
  • 网络external power;ups;DC Input
  1. adhoc网络的以上特点决定了其内部节点无法获得稳定的外接电源,必须使用蓄电池作为其能量来源。

    These characteristics of Ad Hoc network determine its internal nodes can not obtain stable external power supply , you must use batteries as their energy supply .

  2. 山上微波站太阳能与外接电源并行供电系统的设计

    Design of Solar and External Power Parallel Supply System on Mountain Microwave Station

  3. OTA的增益可以通过调节独立外接电源进行控制。

    The gain of OTA could be controlled by an independent voltage source .

  4. 电力由内部充电电池(圆柱形锂电池)、外接电源或USB主机提供。

    Power is supplied by an internal rechargeable battery ( lithium-ion prismatic cell ), by an external voltage , or through the USB host .

  5. Volt车是一款外接电源式汽车,可以通过常规的壁装电源插座充电,完全依靠电池电量最多可行驶40英里。

    The Volt is a plug-in vehicle rechargeable from a conventional wall outlet and runs exclusively on battery power for up to 40 miles .

  6. 该芯片还能从USB端口取电工作,无须外接电源,特别适合用于电脑的周边设备中,如MP3、PDA掌上电脑等。

    The chip could work through electricity from USB ports without external electricity supply , so it was suitable for peripheral equipment of computers such as MP3 and PDA palmtop computers .

  7. 无外接电源轻便引弧器的研制

    Development of portable arc striking apparatus without outside power

  8. 使用外接电源时启用挂起功能。

    Enable suspend while on external power .

  9. 我告诉她将笔记本电脑外接电源断开并将它的电池取掉。

    I told her laptop external power supply will disconnect the battery and removed it .

  10. 介绍无外接电源轻便引弧器的组成部分及工作原理。

    The paper describes the component parts and the mechanism of portable arc striking apparatus without outside power .

  11. 如果你想使用,而不必提供一个外接电源,充电器使用下面的电路。

    If you want to use the charger without having to provide an external power supply , use the following circuit .

  12. 下一代汽车将是插电式混合动力车,通过使用能够用外接电源充电的更高容量蓄电池来降低油耗。

    The next generation is plug-in hybrids that improve fuel consumption by using higher-capacity batteries that can be charged from external sources .

  13. 无线充电将极大地避免伤亡。在医疗领域,病人们所使用的心脏辅助泵需要外接电源,很容易引起感染。

    In the medical world , patients with heart pumps have to have electric wires running out of their bodies , which can cause infections .

  14. 箱盖上有控温系统,在恒温箱的后部是排水阀及外接电源插座。

    The box cover is provided with a temperature control system , in the constant temperature box rear drain valve and an external power supply socket .

  15. 主要特点为重量轻,精度高,结构可靠,测试不要外接电源,携带方便。

    The power meter features light in weight , high accuracy , reliable structure , easy to carry and operation without need of external power supply .

  16. 电动袖计算器不需外接电源[不论是否可编程序的(自动数据处理器除外)]

    Pocket-sized electronic calculator [ capable of operating without an external source of power , whether or not programmable ( excl. automatic data processing cachines ) ]

  17. 同时,通过导线接通外接电源,报警器,形成一个回路,实现报警。

    Simultaneously , a loop circuit is formed by a lead line being connected with an outer connecting power and a warning unit and the warning is achieved .

  18. 不需要外接电源,只需要白天有风、有光,晚上就可以为城市的道路带来光明。这样的风光互补节能路灯若在长沙主要道路上推广,将可使能耗节约30%。

    With the promotion of using wind and solar energy to supply power in the main streets of Changsha , the energy consumption will be reduced by30 % .

  19. 紧急开启功能:当电池没有权力,可以使用外接电源(电池盒)连接到插座供电,打开锁。

    Emergency opening function : When battery have no power , can use external power supply ( Battery case ) to connect to socket to supply power to open lock .

  20. 这使得它们很容易受到外接电源断电、应急电源遭水淹等“共模”故障的冲击,危险提高了6倍。

    This makes them obvious targets for a " common mode " failure such as loss of off-site power and flooding of sources of emergency power , increasing the danger six-fold .

  21. 该装置不需外接电源,而是利用被测电池加备用电池提供系统电源,解决了由于放电阶段停电而引起的问题。

    The power supply of the system is provided by the batteries being measured and the standby batteries , solving the problem associated with AC mains turning off during battery discharging .

  22. 最初的模块包括音乐播放器模块、投影机模块、外接电源模块,其中电源模块可再续航22小时。

    The initial Mods include a speaker to amplify music , a projector for displaying photos and video from the phone and a power pack that provides 22 hours of additional battery .

  23. 恒温混水阀依靠流经阀内介质的自身的压力、温度驱动阀门自动工作,不需要外接电源和二次仪表。

    Thermostatic mixing valve to rely on the medium flowing through the valve and the pressure of its own , temperature-driven valves work automatically and requires no external power supply and the secondary instrument .

  24. 与其他方法相比,原电池两步法不需要外接电源,操作简单,对环境要求不高,并且成本较低,刻蚀速度快,附着较容易。

    The characters of this method are the preparation method is simple , environmental requirements is not high , and the cost is relative low , compared with otherwise the etching speed is faster , and it also has the advantages of easy attachment .

  25. 该高压带电显示装置无需外接电源,不仅可以反映回路的带电状况,而且还能与电磁锁实现有效地配合,实现强制闭锁开关手柄、阀门等电气操作。

    This high-voltage presence indicating device without external power supply , not only reflects the charged status of circuit , but also could be coordinated with electromagnetic locks effectively , so that electrical operations , such as mandatory locking switch handles and valves , can be achieved .

  26. 直接电池供电,无需外接独立电源。

    Directly to the battery-powered , no external independent power supply .