
  • 网络External Recruitment;external recruiting
  1. 内部晋升与外部招聘抉择的策略研究

    A Strategic Study on Choice of Internal Promotion and External Recruitment

  2. 通过有效的渠道发布招聘信息,组织实施内、外部招聘,组织、主持人员面试工作,选拔、及人员录用工作。

    Distributes recruitment advertisement through good channel , organizes internal & external recruitment activity , interview , selection and employment .

  3. 他表达了对诺基亚成功转型的信心,并强调,该公司服务业务部的3000名员工中,有不少是通过外部招聘征募的,其中包括来自苹果、谷歌(Google)和雅虎(Yahoo)的人。

    He expresses confidence that Nokia will succeed with its transformation , and highlights how many of the 3,000 staff at the company 's services unit have been recruited from outside including people from Apple , Google and Yahoo .

  4. 迄今为止,由于波尔曼先生目前专注于内部改组,如调任前北美业务总裁凯文哈维洛克(KevinHavelock)掌管联合利华全球冰淇淋业务,因此公司尚未进行高层外部招聘。

    So far , there have been no big external hires , with Mr Polman focusing on internal reshuffles , such as shifting Kevin Havelock , the former president of the North American business , to run Unilever 's global ice-cream business .

  5. 企业获得高素质的员工,可以通过外部招聘和内部培训实现。

    Enterprises can acquire the well educated staff through the external recruiting and internal training .

  6. 制药行业更多的是提拔公司内部的科学家或医学专家,而不是从外部招聘人才。

    The pharmaceutical industry to promote more intra-company scientists or medical experts , rather than the recruitment of talent from the outside .

  7. 首先,被企业招聘人员称为“开放市场溢价”的额外薪资通常会支付给从企业外部招聘来的求职者。

    For one thing , extra dough recruiters call it an " open-market premium " often goes to job candidates wooed from outside .

  8. 同时,加大投入,通过企业内部培训、外部招聘等方式,提高从业人员营销管理水平,以适应市场竞争的需要。

    At the same time , through enterprise training , wanting , and so on , improve marketing managing level , adapt to market competition need .

  9. 凯里说,他一直建议客户从外部招聘高管时至少把压力测试作为尽职调查的一部分。

    Carey says he always advises his clients to include at least a stress test as part of their due diligence when hiring executives from the outside .

  10. 猎头具备广泛的社会关系、信息网络、出色的交际技巧,把企业的外部招聘转变为彻底的商业行为。

    Search with a wide range of social relations , information network , excellent communication skills , and the enterprise external recruitment into a thoroughly commercial behavior .

  11. 企业除了在内部培养人才之外,会从外部招聘需要的优秀人才,不断为企业向更高的目标迈进提供新鲜血液。

    The enterprise in addition to the internal talent , from external recruitment needs talents , for enterprises to continuously to a higher goal to provide fresh blood .

  12. 这会你知道他们是培养内部人才还是宁愿花钱让猎头(译者注:专门负责招揽人才的人)从外部招聘人才。

    It will give you an idea of whether they like to cultivate internal talent or would rather spend their money on Head Hunters who recruit from the outside .

  13. 目前,许多人力资源主管开始意识到,他们可以从公司内部挖掘人才,接任高层管理职位,而不是从公司外部招聘。

    Instead of looking outside a company for successors to high-ranking positions , many heads of human resources are now realizing they can mine for top talent from their own ranks .

  14. 郑州和烟台的外部招聘人员及政府官员表示,富士康在这两座城市设厂的协议条款之一是,当地政府承诺帮助供应足够的劳动力。

    External recruiters and government officials in Zhengzhou and Taiyuan said that local government commitments to help supply sufficient labour were part of the agreements under which the group set up plants in the two cities .