
  1. 从数码天空科技公司(DigitalSkyTechnologies)的尤里•米尔纳到安德森•霍洛维茨,许多投资者的投资策略,按照米尔纳的说法便是“力挺创始人”。

    Investors from Digital Sky Technologies ' Yuri Milner to Andreessen Horowitz have built their investment strategies on " sticking with the founders , " as Milner has said .

  2. 星系园计划是一项带动公众一起参与星系分类的计划,这些星系一部分由斯隆数码天空研究计划获取,最新的照片来自哈勃深空图像。

    Galaxy Zoo enlists the public to help classify galaxies found in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey , and more recently in deep Hubble imagery .