
  • 网络externality;External;external economy
  1. 网络外部性下标准转换的CA建模研究

    THe Standard Transformation under Network Externality & A CA based Approach

  2. FDI外部性与国内就业主渠道

    The Externality of FDI and the Major Domestic Employment Channel

  3. 外部性脑积水CT诊断及与新生儿窒息的关系

    The Relationship Between CT Diagnoses of External Hydrocephalus and Neonatal Asphyxia

  4. CO2排放的国际外部性及解决办法的经济学研究

    Economics Analysis on CO_2 Discharge International Externalities and Correcting Ways

  5. 有了这个API,外部性的构件就能够请求探索,并获取关于探索资源的信息了。

    With this API , external components can request discoveries and retrieve information about discovered resources .

  6. 论高等教育外部性的含义、特征与表现等级介孔Al2O3的合成、表征及催化应用

    On the External Nature of Higher Education ; Preparation , Characterization and Catalytic Application of Hierarchically Porous Alumina

  7. 随后详细介绍了知识产权保护的四个经济学理论,分别是新古典学派的外部性理论、新制度学派的交易费用论、产品生命周期论以及《TRIPS》协定。

    Then we introduce four economics theories in details which contained the externality theory , transaction costs theory , product life cycle and TRIPS .

  8. 结果:认为外部性脑积水患儿无特异性临床表现,诊断主要是依赖脑CT的特殊变化,治疗主要是对原发病的治疗,预后一般良好。

    Results : The results of the study suggested that infants with external hydrocephalus was diagnosed by special CT shown and treated by treatment of the primary disease , mainly . The prognosis is usually good .

  9. 具有网络外部性的扩展Hotelling模型

    Extended Hotelling model with network externality

  10. 结合拉姆塞(Ramsey)定价方法进行对比分析,提出电信价格管制应该考虑网络外部性。

    In contrast to the Ramsey pricing , it is shown that the regulator should consider the externality of networks in telecom pricing regulation .

  11. 在对公路项目的社会成本效益、公路交通的外部性、公路项目使用收费标准的制定等问题进行重点研究分析的基础上,对公路BOT模式及特许经营问题可能带来的负面效应进行了研究;

    Thirdly , depends on the research of a highway item 's social cost-benefit , traffic externalities and charge standards , the negative influence existing in highway BOT model or concessionary management was studied .

  12. 发明负外部性概念的经济学家阿瑟塞西尔皮古(ArthurCecilPigou),肯定在天堂的某个地方露出了笑容。

    Somewhere in the heavens , Arthur Cecil Pigou , the economist who invented the concept of negative externalities , must be smiling .

  13. 意愿价值评估法(CVM)为具有显著外部性的生态环境服务的价值评估提供可能,但只有经过有效性和可靠性检验的CVM成果才能应用于环境公共政策与治理。

    The result of Contingent Valuation Method ( CVM ) can be applied to the environmental public policy-making based on the full testing of validity and reliability .

  14. 分两阶段讨论了中立交易平台型B2B电子商务网络的定价模型,重点分析了影响B2B电子商务网络最优定价水平的三类因素:网络外部性、网络收益和切换成本。

    Two-period pricing model of neutral B2B electronic commerce network was discussed . Factors influencing optimal pricing level of B2B electronic commerce network were analyzed , which included network externalities , network income and switching cost .

  15. 通过解决最优控制问题研究了中国水权交易市场均衡问题,求解得出水市场均衡Nash解,发现负外部性随自变量线性变化,邻近水用户之间的外部效应是递增的,而且越到下游地区越明显;

    The market equilibrium of tradable water rights in China is studied by solving the optimal control problem , and the Nash solution of the market equilibrium is obtained . It is found that the negative externalities of adjacent water user increase linearly from upstream to downstream .

  16. 本文从网络外部性的角度研究了中国移动通信产业2G和2.5G的市场竞争问题。

    Network externality stem from the bandwagon effects of the market which results in winner takes all . From the point of network economics this paper analyzes the competition in China 's mobile market which includes 2G and 2.5G periods .

  17. 基本上,所有外部性的对象都由外部性服务的getAllObjects服务获取,而每一个对象都根据前面所列出的七步来进行处理。

    Basically , all external objects are retrieved by the getAllObjects service in the external server , and each object is handled according to the seven steps listed previously .

  18. 互补性平台企业间接网络外部性和质量的动态竞争

    Dynamic Competition of Indirect Network Effects and Quality from Platforms Firms

  19. 问题与对策:浅析经济立法负外部性的利益补偿

    On the Interests of Compensation of Negative Externalities in Economic Legislation

  20. 等待并响应来自外部性服务器的更新通知

    Wait for and respond to update notification events from external server

  21. 外部性,科斯定理与最优产权结构

    Externality , Coase 's Theorem and Optimal Property Rights Structure

  22. 公共物品的外部性及对我国公共消费制度的思考

    The Externality of Public Property and the Public Consumption System

  23. 思想政治教育主体行为的外部性分析

    An Externality Analysis on the Behaviors of Ideological and Political Education Subjects

  24. 外部性系统所施加的限制条件已经就绪,必须得到整合

    Constraints imposed by external systems already in place that must be integrated

  25. 旅游开发的外部性及其内化研究

    Research on the Externality of Tourist Exploitation and Its Internalization

  26. 人力资本的外部性与我国高等教育收费

    Exterior of Human Capital and Charge of China ′ s Higher Education

  27. 论宏观外部性与宏观经济学的发展

    Macroscopic Macroscopic Observation Macroeconomic Externality and the Development of Macroeconomics

  28. 基于外部性消除的行政区水权交易方案设计

    District Water Right Trade Scheme Design Based on Externality Elimination

  29. 外部性的分类及外部性理论的演化

    The Classification of Externality and the Evolvement of Externality Theory

  30. 网络外部性与企业技术控制/开放策略选择

    Net Externalities , Compatibility and Standardization of Control / Open Tactics Selection