
yīn yuè xínɡ xiànɡ
  • musical image
  1. 论联觉&音乐形象再现中的审美心理结构

    On Synesthesia : the Aesthetic Psychology During the Reproduce of Musical Image

  2. 论欣赏教学中音乐形象的多义性

    On the Ambiguity of Musical Image in Appreciation Teaching

  3. 小奏鸣曲(Sonatine)是相对奏鸣曲而言的,指曲式结构规模较小,音乐形象较为简洁,音乐内容较为浅显的奏鸣曲,一般有2~3个乐章。

    Sonatina in terms of relatively sonata , musical structure refers to the smaller , more compact music images , music content , the more facile sonatas , generally 2 to 3 movement .

  4. 论歌曲作品中音乐形象的塑造

    On the Representation of Musical Images in the Creation of Songs

  5. 陕北民歌歌词中的音乐形象

    The Music Images in the Words of Folk Songs of Northern Shaanxi

  6. 舞蹈艺术形象应与舞蹈音乐形象相统一

    The Integration of the Art-images and the Music-images in Dancing

  7. 抽象图形在音乐形象设计中的运用

    Application of Abstract Graphics Design in Music Visual Identity

  8. 歌唱用人声进行艺术创造,来塑造音乐形象;

    The singing is to the human voice to create the musical figures .

  9. 德沃夏克《第九交响曲自新大陆》第四乐章的音乐形象

    The Image of Music in the Fourth Movement of Dvorak 's Ninth Symphony

  10. 歌曲旋律与钢琴伴奏结合完美,音乐形象鲜明;

    The melody with piano accompaniment is perfect and the musical image is distinctive ;

  11. 建筑性音乐形象的形式依据。

    The modal foundation of architectural music image .

  12. 论音乐形象的模拟教育

    On the Simulating Education of Image of Music

  13. 论声乐艺术中的音乐形象特质

    On Studying the Music Vivid Special Quality in the Theory Art of Vocal Music

  14. 简论音乐形象的三维动态结构

    On the three-dimensional dynamic structure of musical visualizes

  15. 歌唱是一种运用人声塑造音乐形象的艺术。

    Singing is the art of portraying musical figures by means of vocal sound .

  16. 鲜明、生动的音乐形象。

    Bright and vivid music image ;

  17. 钢琴音乐形象的塑造,是通过丰富多变的音色和适当的节奏来完成的。

    The musical image of the piano is made by various changeable sound effects and rhythm .

  18. 肖邦的谐谑曲是音乐形象对比鲜明结构庞大的一种单乐章的钢琴独奏曲。

    Chopin 's scherzo is a single-chapter piano solo which has distinctive contrast and enormous structure .

  19. 论音乐形象的形式依据

    The Modal Foundation of Music Image

  20. 音乐形象刍议

    On the Image of Music

  21. 陕北民歌高亢、旷达、苦涩、悲凉、其音乐形象多是生活经验的再现;

    Folk Songs of Northern Shaanxi are typical of its loudness and sonorousness , bitterness and sadness .

  22. 第三部分通过不同的演唱技巧来塑造不同人物的音乐形象。

    The third part creates the image of the music of different characters through the different singing skills .

  23. 音乐形象再现过程中的联觉,在音乐创作和欣赏中占有重要地位。

    The synesthesia during the reproduce of musical image has an important position in music creation and appreciation .

  24. 在这个动态结构中,音乐形象不断地转化、发展、丰富和完善。

    In this dynamic structure , the musical visualizes is transforming , developing , enriching and improving constantly .

  25. 本文提出音乐形象与演奏技巧相辅相承的辩证观点。

    This paper puts forward a dialectical point of view that music images and playing technigues supplement each other .

  26. 正确理解音乐形象的特质,充分运用各种音乐语言和技巧进行歌曲创作,是塑造鲜明音乐形象的根本。

    Composers strive to move and elicit their audiences by means of creating live musical figures in their song-writing .

  27. 学生的音乐形象培养与德育有机结合在一起,可净化心灵、升华品德。

    Combining the fostering of students'musical image with moral education can pure one 's mind and improve one 's morality .

  28. 音乐形象是客观存在的,具有辩证法的特点,是通过形象思维进行塑造的。

    Music is an objective image , with the characteristics of dialectics , is to shape the thinking in images .

  29. 音乐形象问题一直被人们视为一个十分复杂的美学理论问题和十分现实的艺术实践问题。

    The Music Image has been looking as a quite complicated issue of aesthetic theory and actual one of artistic practice .

  30. 另外,埃尔加还将《圣经》中关于数字的隐喻运用于作品的创作之中,以表现特定的音乐形象与故事情节。

    Moreover , he applies the figure metaphor in the Bible in his composition to represent the given musical image and story line .