
  • 网络hierarchy;Hierarchical Relationship;hierarchical relation
  1. 亚洲员工对等级关系往往更加敏感,如果在中国内地GE现有的机构之上增加一个庞大的全球管理层队伍,可能会分散精力。

    And placing a large global team atop the GE operations on the mainland would have been a distraction given that employees in Asia tend to be more mindful of hierarchy .

  2. 或者一个女人穿入另一个女人,那也打破了等级关系。

    Or a woman would have to penetrate another woman , and that also disrupted the hierarchy .

  3. 这种等级关系通过包括(Include)依赖关系形成。

    The hierarchical relationship is modeled using the Include dependency .

  4. 描述了阿道夫·路斯在缪勒住宅中固定(build-in)家具的布置情况以及为什么可以这样布置的结构原因,并分析这些固定家具的布置对于单个的功能空间以及各功能空间之间等级关系的塑造产生的影响。

    The article describes the design and arrangement of the build-in furniture in the Villa Muller designed by Adolf Loos . The author explores the structure reason and analyses how these designs affect the single functional space and the form of the grading relationship among different spaces .

  5. 运动损伤率和性别、运动等级关系不大。

    Sports injury rate and gender , sports level .

  6. 评语言符号物质表达和心理现实的等级关系&索绪尔语言理论研究

    On the Grade Relationship Between Material Expression and Mental Reality of Language Symbols

  7. 关于水泥分散度与水泥强度等级关系的探讨

    The discussion about the relation between the dispersity and the strength grade of cement

  8. 词汇等级关系的识别是自动构建叙词表的重点和难点之一。

    It is difficult but important to realize recognition of hierarchical relationship during automatic thesaurus construction .

  9. 各个成员的权限相同,不适用于社会中广泛存在的等级关系;

    Every participant has uniform power , which isn 't consistent with different classes in the society .

  10. 歌罗西书和以弗所书已经在家庭中,建立起明确的家长等级关系。

    Already in Colossians and Ephesians they set up the household in a clear hierarchical patriarchal situation .

  11. 寺院是社会的一个特殊组织形式,其内部存在着错综复杂的等级关系。

    Temple is a special organizing form in society with the complicated hierarchical relation in the inner part .

  12. 文中描述了规范库类等级关系的设计并结合示例说明了规范库的使用方法。

    The class hierarchy of the design standard are described and the usage method is illustrated by some examples .

  13. 群体内部是由多个不同的成员群组成的,不同成员群之间的相互作用关系并非是线性的,也不是正式组织结构中的等级关系。

    Group consists of different sub-groups . The interactions within them are neither linear nor hierarchical in the formal organization .

  14. 血缘宗法制度和家国一体的社会结构进一步固化了社会尊卑等级关系;

    The consanguinity and patriarchal clan system and the social structure with family and state as one further solidify the hierarchical relationship .

  15. 法律规则之间的逻辑关系主要是效力等级关系以及部门法关系。

    The ranks of validity of rules as well as the branches of laws are regarded as the main logistic connection between legal rules .

  16. 按照离散单元之间的空间等级关系逐级向上演算实现了模拟结果的逐级空间集成;

    According to the grading spatial relationship , discretization unites were routed upwards and the spatial integration of the simulation results were gradually realized .

  17. 阅读这两个场景对话,注意它们表现出来的正式性程度的不同,以及对师生等级关系的认识差异。

    Note the differences in formality and personalness and the degree to which the students recognize the hierarchical difference between themselves and the teacher .

  18. 归纳分析:一种统计程序,即把一些事物按相互间的相似性和等级关系,整理成同类的子组。

    Cluster analysis : A statistical procedure for arranging a number of objects in homogeneous subgroups Based on their mutual similarities and hierarchical relationships .

  19. 地方教育立法形式多样,地方教育法规、规章之间的效力等级关系较为复杂。

    The aim of this article is to clarify the various formalities of the local legal system on edu-cation , and the relationship between their validities .

  20. 必须是男人和女人,因为等级关系是男高于女,所有性行为都要反应那个等级关系。

    It has to be man / woman because the hierarchy is man / woman , and every sex act was supposed to imitate that hierarchy .

  21. 明代的适用有三种形式,而清代以直接规定为主。指出在清代充军主要是作为刑名来用,刑名间等级关系明确。

    In Ming Dynasty , these are three types of application of exile , however in the Qing Dynasty the main form is direct provision of law .

  22. 那些看见其它狗就变得很疯狂的狗,它们的主人肯定没有正确的处理好和狗儿的等级关系。

    When people have dogs that go crazy at the sight of another dog , that owner 's rank has not been properly established with their dog .

  23. 狂欢节赋予生活本身一种特殊的游戏方式,它庆贺人对一切占统治地位的现有制度和等级关系的暂时取消。

    By providing life with a unique way of amusement , revelry aims to celebrate man 's temporary cancellation of the current dominating systems and the caste system .

  24. 我们可以认为等级关系是有益的:例如,英明的监管者可以通过合理、负责的方式塑造市场,公司管理者也可以引导公司避开风险。

    Hierarchical relationships can be considered beneficial ; wise regulators , for example , can shape markets in sensible , accountable ways and corporate managers steer their way round risks .

  25. 测绘学叙词表/主题词表中包含有丰富的基本关系,如等级关系、等同关系及相关关系,进行地名本体构建需要对表中的基本关系进行继承。

    The topography thesaurus includes rich basic relations , such as grade relation , equated relation and correlative relation , which should be inherited in the construction of the toponym ontology .

  26. 因此周代分封诸侯,把“宗法”与“封建(封候建国)”结合起来的做法,便形成了围绕姬姓宗族的层层“大、小宗”的严密等级关系。

    So a strict hierarchy grew up among the feudal lords of the Zhou Dynasty , based on the patriarchal clan system and involving clans to which principal wives and concubines belonged .

  27. 权力决定了领导者与被领导者的等级关系,形成控制主体与控制对象之间的支配与被支配格局,不同的权力分配模式影响着内控制度贯彻执行的效果;

    The power determines the relation of leader and member , which forms the pattern of control of subject and object . Different distribution of power affects the performance of the internal control .

  28. 概念库中,属分等级关系是概念之间诸关系中最本质的关系,是组织概念库的核心元素。图2。表3。参考文献4。

    In the concept bank , hierarchical relations are the most essential relations , and are the basic elements in the organization of concept banks . 2 figs . 3 tabs . 4 refs .

  29. 剩下的内容没时间讲了,但请注意,这种家庭中的男女,长幼的等级关系,也延伸到孩子和奴隶。

    I can 't go into the rest of this but notice how this whole hierarchy of man and woman in a household , old and young , is also extended to children and slaves .

  30. 本文通过阐述中西方等级关系的不同,分析了其对跨文化交际的影响,认为深刻理解文化的这一组成部分的内涵,是有效进行跨文化交际的前提和基础。

    Through expounding the differences in hierarchical relationships between China and the west , the thesis analyzes their influence on intercultural communication and holds that a good understanding of it is the prerequisite for effective intercultural communication .