
  • 网络Evolutionary economics;evolution economics
  1. 由于继续采用西方传统的社会自然二分法,当前的NEAR演化经济学有明显趋向狭义的态势。

    The current evolutionary economics NEAR has a marked trend towards narrow evolution because of its heritage from traditional dichotomy .

  2. 分别探讨了新古典经济学、演化经济学、STS研究和政策科学四种不同学科维度和理论视角下科技(创新)政策的研究进路、政策工具偏好及其理论基础。

    From the four subject criterion and theoretical perspective of new classical economics , evolutionary economics , science technology and society and policy science , the research route , preference of policy tools and theoretical basis of policy science technology and innovation are respectively discussed .

  3. 演化经济学研究范式的重新思考&来自现代生物学的隐喻

    Rethinking on the Paradigm of Evolutionary Economics-A Metaphor from Modern Biology

  4. 什么是演化经济学:基于学科类比的说明

    What Is Evolutionary Economics : An Interpretation Based on Comparison of Disciplines

  5. 旅游目的地发展新思维:来自演化经济学的启示

    A New View of Tourism Destination Development : Implications from Evolutionary Economics Thoughts

  6. 演化经济学对主流经济学的批判

    Evolutionary Economics : a Comment on the Orthodoxy Economics

  7. 演化经济学实证分析方法的论理结构研究

    On the Positivist 's Logical Structure of Evolutionary Economics

  8. 区域贸易协定组织的演化经济学分析

    The Evolutionary Economics Analysis of Regional Trade Agreements Organization

  9. 第五章:以演化经济学为基础的商业生态系统战略。

    Chapter 5 : With evolution economy as the commercial ecosystem strategy of foundation .

  10. 演化经济学视野下的金融创新

    Financial Innovation in the Perspective of Evolutionary Economics

  11. 演化经济学视角下的武汉市产业结构研究

    The Research on Industrial Structure of Wuhan City in the Perspective of Evolutionary Economics

  12. 产品差异化对市场结构的影响&基于演化经济学的观点

    The Effect of Product Differentiation on the Market Structure & Based on Evolutionary Economics

  13. 生物学隐喻对演化经济学的发展起着重要的启示性意义。

    The biological metaphor has a significance of revelation for the development of evolutional economics .

  14. 演化经济学的哲学透视

    Evolutionary Economics in the Perspective of Philosophy

  15. 企业进化的博弈和演化经济学分析

    Analysis on Evolution of Firm Based on Evolutionary Game Theory and Evolutionary Theories in Economics

  16. 演化经济学视角下的海南山地热带雨林区生态旅游开发研究

    Hainan Mountainous Region Tropical Rain Forest Area Eco-tourism Development Research Bases in the Evolutionary Economics Perspective

  17. 论文的分析理路是这样展开的。从演化经济学的研究理论来看,制度是自发演化的。

    The analyze process is as follow . From the evolutionary economics theories , institution evolves spontaneously .

  18. 第一章介绍了演化经济学在发展历程、基本概念及研究方法,形成整篇论文的理论基础。

    The first chapter is a introduction of Evolutionary Economics , which is the foundation of the dissertation .

  19. 早期的演化经济学关注经济学与生物学的相似性,不过并没有提出明确的经济演化思想。

    Early evolutionary economics focuses on the resemblance , but no explicit idea of economic evolution is given .

  20. 中国学者应该发挥血气方刚之气概与独立自主之精神,推动演化经济学在中国获得原创性的大发展。

    Therefore , Chinese scholars should achieve giant originated developments of evolutionary economics with their courage and independent thoughts .

  21. 20世纪90年代以后才发展起来的演化经济学将产业问题的研究建立在微观企业行为的基础上。

    Evolutionary economics , which was developed after 1990 's , is based on the micro behaviors of enterprises .

  22. 本文立足于演化经济学和信息范式对金融风险进行理论阐释和具体考量。

    The dissertation is a theoretical study on Risks and Financial Risks based upon Evolutionary Economics and Information Paradigm .

  23. 从演化经济学出发,按照比较研究的分析思路,对中间性组织网络中成员企业的学习行为进行解释。

    The modes of learning in inter-organizational networks are studied from the perspective of evolution economics with the comparative method .

  24. 演化经济学、行为经济学、实验经济学等非主流经济学的最新发展。

    The recent development of none-mainstream economics , such as evolutionary economics , behavioral economics , and experimental economics , etc.

  25. 演化经济学从个体行为的层面很好地解释了推动经济发展的深层因素。

    Evolution economics can explain well the deep factors of prompting the economic development at the level of individual behavior .

  26. 演化经济学主张用超越静态均衡分析的眼光审视和认识事物的演变历程,演化经济学的理论方法已经成为分析和描述复杂经济管理现象与过程的重要方法。

    The methods of evolution economics have been important for analyzing and describing the complicated economic management phenomenon and the processes .

  27. 与目前复杂性科学流行的做法不同,演化经济学需要发展自身的复杂性研究方法。

    Being different from the methodology of current complexity science , evolutional economics needs to develop its own complexity research method .

  28. 第三章,借鉴演化经济学的相关理论,阐述了企业演化的含义。

    In the third chapter , drawing on relevant theories of evolutionary economics , we explained the meaning of the corporation evolution .

  29. 本文以演化经济学的思想方法为指导,运用复杂系统理论,在保持企业多元化经营战略演化过程完整性的前提下,进行动态分析。

    This thesis discusses the evolution of the diversification strategy in use of the complex systems theory based on the Evolutionary Economics .

  30. 吸收演化经济学思想的演化产权理论是经典产权理论的批判性继承与进一步发展。

    The evolutionary property rights theory , which assimilated from evolutionary economics , critically inherits and further improves the classical property rights theory .