
  • 网络somaliland
  1. 北部自称独立的索马里兰省政府,2003年与ophirenergy签署了产量分成协议。

    The government of Somaliland , a northern province that considers itself independent , struck a production-sharing agreement with Ophir energy in 2003 .

  2. 分离出的索马里兰共和国的城镇男人肩扛着山羊走向小艇上以便出口。

    Townsmen in the breakaway Republic of Somaliland shoulder goats to a boat for export .

  3. 然而在北部,索马里兰这个分离的地区是稳定面和平的。

    Yet to the north , the breakaway region of Somaliland is stable and at peace .

  4. 索马里兰年轻的政府设法以坚定的拘捕政策成功地击败了海盗。

    Somaliland 's fledgling government has managed to successfully crack down on pirates with a robust arrest policy .

  5. 在索马里兰的首府哈尔格萨一个平静的安乐窝里,女人们作着她们的发型和染脚指甲。

    In a cocoon of calm , women have their hair styled and feet decorated with henna in Hargeysa , Somaliland 's capital .

  6. 现在,他看守的是少数几个海盗,和分裂出的索马里兰共和国政府发送到这里的其它囚犯。

    Now he guards a handful of pirates and other prisoners sent to this location by the government of the breakaway Republic of Somaliland .

  7. 在受邀参加听证会的过渡政府和地方官员中,索马里兰共和国外交部长拒绝参加。

    Of Somalia transitional government and regional officials invited to the hearing , the foreign minister of the Republic of Somaliland declined to attend .

  8. 联合国难民事务高级专员署发言人表示,那里逃离摩加迪沙的人在前往索马里邦特兰,埃塞俄比亚或肯尼亚的路上面临新的危险和困难。

    The UNHCR spokeswoman said people who leave Mogadishu face new risks and difficulties on their way to Somalia 's Puntland region or Ethiopia and Kenya .