
  • 网络Stormy Weather;tempest
  1. 在非洲,两位飞行员与持续不断的风暴天气抗争。

    Over Africa , the two pilots struggled with continuous stormy weather .

  2. 你爱航海,尤爱在风暴天气出航。

    You loved sailing , especially in stormy weather .

  3. 为阻止苏格兰北部沿海一艘油轮的原油泄漏所进行的堵漏工作因风暴天气而告中断。

    Efforts to staunch the spill of crude oil from a tanker off the north coast of Scotland are being held up by gale force winds .

  4. 落基山中部地区会有强风暴天气。

    Strong thunderstorms back to the central Rockies as well .

  5. 一次强风暴天气闪电定位资料与雷达资料的综合分析

    Synthetical Analysis of a Severe Storm Event Using Lightning and Doppler Radar Data

  6. 浙北沿海一次多单体线性风暴天气过程分析

    Analysis of the multi-cell linear windstorm in the coastland of Northern Zhejiang Province

  7. 这种风暴天气会持续多久?

    How long will the stormy weather last ?

  8. 冬季风暴天气将影响500万民众的生活。

    As many as 50 million people could be affected by the wintery weather .

  9. 关于5、6月东亚大暴雨与北美强风暴天气气候背景的对比研究

    A comparative study of weather and climate backgrounds in East Asia and North America in May and June

  10. 尽管在事实上,我们连下周末的天气都还未能准确预测,这一点在最近的风暴天气中已经可以证实了。

    Given that we can 't anticipate what the economy will look like at the end of next week , as the recent turmoil is demonstrating .

  11. 上个月在地中海强风暴天气中发生的一次船难导致了150名难民的死亡。

    Some 150 refugees fleeing Libya are believed to have died last month after their boat capsized in stormy weather in the middle of the Mediterranean .

  12. 利用实测资料,采用有限区数值预报模式计算的物理参数,对1993年5月5日特大黑风暴天气过程形成的物理条件及成因进行了诊断分析研究。

    Based on observations and physical parameters calculated with a limited-area numerical prediction model , an analysis of a severe black storm on May5,1993 is made .

  13. 这是第一次在南海通过直接观测获取的高分辨率ε分布结果,并且这次观测是在一次风暴天气过程中进行的。

    It is the first time to get the direct continuous measurements with high time resolution in the SCS , especially under a storm weather condition .

  14. 1994年江淮地区持续高温干旱的环流特征急流次级环流对局地持续强风暴天气的作用

    The Characteristics of the Circulation Causing Continuous High Temperature and Drought in the Yangtze and Huaihe River Valley in 1994 Effect of Jet Sub-Circulation on a Local Lasting Heavy Rainstorm

  15. 本文介绍了风暴天气的天气学征,对流单体的一般特征及其发展的环境条件,强对流风暴天气的雷达回波特征,从而概述了风暴识别算法的天气学依据;

    The paper introduces the meteorological feather of storms , the general feather and development environment condition of convective cell , radar echo character of the severe storm weather , point out the evidence of storm serial algorithm .

  16. 本文应用2003年8月8~11日的欧亚环境场资料,对浙北沿海一次多单体线性风暴天气过程的发生成因进行诊断分析;

    In this paper , the Eurasia data ( from 8th to 11th of Oct , 2003 ) has been used to diagnose and analyze the reason how the multi-cell linear windstorm develops and grows in the coastland of northern Zhejiang Province .

  17. 温带气旋诱发的渤海风暴潮天气分析

    Weather analysis of Bohai sea storm surge caused by extratropical cyclone

  18. 南半球7619热带风暴的天气学分析

    The synoptic meteorological analysis on the 7619 tropical storm in the southern hemisphere

  19. 渤海湾风暴潮天气系统及风场结构个例分析

    Analysis of Synoptic System and Wind-Field Structure of a Storm Surge in Bohai Sea

  20. 一次超级单体风暴多普勒天气雷达资料的低层风场反演研究

    The lower level wind retrieval applied to a super cell storm using Doppler radar

  21. 对于风暴尺度天气系统,目前单一确定性预报仍然存在较大困难。

    For the storm scale systems , the " single " determinate forecast is very difficult at the present time .

  22. “呼啸”是一个意味深长的内地形容词,形容这地方在风暴的天气里所受的气压骚动。

    Wuthering'being a significant provincial adjective , descriptive of the atmospheric tumult to which its station is exposed in stormy weather .

  23. 秦皇岛海域风暴潮天气来势猛、速度快、强度大、破坏力强常常给人民的生命财产造成严重损失,危害性极大。

    Life property that QinHuangDao waters storm tide weather the manner is fierce , the speed is quick , the strength is big , the destructive power is strong to usually give people result in to lose seriously , and the bane is biggest .

  24. 本文使用ECMWF再分析网格点资料(ERA-40),分析了不同季节和不同高度层上北太平洋风暴轴(天气尺度瞬变扰动活动)的气候特征及其时间演变规律。

    The climatic characteristics and temporal evolution of North Pacific storm track at different levels in different season are analyzed by using ECMWF reanalysis grid data ( ERA-40 ) .

  25. 根据诱发风暴潮的天气系统特征,通常将风暴潮分为台风(飓风)风暴潮和温带风暴潮两大类。

    Based on characteristics of weather systems , storm surges are usually divided into a typhoon ( hurricane ) storm surges and extratropical storm surge .

  26. 世界银行估计,由于如这场风暴的极端天气造成的全球经济损失已上升至每年近2000亿美元,而且可能随着气候变化的加剧继续上升。

    The World Bank estimated that global economic losses causes by extreme weather-such as this storm-have risen to nearly $ 200 billion annually and could continue to rise as climate change worsens .

  27. 上帝你能不能让她平安,远离风暴;当天气寒冷,你能不能让她温暖。

    God will you keep her safe from the thunderstorm When the days cold will you keep her warm When the darkness falls will you please shine her the way ( shine he the way )

  28. 该文对15个冬季北太平洋风暴轴区域500hPa天气尺度滤波位势高度方差与北太平洋海表温度进行了奇异值分解(SVD)分析。

    Singular value decomposition ( SVD ) is conducted for 500 hPa filtered potential height variance of 15 storm track regions and the SST over North Pacific in winter .

  29. 用滤波方法得到产生强风暴的中尺度天气系统。

    The mesoscale systems generating severe storms are separated through filtering .

  30. 一次超级单体风暴中龙卷的天气过程分析及龙卷强度判定

    Weather analysis and grade determination of a tornado occurring in a single super-storm