .

  9. 论立法保护私人财产权的迫切性

    On the Impendency of Law Protection of Private Property Rights

  10. 私营企业的经济以有关的私人财产和权利为特点。

    A private-enterprise economy is characterized by private property and rights concerned .

  11. 就要成为私人财产了,摸上去感觉如何?

    How does it feel to be men of property ?

  12. 他死时一贫如洗,没留下什么私人财产。

    He died poor , and left no personal effects .

  13. 他们在这个被废弃的房子里发现了各种各样的私人财产和值钱的物品。

    They discovered various chattels and valuable goods in the abandoned house .

  14. 论私人财产权的法律确认与保护

    Discussing on the Legal Recognition and Protection to the Private Property Right

  15. 关于完善保护私人财产法律制度的思考

    On perfecting the law institution on protection for private property

  16. 每个人都可以拥有或放弃私人财产。

    Individuals can hold and dispose of private property .

  17. 我很抱歉把你当作的我私人财产。

    I 'm sorry for treating U like property .

  18. 论我国物权法对私人财产权的保护实施

    Recognizing the Protection of Personal Property Rights by the Chinese Property Rights Law

  19. 暴雨给私人财产造成相当大的损失。

    The storm cause considerable damage to personal property .

  20. 论保护私人财产的宪政意味

    On the constitutional significance of private property protection

  21. 这辆车是他私人财产,未经他的允许而使用是非法的。

    That car is his personalty ; using it without his permission is illegal .

  22. 论私人财产权的宪法保护

    On the Charter Protection of Private Property Right

  23. 破坏故意地或恶意地破坏或毁损(公共或私人财产)

    To destroy or deface ( public or private property ) willfully or maliciously .

  24. 他们的工作是保护私人财产。

    Their job be to protect private property .

  25. 他们这次破坏的是私人财产。

    This time they messed with private property .

  26. 我们不赔偿私人财产,这就是为什么我们开的是警车。

    We don 't cover personal property . that 's why we drive police cars .

  27. 因为他继承了可观的私人财产,所以用不着工作。

    Because he 's inherited considerable personal wealth , he doesn 't have to work .

  28. 私人财产和市场经济

    that private property and a market economy

  29. 引发激烈辩论的物权法实际上给予了私人财产同国有财产平等的地位。

    The hotly-debated property legislation effectively grants private property the same status as state-owned property .

  30. 那些首饰是她的私人财产。

    The jewels were her personal property .