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yīn fú
  • note;musical note;semantic complement
音符 [yīn fú]
  • [semantic complement;musical note] 乐谱中以其形状表示相对的持续时值(音长),并以其在谱表上的位置表示一定音高的记号

音符[yīn fú]
  1. Pitch像个音符,而havingperfectpitch是说当你在唱歌或演奏时都能找准正确音符。

    Nancy : Pitch is like a musical note , and having perfect pitch is when you always can tell exactly the correct note in whatever you are singing or playing .

  2. 装满音符的盒子脑不同部位损害与失写症

    Space Full of Musical Note The Relationship between Localized Brain Damage and Agraphia

  3. 五线谱以C大音阶构成,每一个线和间代表这个音阶的音符。

    Musical notation was conceived for the C major scale and each line and space represents a note in this scale .

  4. 如果用竖琴演奏D音符,其他八度音阶所有相应的D弦都将发出共鸣。

    If the note of D is sounded on a harp , all the corresponding D strings of other octaves will likewise resonate .

  5. 在第一个e上标有一个尖音符。

    There 's an acute accent on the first " e " .

  6. 我们必须涉及这些黑色音符了,它们可以被称为升调或降调。

    We 've got to get into these black notes , which can be called sharps or flats .

  7. 音高有细微变化的音符

    a note with subtle variances of pitch

  8. 考虑之前讨论的音符G音谱号字符例子。

    Consider the example of the character " musical symbol G clef " discussed before .

  9. FRED和DWT在乐音音符识别中的应用研究

    Research and Application of FRED and DWT in the Musical Tone Recognition

  10. 在《吉他英雄》(GuitarHero)和《摇滚乐队》(RockBand)游戏中,音符从手机萤幕上方涌出,让你按照节奏击打它们。

    As in Guitar Hero or Rock Band , notes stream down the screen and you have to hit them on the beat .

  11. 就好像在音乐中,当你对着C和G一起演奏时,你听到的不是和弦,而是E这个中间音符。

    It 's as if in music , when you play to the C and a G together , instead of hearing a chord , you just heard the note E the intermediate note .

  12. 通过思考多种的组合,你可以运用你的p、i、m和a指在不同的琴弦上和不同的音符来弹奏出一系列的琶音。

    Think of all the combinations you can play with your p , I , m and a fingers and multiply them with the number of strings on your guitar and then with the number of notes in succession .

  13. 发舒适音和真声最低音时男女间Jitter值有差异。每小节有四个四分音符或与其相当的音乐时值。

    Jitter of comfortable voice and the lowest true voice between male and female showed statistically significant difference . a time signature indicating four beats to the bar .

  14. 根据MIDI文件描述音乐旋律的方法,由音符的音高(音调)和时值(时长)就可确定歌曲旋律。

    According to the description of MIDI format file , a melody can be identified by pitch and time values of the notes .

  15. 过去他确实没有音乐方面的才能,少年的母亲对CBS丹佛电视台记者说,过去我会问他,你听不出下一个音符是什么吗?

    ' He really had no talent , ' his mother Elsie Hamilton told CBS Denver . ' I would say , Can 't you hear what 's next ?

  16. 我们学习“ROYGBIV”时,会非常容易就联想到彩虹的颜色,或学习“每一个好孩子的主张”时,就会联想到音符。

    Many of us learned " ROY G BIV " to remember the colors of the rainbow , or " Every Good Boy Deserves Favors " to learn musical notes .

  17. 他原本的意图是教活页乐谱,通过在屏幕上显示滚动的音符和等待你在MIDI设备上弹奏这些正确的音符。

    His intention was originally to teach sheet music , by showing scrolling musical notes on screen and waiting for you to play those exact notes on your MIDI device .

  18. 本文具体阐述了MIDI音乐库主旋律提取方法和哼唱特征包含基频和音符在内的特征提取和处理方法,通过实验得出特征提取效果。

    The paper describes the melody extraction of MIDI music database and humming feature including pitch and note extraction and processing , we make an assessment of the feature extraction by experiment .

  19. 城市属于某一国家的某一地区,城市信息包括(纯ASCII)名称、带重音符的名称(可能包含外文字符)、人口数(如果人口数未知,就是0)、纬度和经度。

    Cities are within a region of a country and have a ( pure ASCII ) name , an accented name ( which might include foreign characters ), a population ( or0 , if unknown ), a latitude , and a longitude .

  20. 这样的操作包括按键(NoteOn),释放键件(NoteOff),更换合成器程序或者修补齿轮的设置或者移动齿轮来改变音符的音调。

    These actions include things like depressing a key ( NoteOn ), releasing a key ( NoteOff ), changing a synthesizer program or patch setting and movement of a pitch wheel to alter a note 's pitch .

  21. (音乐中)全音阶中的第一个音符。

    ( music ) the first note of a diatonic scale .

  22. 我们就是您创作的旋律和音符。

    We are the melodies and the notes of your opus .

  23. 这乐曲以三个短音符和一人长音符开始。

    It begin with three short note and one long one .

  24. 淳扑善良的心声,化作了跳动的音符。

    Chun flutter good feelings turn into beating of the notes .

  25. 断断续续的鼓掌;不连贯的指挥;不连贯的音符。

    Staccato applause ; a staccato command ; staccato notes .

  26. 这些落后的传统的行政文化正成为我们推进和谐社会的进程里的不和谐音符。

    The traditional backward administrative culture hinder the advance of compatible society .

  27. 不同音符时值是节奏的基本构成要素。

    Different note lengths or durations are an essential element in rhythm .

  28. 每个音符都荡漾着赤子最真挚的情;

    Each note is a newborn baby waves the most sincere feelings ;

  29. ph.1.【音】二全音符第二类音乐是传统音乐。

    Double whole note The second type of music is traditional music .

  30. 音乐把一个个美妙的音符注入我的心田。

    Wonderful music to the notes one by one into my heart .