
shèng cān
  • sacrament;Holy Communion;Lord's Supper
圣餐 [shèng cān]
  • [Holy Communion;Lord's Supper] 传说耶稣受难前夕与门徒聚餐,以饼和酒象征自己的身体和血,分给他们吃。以后基督教新教的大多数教派都举行仪式,由教徒领食少量的饼和酒,以纪念耶稣。这种饼和酒叫做圣餐

圣餐[shèng cān]
  1. 面对21世纪的人类圣餐中国该怎样分享

    China How to Share the Human Holy Communion in 21st Century

  2. 面包的专门名称,用于弥撒或圣餐。

    A technical name for the bread used in the service of Mass or Holy Communion .

  3. 大部分村民只在复活节的时候领受圣餐。

    Most villagers took communion only at Easter .

  4. 强迫某人做某事相当于compelsbtodosth你记着,威尔逊之死带来了可怕的报复,而现在还活着的人能够迫使你喝干下了毒药的圣餐酒杯里的残浆。

    force sb to do sth Remember the death of Wilson was fearfully avenged and those yet live who CAN compel you to drink the dregs of your poisoned chalice

  5. 礼拜者跪在圣餐台前进圣餐。

    The worshipers kneeled at the altar rail to break bread .

  6. 存放圣餐保存的圣饼的容器。

    Any receptacle in which wafers for the Eucharist are kept .

  7. 前来见证我们孩子的首次圣餐活动。

    To witness the occasion of our child 's First Communion .

  8. 参加圣餐典礼的行为。

    The act of participating in the celebration of the Eucharist .

  9. 他们否认圣餐中圣体同在。

    They deny the real presence in the Lord 's Supper .

  10. 基督教圣餐仪式上赞美上帝的圣歌或诗篇。

    A hymn or verse in Christian liturgy glorifying God .

  11. 我参加了那场仪式,但没有领圣餐。

    I attended the service but didn 't take communion .

  12. 或者你会联想到仪式、点蜡烛和领圣餐;

    Or you may think of ceremonies , candles , and communion .

  13. 与我们一同参加孩子的首次圣餐仪式。

    To worship with us at the First Communion of our child .

  14. 领过圣餐、行过涂敷圣油仪式后,他平静地死去了。

    After receiving absolution and the last unction , he quietly died ;

  15. 圣餐礼是预指基督第二次降临。

    The Communion service points to Christ 's second coming .

  16. 受圣餐的人接受或赋予权力接受圣餐的人

    A person who receives or is entitled to receive Communion

  17. 信徒守圣餐,就仿如定时到各各他山上去纪念主一样。

    The communion service is almost like a regular visit to Calvary .

  18. 她的小妹妹今天举行第一次圣餐礼拜。

    Her little sister 's making her first communion today .

  19. 如果逼我吃圣餐你要帮我吞。

    If I have to eat communion , you can swallow this .

  20. 守圣餐的态度是否正确?

    Am I right in my attitude to this table ?

  21. 圣餐指圣事中食用的面包和葡萄酒。

    The Eucharist refers to the sacramental bread and wine .

  22. 蜡烛在它们当中像圣餐台上的灯火般宁静地燃着。

    Among them , candles burned serenely like altar fires .

  23. 在基督教堂分享圣餐。

    Partake of the Eucharist , in a Christian church .

  24. 给圣餐提供面包和酒的行为。

    The act of offering the bread and wine of the Eucharist .

  25. 洗礼和圣餐是圣礼中的两项。

    Baptism and communion are two of the sacraments .

  26. 教堂邻人而建,是人们走到一起,来参与庆祝活动和领圣餐的地方。

    It was built around people coming together for special feasts and celebrations .

  27. 本主日是联合崇拜,但因牧师至海外培训,将暂停圣餐一次。

    The communion will be postponed since Pastor Chiu is out of country .

  28. 别忘了你那些圣餐用具。

    Don 't forget your sacrament kit , whatever .

  29. 用于圣餐庆典中的酒杯或酒。

    The chalice or the wine used in the celebration of the Eucharist .

  30. 牧师从圣餐台上拿起一座烛台。

    The vicar took a candlestick from the altar .