
yì lánɡ
  • art gallery
艺廊 [yì láng]
  • [gallery] 陈列和出售艺术品的商店,或称画廊

  1. 餐厅开幕,第一次约会艺廊,第二次约会

    Restaurant opening , Date One . Art gallery , Two .

  2. 一个艺廊的开幕式,多好的主意啊!

    An art gallery opening , what a great idea !

  3. 或许是一个跟Standard大相径庭,并且将商业艺廊和项目空间的精神结合起来的艺廊。根据协议,当艺廊开始盈利的时候,她就要开始交房租了。

    ' A commercial gallery with the spirit of a project space . ' According to her agreement , she 'll begin paying rent there when the gallery starts turning a profit .

  4. 在他退休的时候,他的纽约艺廊被弗兰克·卡罗(FrankCaro)接手了。

    Upon his retirement , his New York gallery was taken over by Frank Caro .

  5. 他说,Standard(Oslo)售出作品的75%都已经被带出挪威,当地市场从来就不是艺廊开张的原因。

    He says 75 percent of the work sold at Standard ( Oslo ) leaves the country . ' The local market has never been the reason the gallery started , ' he says .

  6. 她说:“我意识到还有空间经营另一个商业艺廊。或许是一个跟Standard大相径庭,并且将商业艺廊和项目空间的精神结合起来的艺廊。”根据协议,当艺廊开始盈利的时候,她就要开始交房租了。

    I realized there was room for another commercial gallery , or perhaps one that could have a very different profile than Standard , ' she says . ' A commercial gallery with the spirit of a project space . ' According to her agreement , she 'll begin paying rent there when the gallery starts turning a profit .

  7. 沿着胡同,你能找到Ubi艺廊(UbiGallery),这里有手工制作的高档珠宝和中国瓷器,还有Li+U工坊(Li+UWorkshop),这里的漂亮皮包和钱夹都是在店里制作的。

    Down the lane , check out the Ubi Gallery for handmade designer jewelry and Chinese ceramics , and the Li + U Workshop for handsome leather bags and wallets , made right there in the store .

  8. 90年代末,在北京开设当代艺廊的美国律师马芝安(MegMaggio)遇到了张小涛,那时他会在北京、上海及香港展示自己的作品。

    In the late " 90s , Meg Maggio , an American lawyer who ran a contemporary gallery in Beijing , met Mr. Zhang when he was showing his work in Beijing , Shanghai and Hong Kong .

  9. 埃斯佩兰萨・罗萨莱斯(EsperanzaRosales)在2011年秋天从布鲁塞尔移居奥斯陆,并且做了一件闻所未闻的事:以外行人的身份开了一家商业艺廊。

    The American gallerist Esperanza Rosales moved to Oslo from Brussels in the fall of 2011 to do something unheard of : launch a commercial gallery as an outsider .

  10. Furnesvik发现推广挪威艺术家最简单的方法就是把他们打造成艺廊经营者以及私有领域的商人。

    For his part , Furnesvik has found it easiest to promote Norwegian artists as a gallerist and businessman working in the private sector .

  11. 据Furnesvik所说,对一些类似Faldbakken的艺术家来说,他们作品的国际需求,艺廊还远不能满足。

    According to Furnesvik , for certain artists , like Faldbakken , there 's more global demand for the work than the gallery could possibly supply .

  12. 我就带一些我的影到艺廊来。

    I 'll bring some of my pictures into the gallery .

  13. 艺廊曾经授予他七声猫叫。

    Where the gallery once gave him seven cat calls .

  14. 白痴都能到学生艺廊展出。

    Any idiot could sign up for a student gallery .

  15. “十年前”,个人作品展,对比窗艺廊,中国上海;

    " Ten years ago * . " Contrasts gallery Shanghai China ;

  16. 在里面,长达20公里的艺廊收藏了数千件的艺术作品。

    Inside , 20km of galleries house thousands of works of art .

  17. 那间艺廊里展示着多幅画作。

    Many paintings are displayed in that gallery .

  18. 我跟七间艺廊联络过,显然我经验太丰富了

    I 've called seven galleries . Apparently , I have too much experience .

  19. 园艺廊有限公司专门经营户外园林设备和配件。

    Garden Gallery Limited was established in1996.We specialize in outdoor and landscape equipment and accessories .

  20. 流动的言语:当代艺术和设计,对比窗艺廊,中国上海;

    The Essence of Chinese Sensibilities : Contemporary Art and Design , Contrasts Gallery , Shanghai ;

  21. 她刚好在此次活动前在上环开设了自己在香港的第二家艺廊。

    who opened a second Hong Kong gallery in the Sheung Wan neighborhood in time for the festivities .

  22. 这堂课特点是在相关阅读资料部分有可以下载的课文,上课影片和广泛的图片艺廊。

    This course features a downloadable textbook in the readings section , video lectures , and an extensive image gallery .

  23. 对比窗艺廊致力于东西方优秀的艺术和设计创作在国际艺术圈的展示。

    Contrasts Gallery is dedicated to presenting creative excellence in art and design from East and West to the international art community .

  24. 怎样才能让从小就体验着向右滑动屏幕和超链接这类互动乐趣的一代人,对安静的画廊和艺廊感兴趣呢?

    How do static galleries of canvas and artifact engage a generation raised on the reactive pleasures of right swipes and hyperlinks ?

  25. 概要:这是一篇针对大舍建筑设计事务所在嘉定新城沿河地带设计的螺旋艺廊的观游散记。

    This essay could be regarded as an on-site interpretation of Deshaus Atelier 's ontological pursuits within their design for Jiading Spiral Gallery .

  26. 1992年由林明珠女士创立于香港,艺廊积极推广跨艺术,建筑和设计的创作英才。

    Founded by Pearl Lam in1992 in Hong Kong , the Gallery nurtures and promotes creative talents where art , architecture , and design intersect .

  27. 中午过后,大厅的数百个位子已座无虚席,后来者只好到楼上艺廊就座。

    By the afternoon , the main auditorium hall was filled with several hundred guests , and late comers had to be seated in the upstairs gallery .

  28. 在国民党掌权后,他的很多中国藏品被没收了,但他在纽约和巴黎的艺廊还继续出售他的藏品。

    His Chinese inventory was confiscated by the Chinese Communists when they took over , but his galleries in New York and Paris continued to sell his stock .

  29. 虽然艺术家、艺廊经营者乃至政府都已经向世界宣告了他们的艺术野心,但是挪威并没有出现真正的艺术收藏阶层。

    While artists , gallerists and even the government have begun to voice their artistic ambitions internationally , a serious class of Norwegian art collector has yet to emerge .

  30. 但是现在当代艺术这么时髦,所以香港的艺廊文化正在形成,人人都在养成去看艺术展的习惯。

    But now with contemporary art being so fashionable , the gallery culture in Hong Kong is coming together and everybody is getting into the habit of going to art fairs .