
tánɡ fěn
  • powdered sugar;icing sugar;confectioners sugar
  1. 洒上糖粉和鲜草莓一块上碟。

    Dust the waffles with powdered sugar and fresh strawberries .

  2. 也许再来点法国面包和些糖粉。

    Maybe some French toast and a little powdered sugar .

  3. 将人造黄油在小碗里搅成糊状,再将糖粉筛进去。

    Cream the margarine in a small bowl , then sieve the icing sugar into it .

  4. 对10名健康志愿者口服azithromycin的药物动力学研究以及其干糖粉的相对生物利用度测定结果显示:空腹口服azithromycin单剂500mg后,其体内过程符合二室模型,其消除半衰期为50.39±8.87h;

    The pharmacokinetics of azithromycin and the bioavailability of its dry syrup in 10 healthy volunteers were described in this paper . After a single oral dose of 500 mg azithromycin administration in fasting state , the serum concentration time curves appeared to fit a two compartment model kinetics .

  5. 休息室内面包圈的糖粉仅限绿色。

    Make sure the break room donuts only have green sprinkles .

  6. 然后拌入糖粉、巧克力粒和橙皮碎末;

    Stir in the sugar , chocolate drops and orange zest .

  7. 柠檬汁;糖粉;银色或者金色的糖果

    Lemon juice ; Icing sugar ; Silver or gold dragees

  8. 若任何一方有鹅口疮请避免以上行为(糖粉会导致鹅口疮恶化)

    Avoid these if either partner has thrush ( sugar encourages thrush )

  9. 普鲁兰酶在生产玉米淀粉全糖粉中的应用与研究

    Study on Total-sugar Produced by Two-enzymatic Technology from Corn Starch

  10. 玉米全糖粉生产工艺中关键技术的研究

    Study on Effective Preparation Key Technology of Total Sugar Powder

  11. 结果优选辅料为糖粉和糊精。

    ResultsThe optimization assistance materials are the sugar and dextrin .

  12. 一些黄油,一些糖粉和一些牛奶。

    Some butter , some icing sugar and some milk .

  13. 氯霉素糖粉用于褥疮溃疡期的治疗护理研究

    Nursing study on Using Chloramphenicol Powder to Treat Patients with Ulcerative-stage Bedsore

  14. 把黄油和糖粉放在一起搅成轻软的糊状。

    Cream the butter and icing sugar together until light and fluffy .

  15. 这看上去像我们在车上找到的糖粉。

    This looks like the powdered sugar we found in the cab .

  16. 把糖粉和可可粉加到锅里,搅拌。

    Place icing sugar & cocoa in saucepan and stir .

  17. 我们在里程表的电线上找到糖粉。

    We found powdered sugar on the odometer cable .

  18. 在蛋糕上面撒上糖粉。

    Sift confectioner sugar on top of the cake .

  19. 这些脆饼乾参杂了莞豆在其中,还在上面撒上许多糖粉!

    These shortbread cookies have Qando in the middle and sprinkles on top !

  20. 在盘子里用筛子撒上糖粉和可可粉。

    Sift icing sugar and cocoa onto a plate .

  21. 把每个小球放在糖粉里滚三次。

    Roll each ball in powdered sugar 3 times .

  22. 将黄油和糖混在一起,然后加入细糖粉。

    Beat the butter and sugar together , then add sifted icing sugar .

  23. 把面粉,糖粉,和卡士达粉混合放到一个搅拌盆。

    Sift flour , icing sugar and custard powder together into a mixing bowl .

  24. 糖粉1袋或2磅

    Bag ( 2 lbs . ) powdered sugar

  25. 半导体激光与氯霉素糖粉治疗感染性伤口疗效比较

    Treatment of Infected Wounds by Bio-semiconductor Laser and Chloramphenicol Frosting : A comparative Study

  26. 在大碗中过筛面粉,加入糖粉和蓝莓。

    Sift the flour into a large bowl , add the sugar and blueberries .

  27. 玉米葡萄糖全糖粉生产关键技术中液化条件的优化研究

    Study on optimization of liquefaction in the key technology of producing corn whole sugar powder

  28. 轻轻搅拌奶油乳酪,加入百利甜与糖粉。

    Lightly whip the cream cheese then beat in the Bailey 's and icing sugar .

  29. 在一个大的容器中,先将室温软化后的黄油打发,然后加入糖粉,搅拌均匀至很轻的羽毛状。

    In a large mixing bowl , cream butter and1 cup sugar until light and fluffy .

  30. 混合糖粉和柠檬汁浇到蛋糕上。(这步我省略了。)

    For the glaze , combine the confectioners'sugar and lemon juice and pour over the cake .