
  1. 基于神经网络的模板匹配方法求正常星系红移

    Using Neural Networks Based Template Matching Method to Obtain Redshifts of Normal Galaxies

  2. 一种基于非线性降维求正常星系红移的新方法

    A Novel Method for the Determination of Redshifts of Normal Galaxies by Non-Linear Dimensionality Reduction

  3. 离散时空和河外星系红移

    Discrete space-time and red-shifts of galaxies

  4. 本文据此说明:河外星系红移是光子在其特征力场作用下的离散运动的直接结果。

    This result suggests that the red-shifts of galaxies are direct results of photon motion in the discrete space-time under photon 's own force field .

  5. 同时对宇宙中物质大尺度结构探索中的新发现,例如宇宙长城、巨大吸引物、星系红移分布的周期性等,又对标准的宇宙学模型提出了严峻的挑战。

    On the other hand , recent discoveries of the gigantic structures in the universe , such as the Great Wall , the Great Attractor and the periodic distribution of redshift of galaxies , seriously challenge the standard view of cosmic model .

  6. 活动星系核红移分布中的准周期峰

    Quasi - periodical peaks in the redshift distribution of active galaxies

  7. 由一维流形上的红移分布数据,根据最近邻方法得到正常星系的红移值。

    Finally , the NG redshifts are obtained by the nearest neighborhood technique from the redshift distribution on the manifold .

  8. 一旦测得星系的红移,我们便可开始重建恒星形成的历史了。

    Once the redshifts of the galaxies have been measured , we can begin to reconstruct the history of star formation .

  9. 宇宙学家更倾向于红移的距离测量,计算宇宙的膨胀来判断光波被拉长了多少。这个星系的红移量大约是10.7。

    In the cosmologist 's preferred distance measure of redshift , which gauges how much light has been stretched in an expanding universe , the galaxy lies at a redshift of about 10.7 .

  10. 他们发现了GR7星系——宇宙红移7号(CosmosRedshift7)的缩写,得名于追溯宇宙中遥远物体所使用的方法。

    Galaxy CR7 - short for Cosmos Redshift 7 , after the method by which distant objects in the universe are dated - stood out .

  11. Ⅰ类赛弗特星系与低红移弱射电类星体哈勃图的比较

    The comparison of Hubble diagrams between isy and QSOs with low redshifts and weak radio radiation

  12. 于是天文学家就说星系的光「红移」了。

    Astronomers say that the Galactic light has been redshifted .

  13. 第一章简要介绍相关的背景知识,包括结构形成和星系形成的理论模型、以及如何用星系红移巡天检验这些模型。

    The first chapter provides a brief introduction to the relevant background knowledge , including theoretical models of structure formation and galaxy formation , and how to test these models using redshift surveys of galaxies .

  14. 此外,该图像部分的透镜星系出现红色-大的距离,这些星系的红移介绍,轮班其光红色部分频谱。

    In addition the images of some of the lensed galaxies appear red & the large distance to these galaxies introduce redshift , which shifts their light to the red part of the spectrum .