
  • 网络Art and Technology
  1. 徘徊在艺术与科技之间的服装设计

    Design wandering between art and technology

  2. 罗伯特·雷德福谈论科技。这位传奇演员兼导演与我们一起讨论艺术与科技之间的互动。

    Robert Redford talks tech. Legendary actor and director discusses the intersection of art and technology .

  3. 他能够在苹果的DNA中融入设计的敏感、完美主义和想象力,使之很可能,甚至此后几十年,都是在艺术与科技的交汇处成长得最茁壮的公司。

    And he was able to infuse into its DNA the design sensibilities , perfectionism , and imagination that make it likely to be , even decades from now , the company that thrives best at the intersection of artistry and technology .

  4. 由卡耐基·梅隆大学Oz项目组和斯坦福大学“虚拟戏剧”项目组所进行的研究融艺术与科技于一炉,具有良好的前景。

    The research carried on by Oz project team of Carnegie Mellon university and " fictitious drama " project team of Stanford University melts art and science and technology in a stove , and it has a good prospect .

  5. 尽享艺术与科技同在的欢乐&让释放负离子科技走进雕塑艺术殿堂

    Enjoying Happiness of Art Coexisting with Science and Technology

  6. 同时,我还参观了艺术与科技大厦和科学教育中心。

    I have visited some other buildings like Art and TechnologyBuilding and ScienceEducationCenter .

  7. 艺术与科技的结合&简论计算机对艺术创作的影响

    The Integration of Art and Science & Discuss How Computer Influences the Art Creation

  8. 论艺术与科技的互动

    On Interaction between Art and Science and Technology

  9. 新媒体艺术与科技漫谈

    Talks on New Media Art and Science

  10. 学校很重视体育锻炼,为学生提供了各种体育设施,室内游泳池就设在艺术与科技大厦里。

    Sports are regarded as an essential part of students'lives and the school can offer them good condition facilities .

  11. 这也再一次证明,乔布斯总是有意识地将自己置身于艺术与科技的交汇处。

    It was yet another example of Jobs consciously positioning himself at the intersection of the arts and technology .

  12. 艺术与科技是一枚硬币的两面,谁也离不开谁。

    Art and technology are two sides of the same coin , no one who can not do without .

  13. 而在中国,同样也是传统和历史的缘故,艺术与科技的交互仍是个新课题。

    While in China , tradition and history is also the reason why the interaction of art and technology is still a new topic .

  14. 艺术与科技同是人类智慧的结晶,艺术需要科技,科技也需要艺术。

    Art and technology are the crystallization of human wisdom , art needs science and technology , science and technology also needs the arts .

  15. 当马迪·沙宁在大学攻读艺术与科技学位时,电子课老师布置了一个有趣的作业:为家庭创造点什么。

    When Matty Sallin was working on a degree in arts and technology at university , he got an interesting assignment in electronics class : create something for the household .

  16. 艺术与科技的完美结合,促成了艺术创作形式与理念的变革,成为数字艺术研究以及未来发展的方向。

    The perfect combination of art and technology , promoting the change of forms and ideas of artistic creation , has become the direction of digital art research and its future development .

  17. 最后阐述了物理交互设计是艺术与科技之间的多元化的碰撞,它在交互艺术中的位置和特点,并在概念形成方面进行了探讨和研究。

    Last on physical interaction design is a wide range of collision between the machine and technology , it is in the location and characteristics of interactive art , and concept formation and research .

  18. 伴随科技的发展,艺术与科技相互融合,出现了新的艺术形式,于是互动装置就在此背景下诞生。

    With the development of science and technology , arts and technology have been integrated , and the new kinds of arts have been formed . Consequently , the Interactive Installation came into being at this background .

  19. 文章结合传统园林的设计成果,并在此基础上探讨自然与人文共生的关系,提出了艺术与科技相结合的现代景观设计的新理念。

    And Combination of tradition design achievement in the essay , on the basis inquired into the intergrowth relationship between nature and human , expound of new ideas in the modern landscape design about combination of arts and science and technology .

  20. 揉合艺术与科技,我们为客户和他们的目标观众群建立真正的互动媒体平台,令观众能利用身体和动作与客户直接沟通,经历独特的互动体验。

    Through combining art and technology , we establish a genuine interactive media platform between our clients and their target audiences , thus audiences is able to communicate with the client in body language and movements , going through an unique interactive experience .

  21. 艺术教育与科技教育有机结合的探讨

    A Discussion on the Integration of Art Education and Science and Technology Education

  22. 超大号的石制浴缸,将古代的石头艺术与现代科技想融合。

    Oversized stone bathtub merges the ancient art of stone-cutting and the most modern technologies .

  23. 受着现代艺术与现代科技双重制约的现代设计,无论怎样的发展,都无法脱离传统文化对它的深刻影响。

    In the background of modern arts and modern science and technology , modern design develops itself closely under the influence of the traditional culture .

  24. 动画是绘画艺术与现代科技的产物,带给人们丰富的视觉体验,展现了人们的梦想,令人着迷。

    They are the production of drawing art and modern science and technology . They are so fascinated because they can bring colorful visual experience to human beings and show our dreams .

  25. 故宫博物院院长单霁翔则表示:“中国传统艺术与音乐、科技的融合,正是比赛吸引年轻观众之处。”

    Shan Jixiang , the director of the Palace Museum , says : " The crossover between traditional Chinese art , music and technology , is what appeals to young audiences . "

  26. 电影已发展了100多年的历史,现在,网络又给电影带来了新的生机,网络电影正是电影这一艺术形式与现代科技的完美结合,网络能给电影注入生命的活力。

    More than one hundred years has passed since movie was invented . And now internet has brought vitality to the movie development . Internet movie can be regarded as the perfect combination of this art and modern science and technology .

  27. 计算机艺术设计是艺术与科技的美丽结合,也是21世纪高校教育的重要内容。

    Computer art design is the beautiful combination of art and science technology and it is also the important composition of higher education in 21 century .

  28. 作为科学与艺术的混合体这些富于智慧及充满创造性的作品模糊了艺术与科技之间的界限。

    As a hybrids of art and industry the works are resourceful , boundary blurring and innovative .