
fēng yā
  • wind presssure;weight of wind
风压[fēng yā]
  1. PVC门窗抗风压计算新方法的探讨

    Introduction to a new method for calculating the wind pressure resistance of PVC windows & doors

  2. 温室结构风压的CFD模拟

    CFD simulation of wind pressure on greenhouse structure

  3. 应用本征正交分解(POD)技术对双坡屋盖的随机风压场进行了预测。

    The random wind pressure field of a pitched roof is predicted in terms of the proper orthogonal decomposition ( POD ) technique .

  4. 本文利用本征正交分解(POD)方法对双坡屋盖未布置测压点位置的风压时间序列进行了预测。

    Proper orthogonal decompostion ( POD ) was used to predict the wind pressure time series on the locations where the pressure taps are not distributed .

  5. 本文介绍了西门子S7-200可编程序控制器在风压平衡器自动控制系统中的设计与实现。

    This paper introduces that the design and realization of SIEMENS ' S7-200 PLC in Automation Controlling System for Air-Pressure-Balancer .

  6. TTU标模风压数值模拟及试验对比

    Wind Tunnel Test and Numerical Simulation on TTU Building Model

  7. 方法从湍流理论的基本方程出发,在一定假设条件下,根据Taylor关于湍流的冻结假定,从湍流基本方程的傅氏变换解可以导出脉动风压谱密度函数的计算公式,并考虑了全部的剪切项。

    The spectral density function of wind load fluctuation could be derived from the CFD wind average velocity and fluctuating velocity distribution according to Taylor 's Frozen Assumption of turbulence .

  8. 作用在建筑物上的风压场是一个与空间和时间相关的复杂函数,国外已有不少文献研究了用本征正交分解(POD)方法来对随即风压场进行分解和重建。

    Wind pressures acting on buildings are complicated functions of both time and space . The Proper Orthogonal Decomposition ( POD ) technique has been applied to decompose and reconstruct wind pressure fields in earlier studies .

  9. 介绍用MCS-51系列单片机设计的监测风压的采集和处理系统。

    In this paper , it is described that the application of the collecting and processing system in detecting air pressure on the basis of MCS 51 single chip computer technology .

  10. 并用ADINA软件对青岛体育馆的风压分布进行了数值仿真计算,并与风洞试验结果进行了对比。

    This thesis uses ADINA software to simulate wind pressure distribution of the Qingdao gymnasium , and compares the numerical simulation result with the wind tunnel test .

  11. 通过在时间域和频率域内比较预测出的风压与实测风压说明了POD在预测双坡屋盖风压场的有效性。

    The effectiveness of POD in the prediction of wind pressure field on a pitched roof has been illustrated by means of comparing the predicted pressures with the measured values in the time domain and the frequency domain .

  12. 结合CFD数值模拟结果对平均风压系数进行了拟合,阐述了风压系数拟合方法的准确性及拟合中应注意的问题。

    Using the CFD results mentioned above , the curve fitting of wind pressure coefficient is performed on long-span roof and the veracity of the curve fitting method and the existent problem are discussed in this paper too .

  13. 最后,本文采用Davenport谱生成了脉动风速时程,利用计算流体力学方法得到结构的风压系数,对气枕式膜结构进行了风致响应分析,得到了结构在风荷载作用下的反应特性。

    The fluctuating wind speed with Davenport Spectrum is generated , and the pressure coefficients of structure are gotten by using Computational Fluid Dynamics method .

  14. 铁路沿线50a、100a一遇的10min平均最大风速和风压都出现在安多地区。

    Whereas , the maximum 10-min mean wind velocity and wind pressure with probabilities of 2 % and 1 % occur in Amdo County .

  15. 在PIV流迹显示试验中观察到在模型上下两侧发生流动分离,后方有两个大旋涡,且在两个旋涡中间回流处测点的风压系数大于附近测点。

    In the PIV flow visualization experiment , flow separation takes place at the top and bottom edges and two large vortices behind the model that remain attached to the back of the model are observed .

  16. 通过对美国ESV规范中规定的侧风敏感性试验标准的改进,进行了不同条件下的侧风仿真试验,并将仿真试验结果进行对比,风压中心漂移的仿真数据更为合理。

    The cross-wind simulation tests are carried out under different conditions by improving the standard of the crosswind sensitivity test stipulated on the American ESV .

  17. MCY-3型风量风压智能监测仪在反风中的应用及问题分析

    Application of MCY-3 intellective monitoring instrument of air 's pressure & quantity and its problems

  18. 利用UDF功能,定义了与当地地貌环境更接近的近地面大气风速剖面函数,并将速度入口条件通过UDF接口导入至Fluent软件中,模拟得到了主厂房周围及其表面的风压分布状况。

    Using the function of UDF to define the near-surface atmospheric wind profile function , which is closer to local landscape environment , and the velocity inlet conditions are imported through CFD interfaces into Fluent software .

