
yǎn zòu
  • play;perform;execution;play a musical instrument;rendition;rendering;noodle;give an instrumental performance
演奏 [yǎn zòu]
  • [perform;play] 用乐器表演

  • 演奏圆舞曲

演奏[yǎn zòu]
  1. 或许他还能学着演奏一门乐器。

    Maybe he could even learn to play a musical instrument .

  2. 你如果会演奏乐器或唱歌,就演唱一首歌曲。

    If you play a musical instrument or sing , make up a song .

  3. 演奏这一段音乐需要有很高的技艺。

    It is a technically demanding piece of music to play .

  4. 这个乐谱是为小提琴、中提琴和大提琴演奏而编的。

    The piece is scored for violin , viola and cello .

  5. 他们在街头演奏音乐,勉强维持生活。

    They scraped a living by playing music on the streets .

  6. 欧洲颂歌在开幕式和闭幕式上演奏。

    The European anthem was played at the opening and closing ceremonies .

  7. 如此有技巧的演奏者很少见。

    Players as skilful as this are a rare breed .

  8. 在爵士音乐会上,乐队演奏的都是新曲目。

    The band played all new material at the gig .

  9. 她是将德彪西的音乐演绎得最出色的演奏者之一。

    She is one of the finest interpreters of Debussy 's music .

  10. 她演奏得不如她姐姐。

    She doesn 't play as well as her sister .

  11. 乐队最后演奏了几首节奏缓慢的舞曲。

    The band finished with a few slow dances .

  12. 特约演奏临时取消了。

    The gig was pulled at the last moment .

  13. 她演奏的音乐太平淡乏味。

    Her interpretation of the music was too literal .

  14. 作为乐师,她演奏艺术精湛。

    As a musician , she is technically accomplished .

  15. 她的演奏富有诗意。

    There is a poetic quality to her playing .

  16. 她所演奏的大提琴颇有资深音乐家的风格。

    She played the cello with the polish of a much older musician .

  17. 她把那段钢琴曲演奏得非常完美。

    Her execution of the piano piece was perfect .

  18. 乐队再过十分钟开始演奏。

    The band are on in ten minutes .

  19. 他游刃有余地演奏了这首乐曲。

    He played the piece with effortless artistry .

  20. 该俱乐部大多数晚上有现场演奏的音乐。

    The club has live music most nights .

  21. 我在乐曲演奏暂停的间歇鼓起掌来,真是大错特错!

    I made the classic mistake of clapping in a pause in the music !

  22. 唱片的这段乐曲是乔伊∙兰顿演奏的打击乐。

    The track features Joey Langton on percussion .

  23. 这支乐曲不好演奏,到处是升半音、降半音。

    It 's a difficult piece to play , full of sharps and flats .

  24. 封套上的介绍包括本唱片中的演奏者生平简介。

    The sleeve notes include a short biography of the performers on this recording .

  25. 他们演奏了巴赫和亨德尔的几支曲子。

    They performed pieces by Bach and Handel .

  26. 幕间休息后第二支乐队开始演奏。

    After intermission , the second band played .

  27. 乐队演奏了所有我最喜欢的老曲子。

    The band played all my old favourites .

  28. 有一支蹩脚的乐队在演奏。

    There was a naff band playing .

  29. 她听到什么地方在演奏音乐。

    She could hear music playing somewhere .

  30. 她演奏了她所有曾轰动一时的老曲子。

    She played all her old hits .