
  • 网络play the piano;player piano;concert piano
  1. 你会演奏钢琴、喇叭、鼓或者吉他吗?

    Can you play the piano , trumpet and drum or guitar ?

  2. 我希望我能以演奏钢琴谋生。

    I hope that I can play the piano for a living .

  3. 演奏钢琴的戴夫将这支曲子反复弹了两三遍。

    Dave , the pianist , played it over a couple of times .

  4. 他会演奏钢琴、小提琴及其他几种乐器。

    He can play piano , violin and several other instruments .

  5. 她将演奏钢琴。

    She will be performing at the piano .

  6. 她过去在一支爵士乐队演奏钢琴。

    She used to play piano in a jazz band .

  7. 培养学生演奏钢琴的能力刍议

    On the Cultivation of Students ' Competence in Playing Piano

  8. 现在让我们听她演奏钢琴。

    Now let us hear her play the piano .

  9. 那个五岁的小女孩熟练地演奏钢琴。

    The five-year-old girl performed perfectly on the piano .

  10. 他靠演奏钢琴谋生。

    He earned his living by playing the piano .

  11. 他演奏钢琴时表现出极强的感受力。

    He plays the piano with great feeling .

  12. 他演奏钢琴完全凭听觉记忆,不用乐谱。

    She plays the piano entirely by ear .

  13. 在晚会上我们看了她演奏钢琴。

    We saw the piano at the party .

  14. 他熟练地演奏钢琴。

    He performs perfectly on the piano .

  15. 下一个,就是一个老人演奏钢琴的那个,他弹的是莫扎特的作品。

    Next , when only one man played the piano , he was playing Mozart .

  16. 用完美无缺的技巧演奏钢琴。

    Plays the piano with exquisite technique .

  17. 听名曲是学习世界名家演奏钢琴的好方法。

    Listening to them is a good way to lean how the internationally recognized masters play the piano .

  18. 我非常敬仰女王殿下,为她演奏钢琴将让我倍感荣幸。

    The Queen is someone who I respect greatly and it would be an absolute honor to perform for her .

  19. 但由于我从幼儿园大班开始学习演奏钢琴,用去了大量的时间,以至于我的英语水平并不十分突出。

    I spent most of the time on playing piano from kindergarten , so my English is not so outstanding .

  20. 老人们都非常感谢哥哥和我为他们演奏钢琴曲。看到他们脸上的微笑,我们由衷地感到高兴。

    My brother and I were very delighted that the music we were playing could put a smile on someone 's face and could tough someone 's heart .

  21. 你教她唱的那支歌已成了她的拿手好戏,每当有人在酒吧演奏钢琴的时候,总是请她去唱那支歌。

    That song which you taught her has become her party piece-whenever sb starts to play the piano in the pub she 's always asked to sing it .

  22. 我是说,我提及到了我祖母的童年,她是怎么爱上音乐的,还有她是怎样在各种家庭聚会上演奏钢琴的。

    I mean , I mentioned my grandmother 's childhood , how much her parents love music , how she played the piano at all our family gatherings . Ok .

  23. 15岁时,布拉姆斯便开始公开演奏钢琴,但是仍继续他的学业,既学习作曲,也学习演奏。

    At the age of 15 , Brahms began to play the PIANO in public , but went on with his studies , learning to compose , as well as to play .

  24. 持续的练习对于记忆有很大的影响,从而使人们可以熟练地演奏钢琴、背诵诗歌、甚至是阅读和理解这些文字。

    Constant practice has such as effect on memory as to lead to skillful performance on the piano , to recitation of a poem , and even to reading and understanding these words .

  25. 舞蹈钢琴伴奏教师的任务不仅仅是演奏钢琴,更重要的是将适合舞蹈动作的音乐通过钢琴演奏表现出来,从而引导学生进入到音乐的意境中,培养学生的艺术审美情操。

    While the piano accompanist plays the piano , he or she finds the most suitable music for the dance moves , and leads the students to enter the artistic conception of the music , and finally cultivates the students ' aesthetic sentiment .

  26. 在认识到夜曲所特有气质的同时,了解到这一体裁是在变化发展的,不能对其一概而论,而应该敏锐的抓住所有新的内容,为更好的理解和演奏钢琴独奏夜曲提供帮助。

    Recognizing that the Nocturne in general , its unique character at the same time , learned of the genre is evolving , not to generalize , but should be keen to seize all the new content , and for better understanding and performance Solo piano Nocturne to help .

  27. 你真该去听听她演奏的钢琴!

    You ought to hear the way she plays the piano !

  28. 她试图以更丰富的感情来演奏这支钢琴曲。

    She tried to play the piano piece with more feeling .

  29. 今晚他们正在演奏他的钢琴音乐会。

    They are performing his piano concert tonight .

  30. 查巴现在管理着俱乐部的60名员工,每个星期,他仍然会有几个晚上在这里演奏爵士钢琴。

    Chabaa still plays jazz piano several nights a week , as well as managing the club 's 60 employees .