  19. 数值研究表明:高层钢结构的基本周期和基本风压不影响TMDs最优设计参数;

    The numerical investigation shows that the fundamental period of tall steel structure and the basic wind pressure have no influence on the TMDs optimum design parameters .

  20. 采用计算流体动力学软件FLUENT,对不同截面尺寸和高宽比的高层建筑模型表面的平均风压分布进行了数值模拟,探索了上述因素对立面风载体型系数sμ的影响规律。

    The mean wind pressure distributions of highrise building models with different sectional dimension and height to width ratio are numerical simulated by the CFD software FLUENT , and the influence parameters of wind load shape coefficient (μ s ) on the surfaces of models are investigated .

  21. 为进一步提高RAM资源的利用率并提高电力载波通信数据传输的效率,本文确定了适用于单片机系统的简单的对数据进行压缩、校准的方法,对采集到的风压数据进行压缩、校准。

    In order to further improve the RAM resources utilization and the efficiency of the power line carrier communication data transmission , this thesis identified simple methods for data compression and calibration which are useful in the SCM system , to compress and calibrate the collected pressure data .

  22. 分析比较了风压单独作用下新规范和原规范的风压修正,结果表明地面粗糙度等级的修订对10m以下建筑的空气渗透理论风压的影响较大。

    Analyses and compares the wind pressure correction of buildings with wind working alone in the new code and former code . The result indicates that the modification of terrain roughness class has an obvious impact on theoretic wind pressure below 10 m.

  23. 当风压为全相关时,LLC法得到的等效风荷载即为屋面的脉动风压,因而LLC法将用于结构整体计算和围护结构计算的风荷载公式相统一。

    The equivalent static wind load calculated by LLC method is the dynamic wind load if the wind pressures are fully correlated . Therefore , the LLC method unifies the wind load equations for main structure design and shielding system design .

  24. 分析采用SCR烟气脱硝装置后对锅炉岛的总体布置、锅炉钢结构、炉膛承压设计、空气预热器性能和设计及对引风机风压等的影响;

    The author gave a brief introduction of flue gas de-NOx technologies at home and abroad , analyzed the influence on boiler island arrangement , boiler steel structure , furnace pressure design , performance and design of air preheater , induced fan pressure header after installing SCR system .

  25. 实验表明,采用本文提出的计算Gurney襟翼高度分布的方法,可以在基本不降低效率的条件下明显提高了轴流风机的风量和风压。

    Based on this equation , a method which can calculate the distribution of height of the Gurney flap to increase flux or pressure of an axial fan is proposed . Experiments proved that the method is efficient .

  26. 介绍了1500t散装水泥运输船的水泥管道输送原理,给出了该船上压缩空气管、流化空气管和水泥装卸管的管径、风压、流量等参数的计算和选用方法。

    The paper introduced the theory of piping transportation of the 1 500 deadweight ton bulk cement barge , and provided the numeration and selection method of main parameters , such as pipe diameter , wind pressure , flux , etc.

  27. 河北西柏坡发电厂300MW火电机组锅炉回转式空气预热器存在漏风和堵灰缺陷。其原因是转子的热变形、密封片两侧压差较大、风压较高造成转子两端漏风。

    The air leakage and ash blocking occurred to the rotary air preheaters of 300 MW boilers in Hebei Xibaipo Power Plant , whose causes are due to hot deformation of the rotors , great pressure difference at both sides of the seal packings and high air pressure .

  28. 当通风网络存在固定风量分支时,Scott-Hinsley风网解算方法将风压归零误差全部集中在固定风量分支上,从而增加了风量调节的难度。

    When there exist the fixed volume branches in a ventilation network , the Scott-Hinsley method will concentrate the balance error of total ventilation presure in a circuit on the branches with fixed volume , thus increasing the difficulty in air volume adjustment .

  29. 由于原用DDZ-II调节仪表难以调节风温和风压的耦合,致使设备无法完全投入自动运行(投入率为45%-50%)。

    It was impossible to put the equipment under automatic control ( 45 % ~ 50 % ratio in put-in ) because the coupling between air temperature and air pressure was very hard to be regulated by existed DDZ II instruments .

  30. 介绍了XGS型隔爆容器的结构、安装特点、在爆风压作用下的动作特性以及由它组装成的新型隔爆棚抑制弱爆炸传播的效果。

    Abstract XGS explosion-proof tubs are dealt with in this paper including its constuction , installing features , characteristics of the action under blasting wind pressure as well as the result of suppression of weak explosion from propagating by the explosion barrier consisting of these tubs .