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ɡǔ dài wén huà
  • ancient culture;ancient civilization
  1. 中华民族的古代文化博大精深,灿烂辉煌。

    The ancient civilization of Chinese nation is extensive and profound , magnificent and brilliant .

  2. 中国古代文化在世界文化史上的地位及其繁荣动因

    Chinese Ancient Civilization 's Status in the World Cultural History and the Reason for Its Prosperity

  3. 它显示了中国古代文化的光辉。

    It demonstrated the brilliance of China 's ancient culture .

  4. 中国古代文化发祥于黄河流域。

    China 's ancient culture originated in the Yellow River basin .

  5. 一些古代文化认为它是有用药物。

    Some ancient cultures believed that it was useful as medicine .

  6. 从埃及到中国的每一个古代文化都依赖盐。

    Every ancient culture from Egypt to China depended on salt .

  7. 这位年轻的艺术家真的为中国古代文化赋予了新面貌。

    The young artist really gave the ancient Chinese culture a new look .

  8. 我国古代文化宝库中蕴藏着丰富的变革思想。

    There are plenty of reform thoughts in ancient China culture .

  9. 道概念是中国古代文化中一个非常重要的哲学概念。

    Tao is a very important philosophy conception of ancient Chinese culture .

  10. 铜鼓是东盟古代文化的共同载体

    Bronze Drums : the Common Carrier of Ancient ASEAN Cultures

  11. 这些书帮助中国读者了解这些地区的古代文化。

    Chinese readers with the ancient cultures of these lands .

  12. 古代文化意识形态对中医学术流派形成的影响

    Influence of Ancient Cultural Ideology on the Formation of TCM Academic Schools

  13. 那是我国古代文化的摇篮。

    That place was the cradle of ancient Chinese culture .

  14. 这是一项关键的发祥地中国古代文化。

    It is one of the key birthplaces of Chinese ancient culture .

  15. 巫与圣是中国古代文化体系中两个极为关键的构成要素。

    Wizardry and Sage are two key components of ancient Chinese culture .

  16. 唐宋时期是我国古代文化的繁荣阶段。

    Tang and Song is the most prosperous period of ancient Chinese culture .

  17. 黄蘖、芸香草和中国古代文化

    Airpotato Yam and Lemongrass Herb and Ancient Chinese Culture

  18. 长江古代文化与民间木版画

    Ancient Changjiang River Culture and the Folk Woodcut Painting

  19. 从民族学资料看南方民族的古代文化英雄

    About the cultural heroes of ancient Chinese Southern nationalities through reference of ethology

  20. 扬州是一座古代文化和现代文明交相辉映的滨江对外开放城市。

    Yangzhou is an ancient culture and modern civilization illuminated riverside open city .

  21. 马克萨斯群岛古代文化遗迹

    Remains of the Ancient Culture on the Marquesas Islands

  22. 文言作品是中国古代文化的结晶,亦是传承中华文化的载体。

    The Ancient Chinese works is the crystallization and carrier of the Chinese ancient culture .

  23. 由于一些欧洲国家的扩张政策,许多古代文化受到了损害。

    As a collsequence of expansionism by some European countries many allciem culrures irave suffered .

  24. 中国的长期封建社会中,创造了灿烂的古代文化。

    A splendid old culture was created during the long period of Chinese feudal society .

  25. 青海古代文化遗址时空分布特征

    The characteristics of the Temporal and Spatial Distribution of the Ancient cultural Sites In Qinghai Province

  26. 屏风是我国传统家具的重要组成部分,在中国古代文化艺术中占有重要地位。

    Screen was considered one of the most important furniture and interior decorations in ancient China .

  27. 中国古代文化中的土地神掌管亡魂,他把每个人的行为都记录下来。

    Ancient Chinese history includes City Protectors who recorded each citizen 's deeds in a book .

  28. 研究了《周易》在中国古代文化中的重要地位及《周易》对中国古代帝王文化的影响。

    Book of Changes once extented great influence on ancient Chinese imperial culture and ancient Chinese architectures .

  29. 西周礼乐文化在古代文化中有特殊地位,它可以说是上古三代文化的集成。

    Therefore , it could be said that cultures of these three dynasties made an integrated system .

  30. ,我带着为中国古代文化所不齿的新世界式天真神情问道。

    I asked , displaying the New World naivety so despised in the ancient culture that is China .