
fēng gé
  • style;form;manner;tone;touch;mode;vein
风格 [fēng gé]
  • (1) [style]

  • (2) 气度;作风

  • (3) 某一时期流行的一种艺术形式

  • 具有19世纪后期建筑风格的房子

风格[fēng gé]
  1. 她的绘画风格为其他画家所模仿。

    Her style of painting has been imitated by other artists .

  2. 这种设计后来被称为东方风格。

    This design came to be known as the Oriental style .

  3. 这件作品的质朴风格与高迪的形成了有趣的对比。

    This work is in austere counterpoint to that of Gaudi .

  4. 剧本允许她充分展现她那夸张的表演风格。

    The script allows full rein to her larger-than-life acting style .

  5. 注意小教堂里精致的早期巴罗克风格的祭坛。

    Note the fine early Baroque altar inside the chapel .

  6. 她的典雅风格使她与其他记者截然不同。

    Her elegant style sets her apart from other journalists .

  7. 这篇文章是以他惯常的洋洋洒洒的风格写成的。

    The piece is written in his usual expansive style .

  8. 这篇短文的语体风格突然从正式转为非正式。

    The essay suddenly switches from a formal to an informal register .

  9. 他们的演唱风格有点像。

    There is some similarity in the way they sing .

  10. 全城到处可见这种风格的建筑。

    You 'll find this style of architecture all over the town .

  11. 我的教学风格和多数教师相似。

    My teaching style is similar to that of most other teachers .

  12. 职工对她洒脱的管理风格反应很好。

    Staff respond well to her unbuttoned style of management .

  13. 他是位具有肯尼迪风格的政治家。

    He 's a politician in the tradition of Kennedy .

  14. 活动护窗和阳台使这条街看起来颇具欧洲大陆风格。

    The shutters and the balconies make the street look almost continental .

  15. 用型板给墙壁和家具增添些个人风格。

    Use stencils to add a few personal touches to walls and furniture .

  16. 这家旅馆风格独特,极具吸引力。

    The hotel is full of charm and character .

  17. 他的文章流露出不讨好的做作风格。

    His writings reveal an unattractive preciousness of style .

  18. 他风格高,同意那一分重打。

    He sportingly agreed to play the point again .

  19. 她所演奏的大提琴颇有资深音乐家的风格。

    She played the cello with the polish of a much older musician .

  20. 他们在这个房间里成功地把古老和现代的风格融为一体。

    They have successfully combined the old with the new in this room .

  21. 这段时间的流行风格是柔和、浪漫。

    This season 's look is soft and romantic .

  22. 他们的音乐融合了传统和现代风格。

    Their music blends traditional and modern styles .

  23. 他的衣着风格显得十分自信。

    His style of dressing bespoke great self-confidence .

  24. 这张唱片中收集了爵士乐与流行音乐两种风格相结合的精彩作品。

    The album was an exciting jazz-pop crossover .

  25. 这本最新选集既无风格,又无创意。

    This latest collection lacks style and originality .

  26. 他的浮夸风格如今听起来真是荒谬。

    His high-flown style just sounds absurd today .

  27. 曼哈顿分为几个区,风格各异。

    Manhattan is divided into distinct neighborhoods .

  28. 由于没有更合适的词来表达,我们把我们的音乐称作“后现代风格”。

    We call our music ' postmodern ' for the want of a better word .

  29. 这个芭蕾舞团采取的是介于古典芭蕾舞和现代舞之间的风格。

    The ballet company now occupies the middle ground between classical ballet and modern dance .

  30. 我喜欢他们的音乐风格。

    I like their sound .