
yīn lǜ
  • temperament;tonality;mode
音律 [yīn lǜ]
  • [temperament] [乐]∶指音乐上的律吕、宫调等,也叫乐律

  • 上晓音律。--宋. 王谠《唐语林.雅量》

音律[yīn lǜ]
  1. 本文从音律、题材内容和艺术审美三方面详细论析了李清照的这一词学观。

    The article detailedly discusses and analyses LiQing-zhao 's view from three aspects of tonality , content of subjects and the art aesthetic .

  2. 音律符合中国民族音乐的基本音律&五度相生律。元极音乐以徵音为主导,徵音与心音相应;

    The temperament agree with the essential temperament of Chinese national music & Five Pitches Generating Temperament .

  3. 春秋时代,有个叫俞伯牙的人,精通音律,琴艺高超,是当时著名的琴师。

    There was a man whose name was Yu Boya . Yu boya famous music master at that time , having a good command of the temperament1 and superb skills in playing the musical instrument .

  4. 分布律的解析表达式分析诗歌的音节音律。

    The law of distribution analysis of verse into metrical patterns .

  5. 幻象、分化、音律及其翻译&重读莎士比亚第31首十四行诗

    ⅱ Iusion , Disintegration and Sound in Shakespeare s Sonnet 31

  6. 为苏轼不懂音律一辩

    Debate against " Su Shi Does Not Understand Rhythm "

  7. 心脏跳动节奏不规律。分析诗歌的音节音律。

    An abnormal heartbeat rhythm . analysis of verse into metrical patterns .

  8. 一种模仿演讲节奏的诗歌音律。

    A poetic rhythm that imitates the rhythm of speech .

  9. 自幼博学多才,好文辞,又精于音律。

    Se was erudite from childhood , good at writing and melody .

  10. 黄帝时期已经有了音律系统。

    The yellow emperor period already has a melody system .

  11. 汉代音律学文献资料中的两个问题

    Two problems on the musical documents in Han Dynasty

  12. 围成一个大圆圈,敲打乐鼓,吸引那些寻找大力敲击音律来减压的人们。

    Drum circles attract people who find stress relief in pounding out rhythms .

  13. 英诗音律美赏析

    Appreciation of the Rhythm and Rhyme of English Poems

  14. 大诗人也是音律大师。

    A great poet is a master melody .

  15. 这欢欣的音律不能使你欢欣吗?

    Is it beyond thee to be glad with the gladness of this rhythm ?

  16. 主要通过语言的典雅美,音律美,和抒情性这三方面进行分析。

    Mainly through the elegant beauty of language , rhythm and lyricism three analysis .

  17. 因为粉色很漂亮白色呢就是我们传统的婚礼音律

    because the pink is pretty and white is you know the old wedding rhyme

  18. 23例(79%)出现语音障碍,包括音韵及音律障碍。

    Voice disorder occurred in 23 patients ( 79 percent ), including rhyme disorders .

  19. 参加“音律会”的客人只有250名,参加招待宴会的则只有80人。

    Only 250 guests were at the Sangeet and just 80 people attended the reception .

  20. 音律计算法比较及三种律制音阶音分值的简易计算法

    Compared Numeration of Music Temperament with Three System of Temperaments Scale Cent Value Facility Numeration

  21. 尽管我略懂一点点音律

    Though I know a little about music

  22. 唐代文人因此大都精通音律、能歌善舞,并具有高超的音乐鉴赏水平。

    The liberators mastered swing , songs and dancing , had higher appreciation of music .

  23. 中立音音律现象的研究

    The Temperament Phenomenon of Neutral - tone

  24. 多音节单词重音的分布。分析诗歌的音节音律。

    The distribution of stresses within a polysyllabic word . analysis of verse into metrical patterns .

  25. 此外,他甚至还研究了非洲卡拉哈里沙漠内地人民的音律。

    He has even explored the rhythms of the Bush people of the Kalahari Desert in Africa .

  26. 诗歌作为一种特殊的文体,与所处的环境的语言文字和文化关系密切,尤其强调形式美、音律美和意境美。

    As a special style , poem is closely related to its language and culture , especially the form .

  27. 彝文文献长诗的音律,也是押的音节,是对一般诗歌押音节模式的灵活运用。

    The metrics of the Yi 's documentary long poems represents the flexible application of syllable patterns of common poetry .

  28. 她还大量使用叠字、叠句和对偶句,使词的音律和谐婉转。

    She also use a lot of reiterative locution , hooks and antithesis , making the word harmony music melody .

  29. 另一个音律就是如果你结婚穿马甲你将永远受保佑所以

    and the half if of course you will forever be blessed if you married in a vest and so the vest

  30. 尽管我时常处于痛苦的深渊,但头脑始终保持冷静,内心深处与音律般纯洁、和谐。

    Though I am often in the depths of misery , there is still calmness , pure harmony and music inside me .