
  • 网络Golden Lane;Zlata Ulicka;Zlatá ulička;Gold Lane
  1. 黄金巷里的卡夫卡故居便是卡夫卡永远和我们在一起的明证。

    Kafka House at Golden Lane is the never-dying presence of Franz Kafka .

  2. 建筑群里最有趣的地方也许就属黄金巷了,也叫做金匠街或炼金术士街,这里的房屋挨着城堡的外墙,只有正常房屋一半的大小。

    Perhaps the most interesting part is the Golden Lane , also known as the Goldsmiths or Alchemists Lane , with its " half " small houses attached to the outer wall of the castle .

  3. 这片建筑群包括圣维塔大教堂(布拉格最明显的地标)、了望塔、博物馆、画廊、修道院、黄金巷以及几处宫殿,包括洛伯考维兹宫和圣乔治教堂;

    The complex consists of Saint Vitus Cathedral ( the most recognisable landmark in the city ) , viewing towers , museums and art galleries , a monastery , The Golden Lane , several palaces , including Lobkowicz Palace , and St. George 's Basilica ;