
  • 网络Art Criticism;criticism
  1. 克劳斯教授已成为学院艺术批评界的领军人物。

    Professor Krauss has been a moving force in the world of academic art criticism .

  2. 在西洋,所谓Utpicturapoesis,“诗既如此,画亦同然”,早已成为艺术批评上的一句名言。

    In the West , there is a saying Ut pictura poesis ," As in painting , so in poetry ," which has long been regarded as an established observation in art criticism .

  3. 电影艺术批评是电影鉴赏的类存在。

    Cinematics critique is a kind of existence of film appreciation .

  4. 艺术批评不是艺术创作的裁判员。

    Art criticism is not the referee of artistic creation .

  5. 论电影艺术批评本体及其结构类型

    On the Critique Noumenon of Cinematics and Its Structure Styles

  6. 艺术批评从根本上具有一种对于人的活动的建设性意义。

    Art criticism is inherently constructive to human activities .

  7. 但同时也适用于评论、例如艺术批评。

    It also applies to commentary and , for instance , arts criticism .

  8. 后现代语境下现实主义艺术批评研究

    On Criticism of Realistic Art in the Post-Modern Context

  9. 京派批评涵盖文学批评和其他各类艺术批评。

    Beijing School criticism consists of literature criticism and other kinds of art criticism .

  10. 生动、短小的片断是浪漫主义艺术批评特有的形式。

    Short and vivid extracts are the unique form of art criticism of romanticism .

  11. 中国现代艺术批评的四大特征

    Four Features of Modern Art Criticism of China

  12. 《艺术批评写作》是各艺术院校许多专业重要的专业理论写作课。

    " art criticism " is a theoretical course which closely relate to art .

  13. 在这里,启蒙精神、现代性、现代艺术批评相互搀扶着起步了。

    Here , enlightenment spirit , modernity , modern art criticism helped each other .

  14. 建筑批评与艺术批评的同一性和差异性

    Identity and Difference in Architecture and Art Criticism

  15. 视觉文化研究与设计艺术批评

    Visual Culture Study and Design Art Criticism

  16. 这些因素共同导致了边缘批评呈现出非单纯艺术批评的特色。

    These factors resulted in the fringe criticism 's approach to the realistic literary criticism .

  17. 你或许会把这叫做艺术批评。

    You might call it art criticism .

  18. 二是关于艺术批评中的民族性与现代性问题的反思。

    The second point is the self-examination about the problem of nationality and modernity in art criticism .

  19. 上篇通过对波利特著作的研究,介绍古希腊的艺术批评观念。

    The first part studies the books of Pollitt , and introduces the ways of Greek Art critic .

  20. 第二部分:隐蔽的真理:丹纳的艺术批评观念。

    The second section : the hidden truth : Taine 's critical views , i.e. his aesthetic thoughts .

  21. 浅论电影艺术批评

    Criticism on Movie Art

  22. 阐述艺术批评对中国当代艺术发展的重要性。

    The first aspect discusses the importance of the culture criticism to the development of the present Chinese art .

  23. 在中国乃至世界美术领域,女性主义艺术批评缺乏学理上系统梳理和人类学意义上的建设性省思。

    In the art field in China and the world , the feminist lack of the research and construction .

  24. 为此,管理学、经济学和艺术批评、艺术审美等学科知识的简单运用,也需要在创意实践的过程中被重视、并通过合理的途径传播起来。

    So we need management science , economics and art criticism , art and other aesthetic use of academic knowledge .

  25. 她所提出的反对阐释、坎普、新感受力都成为了后现代主义艺术批评的支撑。

    Her " Against Interpretation ," " Camp ", " new sensibility " have become the support of post-modernist art criticism .

  26. 艺术批评学又应包括艺术批评原理、艺术批评史和门类艺术批评研究。艺术批评原理尚属空白有其历史原因,也有现实原因:能进入各门类艺术本体批评的“通才”匮乏;

    The artistic criticism theory consists of the artistic criticism fundamental tenets , artistic criticism history and category artistic criticism study .

  27. 本文分别从艺术批评的角度和艺术实践两个方面论述了中国当代艺术文化策略。

    This paper discusses the present Chinese art 's tactics from two facts , the artistic criticism and the culture practice .

  28. 对田壮壮导演的纪录片《德拉姆》的批评经常局限在艺术批评的窠臼中。

    The criticism on the documentary Delamu , directed by Tian Zhuangzhuang , was often confined to the angle of art criticism .

  29. 孔子的“兴观群怨”说和“中和之美”的艺术批评标准对后世产生极大影响,以冲突为本质特征的戏剧长期受到压抑,直到元代才出现戏剧大繁荣。

    Confucian standard of artistic criticism made great influence on the later generations , thus the drama was inhibited until Yuan Dynasty .

  30. 导致这些原因的因素有很多,其一,对于水彩创作的艺术批评、艺术理论薄弱。

    There are many factors that lead to these reasons , First , watercolor creation of art criticism , art theory is weak .