
  • 网络Stuart Dynasty;The House of Stuart
  1. 斯图亚特王朝早期议会与王权的斗争

    On the Struggle between the Monarchy and Parliament in Early Stuart

  2. 论早期斯图亚特王朝对乡村贵族城市居住权的限制

    On Early Stuart 's Restraint in City Residence for Rural Noblemen

  3. 他的家族可追溯到斯图亚特王朝。

    He traces his line of descent from the Stuart kings .

  4. 而斯图亚特王朝国王们的政治倾向早已注定了他们的立场。

    Political inclination of the kings of the Stuarts showed their choice .

  5. 詹姆士二世是斯图亚特王朝的最后一位国王。

    James ⅱ was the last of the Stuart kings .

  6. 论英国斯图亚特王朝早期的宪政斗争

    On the Constitutional Struggles in Early Stuart England

  7. 从财政收入构成析都铎和斯图亚特王朝早期英国财政体制的性质

    On the Character of the Financial System of Tudor and Stuart England from the Point of Revenue Structure

  8. 都铎和斯图亚特王朝时期,在财政收入领域,英国财政体制完成了从中世纪王室财政体制向近代议会财政体制的转变。

    Under the Tudor and Stuart period , the characters of finance system completed its transformation from'Household Finance'to Parliament finance .

  9. 议会废黜了斯图亚特王朝,让一位荷兰商人及其妻子登上王位,成为立宪君主。

    Parliament deposed the Stuart dynasty and put a Dutch merchant and his wife on the throne as constitutional monarchs .

  10. 英国在历经了革命的洗礼和克伦威尔执政之后,斯图亚特王朝的复辟宣告英国封建时代进入到最后阶段。

    After the revolution and Cromwell administration , the Restored Monarchy declared England history went into the last feudal period .

  11. 论都铎和斯图亚特王朝时期英国财政体制性质的演变&财政收入构成角度的分析

    On transformation of the characters of finance system under the Tudor and Stuart England & from the aspects of revenue structure

  12. 这一收入构成比例表明:都铎和斯图亚特王朝早期的英国财政体制应概括为王室财政体制。

    These composing elements indicated that the financial system of the Tudor and early Stuarts should be called " Household Finance " system .

  13. 本文通过对斯图亚特王朝晚期伦敦的公共空间的研究,来探讨那一时期的政治文化的特点和模式。

    This thesis tries to study the emergence and evolution of public space in late Stuart London and its impact on English political culture .

  14. 人们传统上认为,历代斯图亚特王朝的国王以及苏格兰的玛利女王和她的丈夫达恩利都是此项运动的爱好者。

    Tradition has it that the Stuart Kings were curlers , and both Mary Queen of Scots and Darnley are reputed to have played .

  15. 都铎王朝到早期斯图亚特王朝时期是英国社会转型时期,整个社会发生着急剧变化,城市的变化尤为突出。

    The period from Stuart to Tudor was the time of transformation for British society , in which there were great changes in many aspects , particularly in the cities .

  16. 斯图亚特王朝面临的财政困境是税收变革以及英国革命的诱因,革命带给英国一个改革税制的契机。

    The Stuarts ' financial difficulties caused the tax reform and the Revolution . And the Revolution gave an opportunity to tax reform of England which brought some significant changes in taxation .

  17. 英国资本主义生产方式的确立,从萌芽时期开始,经历了几个世纪,1500&1650年(约当都铎王朝和斯图亚特王朝前期)是它发展的初期阶段。

    In England , capitalistic mode of production underwent several centuries until it was completely established . The years from 1500 & I 650 ( Tudor and early Stuart ) were the earlier stage of it .

  18. 正文主要分四章:第一章介绍16世纪以来英国的宗教发展状况,即斯图亚特王朝早期宗教政策制定的历史背景。

    The text is made up of four chapters : The first makes a concise portrayal of the religious development status of England since 16th Century , that is , the historical setting of the religious policy of the Early Stuart .

  19. 打败西班牙人不但提高了英格兰民族的自信心,而且扫除了他们通向海外殖民扩张道路上的最大障碍,为斯图亚特王朝时期英国海外殖民贸易帝国的建立和发展准备了有利条件。

    Triumph over Spaniards not only enhanced the self confidence of English nation , but also cleared away the biggest obstacle to colonial expansion abroad and thus prepared favorable conditions for the establishment and development of the British Empire of trade in the Dynasty of Stuart .

  20. 它以英国本土娱乐和宫廷欢宴活动为基础,充分吸取欧洲大陆民俗和宫廷娱乐艺术,经过中世纪后期、都铎王朝、斯图亚特王朝,演变为一种具有浓重政治和文化内蕴的艺术形式。

    It has the native English folk entertainments and court revels as its bases and takes in the European folk-customs and court pageantry and ultimately develops itself into an elaborate artistic form rich in political and cultural meanings through Middle Ages , the Tudor Dynasty and the Stuart Dynasty .