
zǐ jú
  • Notoseris psilolepis Shih
  1. 小紫菊花儿们不断的向小蜜蜂仙蒂招手!

    The little flowers waved at Shandie the bumble bee .

  2. 几乎每个人都认识一些深信服用紫锥菊、锌或吞下大量维生素C有效的人。

    Nearly everyone knows someone who swears by taking echinacea or zinc or downing packs of vitamin C.

  3. RP-HPLC测定紫锥菊提取物中2种咖啡酸衍生物的含量

    Determination of 2 caffeic acid derivatives in Echinacea extracts by RP-HPLC

  4. Ri质粒介导紫锥菊的遗传转化及其毛状根中次生代谢产物的含量分析

    Genetic Transformation of Echinacea Purpurea by Ri Plasmid and Content Identification of Hairy Roots ' Secondary Metabolites

  5. 方法:采用RP-HPLC同时测定紫锥菊提取物中2种主要咖啡酸衍生物:单咖啡酰酒石酸、菊苣酸的含量。

    METHODS : RP-HPLC was applied to determine 2 caffeic acid derivatives in E. purpurea extract : caftaric acid and chicoric acid .

  6. 不推荐给有自身免疫缺陷的人,HIV感染者,内吸收系统疾病,或是对紫锥菊或其它菊科植物敏感的人使用。

    Not recommended for individuals with autoimmune diseases , HIV infection , progressive systemic disease , or who are allergic to echinacea or other flowers of the same Compositae ( or Asteraceae ) family .

  7. 结果表明,应用紫锥菊、黄芪后可缓解IBDV造成法氏囊的病理损伤,增加免疫器官指数,在攻毒20d后差异明显;

    The results showed that , Echinacea-Astragalus mixture could alleviate the pathological injury induced by IBDV , increase the index of immune organs , and showed difference at20 d post-infection ( P0.05 );

  8. 利用A4、R1601、R1000三种发根农杆菌诱导紫锥菊的遗传转化,建立紫锥菊毛状根诱导体系。

    Establishment and identification of a system to transform hairy roots of Echinacea purpurea . Hairy roots were induced from the wounded brim of the explants , 25 days after inoculation of Echinacea purpurea explants with A.

  9. 经AB8树脂吸附分离,产品纯度达202%,纯度比紫锥菊初提物提高了近5倍。

    With the adsorption and separation of AB-8 resin , the product was got with a content of 20.2 % , nearly increased 5 times than that of Echinacea purpurea extract .

  10. 引种紫锥菊主要活性部位的免疫调节作用研究

    Immunostimulatory Effect of the Main Active Fractions from Introduced Echinacea purpurea

  11. 西草药的显微鉴别研究Ⅰ&3种紫锥菊根的显微鉴别

    Microscopic identification study of western herbs part ⅰ: Three Echinacea-species roots

  12. 紫锥菊多酚植物化学物质对大鼠应激性胃溃疡的影响

    Effect of polyphenol phytochemicals in echinacea on stress gastric ulcer in rats

  13. 紫锥菊多糖抑制致病性大肠埃希菌细胞黏附的试验研究

    Inhibition of Escherichia coli adhesion to cell by Echinacea polysaccharide

  14. ~7Li离子束诱变紫松果菊的生物效应研究初报

    Preliminary study on biological effects of ~ 7li ion beams on Echinacea purpurea

  15. “我们不应再认为紫锥菊有任何功效了。”

    " We 've got to stop attributing any efficacy to echinacea . "

  16. 紫锥菊中菊苣酸提取纯化工艺研究

    Study on the Extraction and Purification Process of Cichoric Acid in Echinacea Purpurea

  17. 侵染紫松果菊的黄瓜花叶病毒分离物鉴定

    Identification of Cucumber mosaic virus isolated from Echinacea purpurea

  18. 紫锥菊的组织培养及其实用快速繁殖

    Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Echinacea Purpurea

  19. 病人还要回答他们是否相信紫锥菊可以治疗感冒。

    Participants were also asked about their beliefs in echinacea as a potential cold treatment .

  20. 机械应力加载装置的研制与紫锥菊原生质体分离初探

    Development of the Device of Mechanical Stress and Protoplast Isolation of Callus in Echinacea Augustifolia

  21. 紫锥菊根乙醇提取物的抗炎作用研究

    Anti-inflammatory Effects of Echinacea Root Extract

  22. 目的采用聚酰胺柱色谱分离纯化紫锥菊提取物中菊苣酸。

    Isolation and purification of cichoric acid from extracts of Echinacea purpurea by polyamide column chromatography ;

  23. 大孔吸附树脂对紫锥菊提取物中菊苣酸分离纯化的研究

    Study on adsorption and purification of cichoric acid in extracts of Echinacea purpurea with macroporous adsorption resin

  24. 紫锥菊中菊苣酸和单咖啡酰酒石酸纯化工艺及菊苣酸性质研究

    Study on Purification Process of Cichoric Acid and Caftaric Acid in Echinacea Purpurea and Property of Cichoric Acid

  25. 紫锥菊黄芪对传染性囊病疫苗免疫雏鸡淋巴细胞亚群和肿瘤坏死因子含量的影响

    Effect of Echinacea and Astragalus extracts on lymphocyte subgroups and TNF - α content in broilers with IBD vaccine

  26. 在加拿大,紫锥菊根被批准用于治疗喉咙酸痛。

    In Canada , Echinacea root tea is an approved Traditional Herbal Medicine for the relief of sore throat .

  27. 黄瓜花叶病毒紫松果菊分离物外壳蛋白特性分析

    The Analysis on the Characteristics of the Coat Protein Genes of Cucumber mosaic Virus Isolated from Echinacea purpurea Moench

  28. 另两组服用了药片,但不知道其中的成分:药片中含有紫锥菊或者仅仅就是一种安慰剂。

    Two other groups received pills but didn 't know the contents : The pills either contained echinacea or were a placebo .

  29. 研究深受美喜草紫锥菊预感冒,缓解感冒症状。

    Echinacea , the herbal supplement used by millions of Americans , neither prevented colds nor eased cold symptoms in a study .

  30. 紫杉醇生产中资源的综合利用&天然紫杉烷合成紫杉醇工艺的探讨紫锥菊根乙醇提取物的抗炎作用研究

    Holistic utilization of resources extracted from Taxus brevifolia & research of conversion of taxane glycosides to paclitaxel Anti-inflammatory Effects of Echinacea Root Extract