
  • 网络digital media art
  1. 数字媒体艺术以数字技术作为技术基础,传统的艺术生产工具和材料由电脑设备、数字软件和编程语言所代替。数字技术将艺术语言数字化,这也带来了艺术表现上的多样化。

    The digital media arts bases on digital technology and takes place of traditional artistic tool and materials with computer accessory , digital software and programming Language .

  2. 数字媒体艺术是通过计算机网络技术表现出来的艺术形式。

    Digital media art is shown through computer network technology the art form .

  3. 在当今的信息文化传播中,数字媒体艺术成为人们最为关注的主要对象。

    In the transmission of information culture today , digital media art becomes the most popular one .

  4. 应结合数字媒体艺术的特点,合理安排和组织教学内容。

    It mut combine with characters of numerical medium arts and reasonably arranges and organizes the teaching contents .

  5. 数字媒体艺术的勃兴离不开计算机技术的发展和普及。

    The rise of digital media art is inseparable from the development and popularization of the computer technology .

  6. 本研究共三章:首先,数字媒体艺术的概念及形成。

    This paper is composed of three chapters : First , the connotation and digital media art form .

  7. 数字媒体艺术系开设游戏视觉艺术、数字视觉特效等专业方向。

    Digital Media Art Department opens some majors such as the game , digital visual special effects and so on .

  8. 如今数字媒体艺术与我们人类活动已经密不可分,成为人类生活中不可缺少的一部分。

    Now digital media art and our human activity has been inseparable , became the human the indispensable part in life .

  9. 数字媒体艺术是相对于传统手工操作性艺术形式而言的,它是借助于数字科技的发展成果和全面支持,表现出独有的艺术风格。

    Compared with traditional manual artistic manner , multimedia digital art depending on digital technological achievement displays a unique artistic style .

  10. 针对数字媒体艺术与其它艺术形式的异同,进行横向的交叉与整合。

    Aiming at the similarities and differences between digital media art and other art forms , this paper makes a cross-horizontal integration .

  11. 数字媒体艺术作为一个快速发展的交叉学科和艺术创新领域,近年来在学术界和教育界引起了广泛关注。

    Digital media art , as a rapidly developing field of interdisciplinary and artistic innovation , has attracted educators'and researchers'great attention in recent years .

  12. 在此基础上结合逻辑分类与信息视觉化的方法,提出了一个数字媒体艺术作为媒介产品的学科框架与应用领域的模型。

    By combining the methods of logic classification and information visualization , the author proposes a theory and practical framework of digital media art as the media products .

  13. 本课程主要讲授数字媒体艺术表现元素的相关知识,包括数字媒体艺术形式、特点,数字媒体艺术表现元素等。

    This course teaches students knowledge of digital media artistic expression , including digital media , art forms , characteristics , elements of artistic expression and other digital media .

  14. 这种跨媒体的具有独特艺术形式和语言的数字媒体艺术设计已成为全球化时代人类社会数字信息传媒的主要表现方式。

    This trans-media type digital media art design that is of special art genre and language has become a major expression way for social digital information media in this globalized time .

  15. 数字媒体艺术具有创作工具的数字化、作品展示的交互性、作品呈现的多态性、表现题材的广泛性特征。

    Digital Media Art has following characters : digitalization of creating tools , interactivity of the exhibition of productions , emerged polymorphism of productions , and universality of represented subject matters .

  16. 这种尝试不但展现了具有中国民族艺术设计风格的数字媒体艺术设计,也为将来更多数字媒体艺术设计的风格创造性提供了部分实验性探索经验。

    This attempt not only shows the digital media art design that is of Chinese traditional cultural genre , but also provides some exploration experience for future digital media art design genres .

  17. 对其形成的研究是从计算机技术的发展、美学渊源、美学本性三方面展开的。其次,电视包装中数字媒体艺术作品艺术美的构成。

    The research on its formation from the development of computer technology , aesthetic origin , aesthetic nature of three aspects . Secondly , TV packaging digital media art works of art beauty constitutes .

  18. 造型与叙事的研究,对于数字媒体艺术的基础构建来说是一个必要的耕作,并能为将来数字媒体影像造型的实际应用做出理论指引。

    Study of modeling and narrating is a necessary farming for the foundation of digital media art ; it can also give the theory guide for the future application of modeling in the digital media video .

  19. 在新兴的数字媒体艺术领域中,艺术创作已不再是由设计师或艺术家独立创作完成的事情,有时参与者的加入与之不同的选择能够直接影响艺术作品的输出结果。

    In the emerging field of Digital media Design , artistic creation is no longer independently created by designers or artists , sometimes participants with their different choices join the creation will directly affect the results .

  20. 研究数字媒体艺术,必须将其置于特定的社会环境、科技发展水平以及专业角度进行纵向的探索性研究。

    To study the digital media art , we must place it in the specific social environment , science and technology development level , as well as professional point of view , to conduct an exploratory longitudinal study .

  21. 最后,对现阶段中国电视包装中数字媒体艺术作品所存在的一些问题进行了进一步的讨论,希望这些讨论结果能启发后来的研究者发现更多的研究目标。

    At the same time , to present Chinese TV packaging of digital media art creation process by which some existing problems of further discussion , hope these discussion result can inspire afterward researchers have found that more research goal .

  22. 文章以数字媒体艺术的一些重要表现与实践为出发点,探讨和认识其新的艺术倾向和审美特征,进而表述对数字媒体艺术现状与发展的思考。

    This paper discusses and researches its completely new artistic tendentiousness and aesthetic characteristics on the basis of the creation and practice of multimedia digital work of art , then proceeds to describe the thinking about current situation and development of multimedia digital art .

  23. 本研究把构成艺术作品的两个必然因素,即形式与内容提升到审美的高度,来论述数字媒体艺术作品艺术美的构成。最后,电视包装中数字媒体艺术作品艺术美的体现。

    This study of the constitute art works , namely , two inevitable factors ascent to aesthetic form and content , to discuss the height of digital media art beauty of works of art form . Finally , TV packaging digital media art works of art beauty embodiment .

  24. 数字新媒体艺术即是数码设计,数码设计CG是英文computergraphics的缩写。

    New digital media is so called digital design ( CG ), which is the English abbreviation for Computer Graphics .

  25. 数字媒体在艺术表现上具有巨大的优势,这与其技术特性和艺术表现特性关系密切。

    This has close relationship with its technical characteristics and characteristics of artistic expression .

  26. 概括的讲,数字新媒体艺术就是技术与艺术相结合制作出含有美感的数字作品的艺术。

    In general , digital new media art is the aesthetic feeling number containing art that has been produced through the combination of technology and art .

  27. 动画是门综合艺术,是一门综合了文学、绘画、音乐、戏剧、电影、数字媒体等艺术门类的艺术形式。

    The animation is a comprehensive art , is a combination of art forms of literature , painting , music , theater , film , digital media and other kinds of art .

  28. 艺术媒介的变化和基于数字媒体的艺术的普及,也使得当代以数字科技、艺术设计和新媒体表现相统一的新型艺术创作观念成为后影像时代的指导思想。

    The change of art medium and the popularization of the art based on digital media have also made contemporary new art creating concept of unifying digital technology , artistic design and new media into the guiding ideology of post-image age .

  29. 数字媒体与数字艺术概念的区分,及特征的表述。

    Digital media and digital art concept distinction , and characteristics of the statement .

  30. 与此同时,基于数字媒体平台的艺术形式愈发丰富,数字媒体艺术的创作实践如火如荼地进行。

    At the same time , the art form based on digital media platforms has been more abundant .