
  • 网络process
  1. 化学演进过程数据的自动分辨&复杂石油样品的GC-MS分析

    Automatic Resolution of Data from Evolutionary Process GC - MS Analysis of Petroleum Sample

  2. 东道国对外国直接投资(FDI)的政策变迁是一个由制度非均衡到均衡再到非均衡的动态演进过程。

    The change of policy toward foreign direct investment ( FDI ) is a process of a dynamic change of system from non-balance to balance to non-balance .

  3. 然后,描述了LAN经MAN通过ATM网互连的演进过程;

    Then , the evolution progress for the interconnection of LAN through ATM network via MAN is presented .

  4. 目的:观察不同演进过程食管组织中DNA聚合酶β(polβ)mRNA的表达。

    Aim : To detect DNA polymerase β gene ( pol β) mRNA during the stage of progression in esophageal carcinoma .

  5. 叙述了准同步数字传送网向同步数字传送网,同步数字传送网向波分复用(WDM)光传送网的演进过程。

    The evolution of transport network from PDH to SDH , and from SDH to WDM is discussed .

  6. 而在这些激动人心的变化过程中,SIP正是其中一个重要的控制协议,深刻的参与了网络的演进过程。

    While in these stirring changing progress , the SIP agreement is precisely important controlling agreement which profoundly participate into the evolution progress of network .

  7. APRIL在胃癌病变演进过程中呈现累积和渐进趋势,可能在胃癌发生、发展过程中起重要作用,有可能成为胃癌早期诊断和抗癌治疗的靶分子。

    APRIL may play an important role in the development and progress of gastric cancer and could be established as a target molecule for early diagnosis and anti-cancer therapy .

  8. UE通过实施用户主导的开发方式,使软件系统开发和演进过程实际映射为用户的一系列定义过程。

    UE advocates User-Driven software development pattern that maps the software development activities into series of user definition procedures .

  9. 第二章详细研究了EIB网络拓扑、总线设备及总线协议规范,并对对EIB协议的发展进行了跟踪研究,介绍了从EIB到KNX的演进过程,并对KNX协议的特点进行了分析。

    Chapter 2 describes EIB network topology , bus devices and the model of EIB protocol .

  10. 第三部分集中研究基于EVA的红利计划,研究其理论上的根据、演进过程、实际操作流程和国内外实际应用情况。

    In the third Part we focus on Executive Bonus Scheme Base On EVA , research its theory foundation , its development history , its practical operation procedure and its application both at home and abroad .

  11. 结论:Caspase-8在膀胱癌中表达的下调,揭示膀胱癌的演进过程与Caspase-8有密切关系。

    Conclusions : The down regulation of Caspase-8 expression in bladder neoplasm reveals the close relationship between Caspase-8 and the occurrence and progression of the cancer .

  12. 在国际3G市场不平衡的演进过程中,除了国家政策的支持外,完善目前的风险机制、提升互联互通层次与质量,将是加速国际3G市场演进步伐的重要因素。

    However it needs a long time to startup and develop 3G market . Studying the lopsided evolving of 3G in the world , It 's thought that governmental support , perfect risk system and interconnection are the important factors to push 3G progress .

  13. 在对区域循环经济发展进行综合评价时,创新性的选用了TOPSIS法,使得评价的过程更加简洁精确。接着,对区域循环经济发展的路径演进过程进行了分析。

    Uses the TOPSIS method during the process of evaluation of regional circular economy development , which makes the evaluation process more simple and accurate . Then , the evolution path of regional circular economic development was analyzed .

  14. 目的:研究肾上腺髓质素(AM)在缺氧性肺动脉高压(HPHT)演进过程中含量的变化规律及其与ET1的关系。

    OBJECTIVE : To study the variation of adrenomedullin ( AM ) concentration and its relation to ET 1 in the development of hypoxic pulmonary artery hypertension ( HPHT ) .

  15. 美国杂志在新媒介冲击下的历史演进过程

    The historical evolution of American magazines under impact of new media

  16. 信息管理模式演进过程推动力分析

    The analysis of impetus to the evolution of information management patterns

  17. 第三部分,生态师生关系的演进过程。

    The third part of the teacher-student relationship Survey and ecology .

  18. 第三章介绍了我国高等教育成本分担的演进过程。

    The third chapter describes the evolution of higher education cost-sharing process .

  19. 前列腺癌演进过程中的等位基因失衡喉癌及癌前病变等位基因不平衡性的相关研究

    Allelic Imbalance in the Clonal Evolution of Prostate Carcinoma

  20. 人民币汇率制度的演进过程及改革走势

    The history evolution and trend of reform of the RMB exchange rate system

  21. 物质的性质是如何控制地球的演进过程的?

    How are earth processes controlled by material properties ?

  22. 战略管理的兴起,可以说是企业管理演进过程的逻辑结果。

    Strategic Management is a logical result of the evolution of business management .

  23. 从区域经济演进过程中引发的空间问题出发,将空间不匹配问题研究的重点集中于协调择业者与企业之间的冲突,弱化空间问题引起的供需不对称。

    The phenomenon of spatial mismatch is caused by the evolution of regional economy .

  24. 第二章质量追溯概述本部分重点介绍质量管理与可追溯性的发展演进过程;

    The second chapter introduces the developing process of the quality management and traceability ;

  25. 概念设计自动化系统的演进过程建模

    Modeling Evolving Process of Conceptual Design Automation System

  26. 第三部分介绍了屏山土家族招赘婚姻历史演进过程。

    The third part describes the historical evolution of uxorilocal marriage in Pingshan community .

  27. 这个螺旋式演进过程反映了现实主义和理性主义两大预算理论的竞争过程。

    It also reflects the competition between realist theory and rationalist theory in public budgeting .

  28. 在这个演进过程中,不同国家有着特殊的转型与呈现方式。

    In the process , each country has its own way of transition and presentation .

  29. 江苏省中籼水稻品种演进过程中米质的变化

    Changes in Grain Quality during the Evolution of Mid-Season Indica Rice Cultivars in Jiangsu Province

  30. 产业系统复杂性演进过程及创意产业的生成机制

    The Complex Evolving Process of the Industrial System and the Formative Mechanism of Creative Industries