
  • 网络history of economic thought
  1. 它是经济思想史上最重要的贡献之一。

    It was one of the most important contributions in the history of economic thought .

  2. 经济学怎样成了一门数学科学&经济思想史的一种简要考察

    How Economics Becomes a Science of Mathematics & A Brief Examination to The History of Economic Thought

  3. 作为中国经济思想史的组成部分,本论文力求客观真实地刻画中国当代通货膨胀(Inflation,以下简称通胀)理论的演变过程,这是第一要务。

    As one part of History of Chinese Economic Thoughts , this dissertation has managed to depict the evolvement of Chinese inflation theories factually and exactly .

  4. 关于中国当代旅游经济思想史研究的思考

    Pondering on the writing of Contemporary China Tourism Economic Thoughts

  5. 西方经济思想史上,自由放任思想根深蒂固。

    Laissez faire is deep rooted in the history of western economic thought .

  6. 经济思想史学科界定及研究方法的技术性要求

    On the Definition and the Technologic Requirement of Research Methodology of Economic Thought History

  7. 中国经济思想史简编

    A Concise History of Chinese Economic Thought

  8. 经济思想史:探讨高教改革中政府行为的一种角度

    The Thoughts of Economics History : a Perspective of Discussing the Government Behavior in Higher Education Reform

  9. 中国当代旅游经济思想史研究是一个原创性课题。

    To write the History of Contemporary China Tourism Economic Thoughts is a task with original idea .

  10. 社会主义经济思想史

    History of Socialist Economy Thoughts

  11. 中国经济思想史学会第九届年会综述

    A Summarization of the Ninth Fall Due Annual Meeting of Association of the History Chinese Economic Thought

  12. 建国60年中国经济思想史学科的发展

    Development of the Discipline of Chinese Economic Thought in the 60 Years after the Founding of the PRC

  13. 在宋代经济思想史上,苏轼是一个绝对不可忽视的人物。

    Sushi was one of the most important people in the history of thought of economy in Song Dynasty .

  14. 中国经济思想史研究的意义:以美国《1933年农业调整法》为例

    The Significance of the Study of the History of the Chinese Economic Thought : an American Example in the 1930s

  15. 其中经济思想史和经济学理论是涉及理论经济学的内容。

    In which the history of economic thought and economics theory is related to the content of the theory of economics .

  16. 不过,此书并非传统的经济思想史或一群大人物的俗套传记。

    However , this is not a traditional history of economic thought or a conventional string of BIOS of great men .

  17. 本文将对国际直接投资理论的演变进行经济思想史研究,在追溯国际直接投资理论的经济思想渊源的基础上,按照历史发展的线索梳理国际直接投资的演进脉络。

    Based on the tracing of economic thoughts , we sort out the evolution context of FDI theories according to historical development .

  18. 阿罗与德布鲁在50年代发展的一般均衡模型是人类经济思想史上最伟大的成就之一。

    The general equilibrium model developed by Arrow and Debreu in the 1950 's is one of the greatest works in economic science .

  19. 论20世纪上半叶中国经济思想史研究&基于学术论文的考察

    Study on the History of Chinese Economic Thoughts in the First Half of the 20th Century & Based on Research of Academic Papers

  20. 现今的经济思想史相关著述基本上属于正统经济学的编年史,这导致美国制度经济学等非主流经济学的研究传统成为一块被埋没的大陆。

    Almost all works about history of economic thought belong to the chronicle of orthodox economics in which unorthodox economic thoughts are ignored .

  21. 经济思想史是史学研究的一个薄弱环节,它是介于历史学和经济学之间的一门边缘学科。

    Economic thought history a weak point that is historiography research , it is interpose the course of a brim between history and economics .

  22. 中外经济思想史的资料表明,第二种自负对政府干预体制的形成具有更深层的作用。

    History of economic thought at home and abroad indicates that the second kind of conceit has a deeper role in the formation of government intervention .

  23. 《实业计划》中有许多值得研究和珍视的先进思想,它是近代中国经济思想史的一份重要遗产。

    There were many advanced thoughts which are worthy of studying and valuing . It is an important legacy of Chinese modern history about economic ideas .

  24. 从经济思想史及经济学流派角度探索了新型工业化研究方法的思想渊源;

    This article explores the thought origin of researching methods for the road of new-industrialization from the viewpoints of the history of economic thought and economic schools ;

  25. 亚当·斯密是英国古典时代最杰出的经济学家之一,是公认的古典经济学的奠基者,在人类经济思想史上占有重要的地位,是当代西方主流经济学的重要渊源并对马克思主义经济学产生过重要的影响。

    Adam Smith is one of the most famous classical economists , and his thought of economics has made great influence on the follows and current economics .

  26. 本文从经济思想史的角度,对改革开放以来中国通货紧缩思想进行了系统地整理和归纳,总结了这些思想的理论特点。

    The dissertation is a systematic survey and analysis of the thoughts of China 's deflation since 1978 . It is from the historic perspective of economic thoughts .

  27. 开展两者的比较研究,有利于弥补迄今世界经济思想史大抵无东亚等缺憾。

    Moreover , the study is also important for changing the situation that the world history of economic thought seldom includes the part of East Asia so far .

  28. 在经济思想史上,威廉·配第是最先认识到价值起源于一般劳动,即由劳动时间决定价值的。

    In the history of economic thinking , William Petty is the first to realize that value originates from general labour ; namely , value is determined by labour time .

  29. 不少学者已经开始或涉及到了这方面的研究,他们从不同的角度或某一方面对产业经济思想史的研究和总结做出了贡献。

    Many scholars have already started or related to this aspect . They made contribution to the research and summary of the history of industrial economic thought in some aspects .

  30. 介绍了果蔬流通企业扩张问题的由来、背景和研究意义,从经济思想史角度回顾前人关于企业扩张问题相关的论述。

    Introduce the source , background and research significance of problems of corporate expansion for fruits circulation and have a general theoretical overview on previous concerned statements on corporate expansion .