
shènɡ yuè
  • sacred music
  1. 圣乐(或作教会音乐)可以帮助信徒在教会崇拜中更亲近和经历神的同在。

    Sacred music ( or church music ) serves to help believers experience God 's presence and be closer to Him during worship service .

  2. 当我起身听到圣乐。

    I wake up to the sound of music .

  3. 唱诗班既唱圣乐也唱世俗歌曲。

    The choir sings both sacred and secular music . ballads sung by minstrels .

  4. 鄂尔多斯草原保存有大量蒙古古代音乐文化遗存,如:成陵祭祀音乐中的十二首圣乐;

    The Ordes grassland has kept great amount of the inheritance of the ancient Mongolian music culture .

  5. 世华第19届圣乐大会将于6月2至6日假马来西亚古晋市举行。

    The 19th World Chinese Church Music Conference will be held in Kuching , Malaysia from 2 June until 6 June .

  6. 器乐前奏曲一种器乐乐曲,尤被用作长作品(如一部歌剧或圣乐的导言部分)

    An instrumental composition intended especially as an introduction to an extended work , such as an opera or oratorio . To serve as a prelude to .

  7. 获得该专业学位的学生能够担当一个地方教区的“音乐家”,来领导其圣乐与宗教崇拜活动。

    A degree in this field prepares a student to serve as a musician in a local parish , providing leadership for its music and worship program .