
  • 网络contour map;contour plot;contour graph
  1. PC&1500机趋势面分折的等值线图及立体图绘图程序

    Program of drawing trend analysis contour map and stereogram by use of PC-1500

  2. 一种在等值线图上任意截取剖面的Matlab语言算法

    A matlab algorithm for slicing profiles from the contour map

  3. 基于GIS和地统计学的作物需水量等值线图

    Crop water requirement isoline based on GIS and geostatistics

  4. 酸解烃和ΔC各指标等值线图显示在调查区的西北部和东北部分布有两个地球化学异常区。

    The isogram of acid hydrocarbon and Δ C show two geochemical anomaly areas , respectively in the northwest and northeast of the survey areas .

  5. 其次,本文研究了等值线图的制作、填充、矢量图形的裁剪和基于GIS平台的显示。

    Secondly , this paper , contour map of the production , filling , cutting of vector graphics and display based on GIS platform .

  6. 最后建立了地质勘察平面图、等值线图、柱状图和剖面图四种GIS表现模型。

    Finally , there are four types of representation models based GIS , which are plan , contour map , histogram and section map .

  7. 应用SurferAutomation绘制地质等值线图

    Using Surfer Automation to plot contour maps

  8. 选取的Mapping图表示方法有:径向图、径向对比图、彩图、灰度图和等值线图。

    The express methods selected for mapping diagram are : radial diagram , radial comparison chart , color pictures , gray scale and contour map .

  9. 根据计算结果绘制了水平位移场、垂直沉降面及其等值线图,可以直观地了解地表形变信息。同时对于用GPS监测城市形变的观测和数据处理中需要注意的问题作了简要的分析。

    On the other hand , some problems on the observation and data processing method for earth surface deformation monitoring with GPS are discussed .

  10. GH平面等值线图还可以为选择GH铅垂断面图的方向提供依据。

    The GH contour map can be used to choose the direction in which the cross section extends .

  11. 应用SURFER软件绘制土壤湿度时间等值线图的方法

    Applying the SURFER Software on Drawing Topographic Map of Soil Temperature Time

  12. 在分析我国降雨侵蚀力R值区域分布特征的基础上,编制了中国降雨侵蚀力等值线图,并进行了降雨侵蚀力分区。

    Onthe basis of the analysis of regional distribution feature of rainfall erosivity in our country , con-tour map and district map of rainfall erosivity in China has been draw up .

  13. GIS技术具有信息量大,数据处理速度快的优点,做出的水系密度等值线图比较客观地反映了全新世以来平原覆盖层下地震构造及其活动的基本特征。

    Since GIS method had the advantage of large information and high calculation speed , the density isogram of water system made with this method reflects the seismostructure and its fe .

  14. 用SURFER绘制了道床板混凝土拉伸徐变等值线图。

    Draw the concrete tensile creep contours with SURFER .

  15. 基于Surfer的有限元后处理等值线图批处理程序开发

    The FEM post-processing program for batch processing of contour maps based on surfer software

  16. 又可将平剖图数字化通过程序数据换算,得到绘平面等值线图X、Y、Z三维数据,从而开发拓展了Surfer绘图软件功能。

    Through data conversion of program , the data of X , Y , Z which are used for preparing contour map in plan .

  17. 将ANSYS有限元软件包用于液压缸的结构设计。通过应力等值线图,找出薄弱环节,再应用该软件进行结构的优化设计。

    FE ANSYS general purpose software package has been used in hydraulic cylinder structure design which has been optimized when weak points found out through stress contour map .

  18. 通过对制作K值的等值线图,我们就可以定性地评价该区煤构造变形的复杂程度,K值高的地区,煤层变形强烈,微裂隙发育,渗透性好;

    Degree of complexity on structure deforming can be evaluated qualitatively through K value contour map . High K value area has great deformation , which cause rich micro fracture and good permeability ;

  19. 使用计算流体力学软件FLUENT,模拟均匀来流绕固定圆柱的流动,模拟雷诺数为20,40100时的绕流流动,得到流场的流函数等值线图和速度矢量图。

    Uniform flow around a mounting cylinder is simulated with the application of FLUENT software while Reynolds number is 20,40,100 . Stream function and velocity vector distributions are indicated .

  20. GH铅垂断面等值线图中的闭合极小值更清楚地显示出低密度体的形态及其近似深度。

    The closed minima on the cross section map show the shape of the density deficiency and can be used to estimate the depth to the reservoir .

  21. 基于开采沉陷预计的采煤区下沉等值线图不便于直观地反映矿区地形的动态变化,其图形数据结构与数字地形图存在差异,难以直接用于规划设计和矿区GIS分析。

    The settlement isoline map , based on subsidence prediction in mining area , is difficult to be directly applied to land planning in mining area and MGIS analysis due to its different data structure from digital terrain map .

  22. 在结合元素地球化学性质、区域地质背景和因子得分等值线图的基础上,根据特征元素组合来研究F的来源。

    On the basis of taking account of the geochemical properties of elements , regional geological setting and factor score isopleth map , the sources of fluorine were studied on the basis of the characteristic element groups .

  23. 本文根据中国东南部140个晚中生代火成岩Rb-Sr等时线年龄匹配的Isr值,勾画了Isr等值线图。

    Based on 140 Isr values of Late Mesozoic granitoids from southeastern China , the Isr isoline diagram was drawed .

  24. 该模型可用于湿润地区及干旱、半干旱地区。模型已在安徽省试运行,从逐日Ps等值线图看,可较好地反映干旱的地区分布及旱情的发展过程。

    The model is widely used in humid , arid and semi-arid regions and has been operated in Anhui Province and is showing dry distribution and development process in area from diurnal Ps isograph .

  25. SURFER软件是一个功能强大的绘制等值线图及三维立体图软件包,能迅速地将离散的测量数据通过插值转换为连续的数据曲面。

    SURFER is a full-function 3D surface modeling package , of which sophisticated interpolation engine can transform the dispersed X , Y , Z data into published-quality maps .

  26. 克里金(Kriging)地质绘图技术是油藏描述技术的一个重要组成部分。采用这种技术,可以绘制各种测井、地震和地质参数的等值线图,以指导石油勘探和开发。

    As an important part or reservoir description , Kriging geological map-ping technique can be used to draw various contour maps of logging or seis-mic or geological parameters for oil exploration and development .

  27. 应用Win-Surfer软件绘制降水等值线图

    Application of Win-Surfer to plotting precipitation isoline

  28. 计算结果的后处理采用VB编程实现龙口水力要素最大值等值线图的绘制;

    VB is used in the later management of the result to plot the graphic chart of the isoline of the maximum of hydraulic element ( the velocity of flow , the drop height and the rate of flow ) automatically ;

  29. 在以上分析基础上,利用Kriging内插值绘制各层深度和颗粒组成的等值线图,并分析了其空间分布规律。

    Finally , Ordinary Kriging with trend and anisotropy was applied to workout the contour map of soil particle compositions and soil profile horizons of unknown points , and their spatial distribution was analyzed .

  30. 用电荷密度拓扑理论分析了键临界点处电荷密度的Laplacian量随反应坐标的变化以及各驻点沿键径电荷密度的Laplacian的等值线图。

    Laplacian of the electronic charge density at bond critical point along reaction coordinates and isoline of Laplacian of electronic charge density in stationary points are studied by topological theory of electron density .