
jīnɡ jì xínɡ shì
  • economic form
  1. 当今中国的主要经济形式是商品经济。

    The main economic form in current China is a commodity economy .

  2. 多种经济形式并存搞活非煤产业

    Multiple economic form coextension and sending non-coal estate brisk

  3. “航空大都市”指的是城市设计、基础设施和经济形式都以大型机场为中心的城市。

    Aerotropolis refers to a city in which the layout , infrastructure1 , and economy are centered around a major airport .

  4. 网络企业&新经济形式下的价值评定

    The Value Analysis of the Dot - coms in New Economy

  5. 实现我国东西均衡发展的战略选择&对发展和培育西部地区融合型经济形式的思考

    The Strategy to Implement an East-west Balanced Development in China

  6. 就业培训对于扭转当地的经济形式是极为重要的。

    Retraining is vital to turn the local economy around .

  7. 苏北农村的一些股份经济形式

    The stock-market economy in rural areas of Northern Jiangsu

  8. 由于其非合法性存在而被视为城市里的边缘经济形式。

    Due to the existence of legitimacy being treated city border economy form .

  9. 两种新经济形式的核心动力是生态生产力。

    Core driven power of the two new economic forms is ecological productivity .

  10. 交流的频繁、经济形式的多样化也导致了许多新型法律问题的产生。

    And it also leads many new legal issues .

  11. 临泉县生态循环经济形式多样

    Various Forms of Ecological Circular Economy in Linquan County

  12. 然而,复杂的经济形式决定了宏观经济政策要随机应变。

    However , the complicated economic pattern determined macroeconomic policy should be changed randomly .

  13. 农业经济形式以小家庭式农场规模为主。

    Agriculture is based on small family-owned farms .

  14. 每一种经济形式在发展中都会遇到一些障碍和羁绊,民营经济当然也不例外。

    Every economic models always encounter some obstacles , so private enterprises are not an exception .

  15. 任何一种经济形式都与其赖以存在的自然环境息息相关,蒙古高原独特的自然地理环境决定了生活在这里的蒙古民族只能选择游牧生产生活的方式。

    Any economic form is vitally related with the existent natural environment that people depend on .

  16. 世界经济形式有利中国

    World economy benefits China

  17. 此前几日不久,奥巴马就对外宣布,经济形式与预期相比有“适度好转”。

    A few days earlier he had declared the economy to have done " measurably better " than expected .

  18. 随着现代社会高新技术的不断发展,经济形式的日益转变,人才日益成为企业最宝贵、最重要的资源。

    With the rapid development of economy and high technology , talents have become the most important and scarce resource .

  19. 但我们将把你方建议存档,以备将来经济形式发生变化时使用。

    However , we would like to keep your proposal on file , in case circumstances change in the future .

  20. 当今的世界经济形式下,贸易对于发展中国家的作用比以往任何时候都更加重要。

    Under the current world economic conditions the role of trade for developing countries is more important than anytime before .

  21. 它是我国现阶段除了公有制经济形式以外的所有经济结构形式。

    It is at this stage apart from the public economy in China outside of all forms of economic structure .

  22. 商屯是明代推行盐法开中时派生出的一种经济形式。

    " shangdun " was an economic form from the " kaizhong " of the salt law in the Ming Dynasty .

  23. 但是近几年来,对于它的研究正在减少,似乎这种经济形式已经销声匿迹。

    But in recent years for its research is decreasing , it seems that this form of enterprise system has disappeared .

  24. 涉黑涉毒涉枪的罪犯,是我国新的政治经济形式下所产生的新的罪犯类型。

    The criminals involved in gang , drugs or firearms are new ones appeared in the new situation of politics and economics .

  25. 和其他经济形式一样,按照不同的标准,创意经济风险也可以划分为不同类型的风险。

    The same as other economic forms , the risk of creative economy can be divided into different types according to different standards .

  26. 电子商务是一种全新的经济形式,它的模式主要包括企业企业、企业消费者、消费者消费者三种。

    Electronic commerce is a new economic pattern , its pattern includes business with business , business with consumer and consumer with consumer .

  27. 新的经济形式改变了原有社会阶层的力量对比,并产生新的社会阶级。

    The form of new economic sectors of society had changed the existing balance of forces , and produced the new social class .

  28. 在国际范围内,每当经济形式不好时,裁员就成为企业应对危机的重要手段。

    In the international arena , when it encounters the bad economy , downsizing becomes an important means for companies to respond to crises .

  29. 电子商务是一种以科技基础为先导的新经济形式,其科技基础可以决定自身的经济特性,进而影响到电子商务法律的目的。

    E-commerce is a new economy form based on science and technology , which can determine their own economic characteristics , thus affecting e-commerce law .

  30. 涉黑犯罪是随着我国经济形式的发展和社会生活的变化而逐渐形成、演变的新型犯罪组织。

    The gangland-related crime is a new organized crime , which forms and evolutes with the development and change of the economy in our country .