
  • 网络quantitative economics;Econometrics;mathematical economics
  1. 本论文选择人民币有效汇率作为主要分析对象,从实证角度回答人民币汇率变动的FDI效应及其对贸易结构各层面的影响,运用数量经济学理论进行科学的研究,找出具体的相关因素及作用机制。

    This dissertation chooses effective exchange rate of RMB ( REER ) as the main analyzing object , using quantitative economics theory , makes research on the FDI effect and foreign trade structure effect under the RMB exchange rate change in empirical way .

  2. 关于传统经济学与数量经济学融合的若干问题

    Some Issues about the Merging of Traditional Economics and Quantitative Economics

  3. 不兼容原理是模糊数量经济学的奠基石。

    Incompatible theory is a foundation stone of fuzzy quantitative economics .

  4. 试论吴文俊与中国运筹学及数量经济学的渊源

    Wu Wen-tsun and Origin of Chinese Operations Research and Quantitative Economics

  5. 运用数量经济学模型强化矿山成本利润管理

    Application of Quantitative Economics Model to strengthen cost & profit management of mining

  6. 数量经济学的内涵及前沿问题

    Meaning and Foreword Problems of Quantitative Economics

  7. 数量经济学在存款保险制度中的应用及借鉴

    Application of econometrics in the deposit insurance and its experience for reference to our country

  8. 数量经济学中的统计分析与预测方法

    Statistical Analysis and Forecasting Methods in Econometrics

  9. 传统与当下的融合。数量经济学与数据挖掘

    III . Fusion of ' Tradition'and ' Present ' . Relation between Econometrics and Data Mining

  10. 数量经济学与数据挖掘多数量性状遗传分析的数据结构

    Relation between Econometrics and Data Mining A Structure of Data for Genetical Analysis on Quantitative Characters

  11. 中国数量经济学的发展

    Development of Chinese Econometrics

  12. 传统经济学与数量经济学的融合,是我国经济学发展的必然趋势。

    The merging of traditional economics and quantitative economics is an inexorable trend for the development of economics in China .

  13. 生产绩效分析是数量经济学的一个重要研究领域。

    Performance measurement of decision-making units , which convert inputs into outputs , is a hot area in the quantitative economics .

  14. 本文介绍了二期工程的基本情况,论述了课题的可行性,说明了数量经济学硕士点数字资源采集原理、筹备工作、加工过程;

    This paper introduced the architecture of the second period of project , the possibility of the project and the preparation and collection of the digital resource .

  15. 本章是在前人关于教育投资收益分析的基础上,运用数量经济学的一些原理和方法,结合培训的实际情况创新性的提出了对培训市场进行绩效评价的思路与方法。

    Based on education investment & profit from foreman , we creatively set forth the train of the thought and method of the market with the numeral economics .

  16. 数量经济学硕士点资源数据的采集与处理是北京网络高校图书馆教学科研数字图书馆二期工程课题。

    Collection and process of digital resources for Quantitative Economics is one part of the second period of Teaching and Scientific Research Digital Library by Beijing network university library .

  17. 本文采用了目前国际上惯用的数量经济学模型方法,对我国目前商业银行在风险管理中的方法进行分析检验,把定性研究和定量研究结合起来,具有实践指导和应用价值。

    This dissertation adopts quantitative models that are relatively advanced in the world , combines qualitative with quantitative research approaches . It possesses practical guidance and is valuable in practical application .

  18. 数量经济学作为一门学科,有其独特的内涵与学科性质,本文重点探讨了数量经济学的涵义、研究内容以及未来的发展趋向和所涉及的前沿问题。

    As a subject , Quantitative Economics has its own meaning and character , this paper mostly discuss the meaning of Quantitative Economics , its development trend and foreword problems in the future .

  19. 根据数量经济学理论和资产评估理论,提出生产函数在企业资产评估中的具体运用,包括企业的整体资产评估和无形资产评估。

    Based on the theories of Quantitative Economics and Assets Appraisal , this paper puts forward the applications of the production function in the assets appraisal , including both integrated assets and intangible assets .

  20. 如果单纯使用这些方法,将使经济地理丧失在更高层次的社会哲学实践中做出贡献的机会,而成为数量经济学的附庸。

    If you use these methods alone , would lose economic geography at a higher level of social philosophy to contribute to the practice of the opportunity to become a vassal of quantitative economics .

  21. 本文基于数量经济学、环境效益评价理论与方法、工程造价理论,提出了一套关于非开挖技术的环境效益评价指标体系,为我国非开挖技术的经济分析提供了理论依据。

    Based on Quantity Economics , Evaluating Theory of Environmental Benefit and Project Cost Theory , a set of environment benefit evaluating indexes has been put forward in this thesis , which may be used for economic analysis of trenchless technology .

  22. 二是运用了数量经济学方法对中欧进出口数据与我国重要经济数据之间的关系进行了实证分析,包括相关系数计算、因果检验、模型分析等。

    Secondly , it applies methods of quantitative economics to perform empirical analysis of the relations between China-EU import and export data and significant economic data of our county , including calculation of correlation coefficient , causality test , model analysis and so forth .

  23. 宏观经济是极其复杂的特大系统,随着我国社会主义市场经济的建立,应用数量经济学方法和模型研究宏观经济状态、预测经济发展趋势,具有特别重要的理论意义和实用价值。

    Macro-economy system is a complicated huge system . With the establishment of chinese socialistic market economy , it is especially important in academic significance and practical value applying techniques and models of quantitative economics to research of macro-economic estate and forecast of economical development trend .

  24. 动物育种工作是涉及数量遗传学、经济学的一项复杂的系统工程。

    Animal breeding is a complicated system engineering involving the Quantity Genetics and Economics .

  25. 现代经济学越来越重视运用数学方法,离开了数量分析,经济学就有可能成为经济哲学。

    In modern economics , more stress is laid on the employment of mathematical methodology . Away from mathematical analysis , economics would become economic philosophy .

  26. 我国青少年足球运动员注册数量日益减少的经济学分析

    The Analysis on a Gradual Decrease in the Quantity of Adolescent Football Player Registered in China from Economic Perspective