
wài jiāo bù zhǎnɡ
  • Foreign Minister;Minister of Foreign Affairs
  1. 外交部长已成为众矢之的。

    The foreign minister has become everybody 's favourite Aunt Sally .

  2. 外交部长与中国外交部长举行了会谈。

    The Foreign Minister held talks with his Chinese counterpart .

  3. 他被认定会成为该国下一任外交部长。

    He is tipped to be the country 's next foreign minister

  4. 外交部长们经过反复讨论,已经制订出合适的折中方案。

    The foreign ministers have thrashed out a suitable compromise formula

  5. 外交部长的介入本身就是取得进展的一个标志。

    The involvement of the foreign ministers was itself a sign of progress

  6. 外交部长致电意大利外长表示抗议。

    The Foreign Secretary telephoned his Italian counterpart to protest .

  7. 俄罗斯外交部长昨天取消了对华盛顿的访问。

    The Russian foreign minister yesterday cancelled his visit to Washington

  8. 开会前,6位外交部长合影留念。

    Before going into their meeting the six foreign ministers posed for photographs .

  9. 《卫报》的头版刊登了两国外交部长的一张合影。

    The Guardian 's front page carries a photograph of the two foreign ministers

  10. 中国外交部长正在尽全力保证和平解决问题。

    The Chinese Foreign Minister was making every effort to secure a peaceful settlement

  11. 这两位外交部长在上次会面时并没有直接的言语交流。

    The two foreign ministers did not address each other directly when they last met

  12. 外交部长承认对于该国的局势他仍然颇感忧虑。

    The foreign minister admitted he was still anxious about the situation in the country

  13. 他们没有理睬他发出的出席联合国外交部长会议的邀请。

    They snubbed his invitation to a meeting of foreign ministers at the UN .

  14. 没有直接提及外交部长的拜访。

    No direct reference was made to the call by the Foreign Office minister .

  15. 许多报纸都把关注的焦点放到围绕外交部长出现的争议上。

    Many of the papers focus their attention on the controversy surrounding the Foreign Secretary .

  16. 早些时候,古巴政府曾指责西班牙外交部长的殖民主义态度。

    Earlier , the Cuban government had accused the Spanish Foreign Minister of colonialist attitudes .

  17. 突尼斯外交部长

    the Tunisian Foreign Minister .

  18. 美国国务卿和俄罗斯外交部长进行了会晤,试图敲定这项难以达成的协议。

    The Secretary of State and his Russian counterpart met to try to nail down the elusive accord .

  19. 法国的外交部长相当于美国的国务卿。

    The French Minister of Foreign Affairs is the equal of American Secretary of State .

  20. 他们在竞争外交部长的职位。

    They contested for the position of minister of foreign affairs .

  21. 这位外交部长受到首相的接见。

    The foreign minister had an audience of the prime minister .

  22. 外交部长跟美国总统交换过意见了吗?

    Has the Minister for Foreign Affairs communicated with the American president yet ?

  23. 这一职位将根据《里斯本条约》(lisbontreaty)设立,同时还将设立欧盟外交部长一职。

    The post would be created under the Lisbon treaty , which would also establish an EU foreign minister .

  24. 肯尼亚外交部长MosesWetangula说,如果不解决索马里的政治问题,海盗就永远不会从世界上消失。

    Kenyan Foreign Minister Moses Wetangula says the world cannot end piracy without also dealing with Somalia 's political problems .

  25. 英国外交部长WilliamHague回应北约的评论并称,双方现在应考虑未来的合作问题。

    The British Foreign Secretary William Hague echoes NATO 's comment and says the two sides should think about future cooperation now .

  26. 斯里兰卡外交部长RohithaBogollagama称CarlBildt可以在其他时间造访。

    Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama says Carl Bildt can visit at another time .

  27. 年英国外交部长发表了贝尔福宣言(BalfourDeclaration)赞成在巴勒斯坦建立一个犹太人的民族国家。

    In1917 the British Foreign Secretary issued the Balfour Declaration that favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people .

  28. 希拉里发表讲话之后,巴基斯坦外交部长ShahMahmoodQureshi也对好战分子传达了挑衅的信息。

    Speaking alongside the Secretary , Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi had a message for the militants .

  29. 柬埔寨提名的MohamedAlBejawi是阿尔及利亚前外交部长、海牙国际法院的领导。

    Cambodia proposed Mohamed Al Bejawi , a former Algerian foreign minister and head of the International Court of Justice in the Hague .

  30. 利比亚外交部长AbdulAtial-Obeidi告诉BBC,向利比亚派遣军事人员只会延长敌对行动。

    The Libyan Foreign Minister Abdul Ati al-Obeidi told the BBC that sending military personnel would only serve to prolong hostilities .