
  • 网络the principles of economics;Principle of Economics;Economics;Economic Principles
  1. 案例分析在高职院校经济学原理教学中的应用

    Application of Case Analysis in Teaching HVE Principles of Economics

  2. 阿弗里德·马歇尔用上面所引的话开始了他的名著《经济学原理》。

    With the above quotation , Alfred Marshall opens his famous " Principles of Economics " .

  3. 没有普遍适用的经济学原理。

    There are no economic universals .

  4. 本文借用经济学原理来揭示符号价值产生的过程,用符号学理论分析了nike等品牌塑造品牌价值的成功例子。

    This thesis use economics theory to open up the process of symbolic value , use symbol theory to analysis successful cases as Nike .

  5. 将经济学原理,例如边际效用、Nash均衡等引入网格资源管理之中,能够很好地解决以上问题。

    All these problems can be solved by using economic principles , such as marginal efficiency and Nash Equilibrium , in the management of resources in the Grid .

  6. 接着基于经济学原理对影响货运分布的一系列因素进行了分析并构建了货运OD分布条件选择模型。

    And then , based on the economic principle , this article analyzed a series of factors which affect freight distribution and construct the freight OD distribution condition selecting model .

  7. 根据统计数据和计量经济学原理,从云南进出口和FDI与经济增长的相关性入手,验证三者之间是否具有长期稳定关系。

    Based on the Statistics data and the econometrics principal , the paper attempted to test whether a stable relationship among import-export , FDI and economic growth exists or not .

  8. 本文依据货币经济学原理,对Bernanke和Blinder(1988)的信贷渠道简单模型做出了扩展。

    Based the theory of monetary economy , this thesis does some extension of the simple credit channel model of Bernanke & Blinder ( 1988 ) .

  9. 根据生态经济学原理,采用层次分析法(AHP),建立了黄河上游退耕还林还草综合生态效益评价指标体系和数学模型。

    According to the theory of eco-economics , applying analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ) put forward the evaluation index system and evaluation model of compositive ecological benefit of returning farmland to forest in the upper reaches of the Yellow River .

  10. 并利用了大量的经济学原理以及图例作为分析的手段。阐述了B2B电子商务可以给外贸企业带来更高的生产率、更低的经营成本、更优质的服务和更多的商业机会。

    And the article elaborates B2B e-commerce can bring a higher productivity , the lower cost of operation , a higher quality service and the more commercial opportunity by the massive economics principle and the charts .

  11. 利用需求弹性理论、公共经济学原理及健康权与专利权属性比较等方法,结合TRIPS协议和国外的相关实践,研究药品的可及性问题。

    This article aims at studying the drug accessibility and drug patent protection on the bases of demand elasticity theory , public economics principles , the comparison between right of health and patent right , TRIPS Agreement and correlated practices at home and abroad .

  12. CPU对QoS的影响敏感度一直较高,因此需要实时关注QoS与CPU的关系,本文设计了一种包括基于经济学原理的局部效用器和基于优化理论的全局效用器的调节系统。

    Due to the high sensitivity impacted on QoS by CPU , real-time attention to the relationship between QoS and CPU is required . This paper supposes a design of system including a local utility function based on economic principles and a global utility function based on optimization theory .

  13. 传统的经济学原理植根于Neumann与Morgenstern于1944年奠定的期望效用最大化原理,认为经济行为是由外在激励决定的。

    The traditional economic theory was based on the prospective utility maximum which proposed by Neumann and Morgenstern in 1944 , it considers that the economic behavior is up to the extrinsic motivation .

  14. 第二章运用经济学原理概述了投资项目经济评价的一般程序和步骤,并介绍了投资收益率法、净现值法(NPV)、内部收益率法(IRR)等经济评价的一般方法;

    The following part briefs the general procedures and steps of the investment evaluation by using engineering economic principle , and indicates some common methods , such as investment revenue rate , net present value ( NPV ), inner revenue rate ( IRR ) and so on .

  15. 本文根据农业生态学、生态经济学原理和农业农村可持续发展理论,提出了农村可持续发展的理想状态&生态农村(eco-countryside),并建立了生态农村的基本理论框架。

    In this dissertation , based on the principles of agricultural ecology , ecological economics and sustainable development theory , the ideal state of country sustainable development & eco-countryside is proposed . Moreover , the theoretical framework of eco-country is established .

  16. 讲授《马克思主义政治经济学原理》应解决的几个问题

    Some Suggestions about Teaching " the Principle of Marxist Plutonomy "

  17. 基于经济学原理的水资源可持续利用研究

    Study on Sustainable Utilization of Water Resources Based on Economic Theory

  18. 农林业自然力经济学原理研究

    A Study of Farming & Forestry Natural Forces Economics Theory

  19. 比如:1、以经济学原理分析严格责任的经济学本质;

    The nature of strict liability analyzed by economics principle ;

  20. 风景名胜区保护&公共资源管理的经济学原理

    Scenic Sites Conservation & An Economic Interpretation from the Public Resource Management

  21. 方法运用药物经济学原理对三种红霉素衍生物类抗生素治疗上呼吸道感染的方案进行成本效果分析。

    METHOD Using cost effectiveness analysis , three erythromycin derivatives were evaluated .

  22. 利用环境经济学原理,对政策的制定和完善进行探讨。

    Further , formulation and perfection of policy are discussed .

  23. 这真是一个奇妙的带有经济学原理的例子!

    What a wonderful illustration of basic economic principles !

  24. 提高《马克思主义政治经济学原理》教学效果的探索

    An exploration into the improvement of teaching of principles of Marxism Political Economics

  25. 交通拥挤收费经济学原理研究

    Study of the Economical Theory of Traffic Congestion Pricing

  26. 拥挤收费的经济学原理及应用

    The Economic Theory of Congestion Charge and Utilization

  27. 初探物流金融的经济学原理

    Study on the Economics Principle of Logistics Finance

  28. 政治经济学原理研究

    An Inquiry into the Principles of Political Economy

  29. 根据简单的经济学原理,如果什么东西定价过低,它就将被过度使用。

    Simple economics argues that if you underprice something , it will be overused .

  30. 最后分析了财政税收政策对风险投资产生影响的经济学原理。

    Fiscal and taxation policies affect the venture capital in both theory and practice .